Which one is objectively better for gainz?
Bread vs Rice
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neither eat oatmeal
who cares
I sincerely hope none of you retards actually eat that. Enjoy staying dyel.
Eat milk and meat
ditch the bread
you weak chink
Both are good, eat whatever fits your macros. I think quinoa is the most nutritious of all ricelike foods, most athletes prefer rice because it's easy to digest and is cheap and light on calories. Ignore keto retards, carbs are important.
Lots of rice and some whole grain bread for godlike shits.
>eat whatever fits your macros
>rice and bread have same macros
what did he mean by this?
carb for carb white rice is easier to eat and digest
but bread is so much more convenient
t actual dyel
soaks up the chicken juice for convenience
So guys my daily foods consists of 3 boiled eggs in the morning, either fried chicken or spam with 3 cups of rice in meals, then 4 slices of bread and 1 cup of milk and another fried chicken or spam with 3 cups of rice.
What do you guys think ? Is this enough protein ? I'm 55kg btw
how about saying how much chicken dumbass
1 chicken leg or breast and 3 slices of spam
yea it's way too much protein
Bread for immediate energy
rice for sustained energy
Neither eat fruit raypeat.com
they are the same thing
i really don't know if this answers are sarcastic
only DYELs care about shit like this, food is food
you're 55kg. with 2g/kg you need 110g protons. 2 chicken breasts are like 140, plus another 20 for the eggs, and misc protons it's like 180g. eating too many protons is detrimental as you could fill it with carbs instead which are less inflammatory and don't keep you full as much.
What do I eat that's like rice but gives me more energy?
Like any rice variations
LARP harder
What's he larping as?
Wheat is shit on the digestive track and is a refined carb.
Oatmeal is terminally gas inducing, that's a no in my book.
Modern fruit is hyper sweetened compared to the stuff the ancestors ate. Natural fruit that's not gene sliced by corporations will have a slight sweetness to it, but a lot more bitter. The nutritional value is also hands down superior to the garbage produced by agro-chemical operations.
Fructose is also a huge issue for fat adapted people, because it jams the procession of gluconeogenesis and anecdotally a person will experience a savage energy crash eating any small amount of it, even raw honey.
based but reddit spacing
I'm confused whether to call you a faggot or not