Tfw no giant gf to spot me

>tfw no giant gf to spot me
Why live

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>30 lb plates

it's japanese right, they use metric. He's lifting 80kg (including the bar)

>including the bar
Haha wait don't tell me Zig Forums counts the bar?

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If you weight yourself, do you not count your legs

everyone counts the bar you retard.

he was baiting

what about the effects of lifting over sea level?
you also count that?

100% of the time it works every time

I'm a tall girl and it's the absolute worst. Why can't I just be smoll like other girls?

>He lifts over sea level

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ik ook!
ik ook!

In Zig Forums's case, that is basically subtracting by zero

>including the bar
You're being sarcastic, right?

Uhh.. you do substracts the effects of moon's gravitational pull, right anons?

poast thighs

It only bothers you.


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how come none of the image searches find anything?

B-but user my thighs aren't very good, I need to consume more var

Yeh seen you in the other thread, saved this.

Fucking brainlets thinking they are above others because they "don't count the bar"
You're supposed to SUBTRACT the bar obviously.
You usually have both your hands on the bar, and the bar is the one holding the weights for you, you dont put the plates on your hands do you?
No, so you must subtract the 20kgs of the bar from the lift.

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Based and barpilled

Sauce on the right.

finally someone who gets it

she reminds me of june lovejoy

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Just give source already

The true power of autism.

Seishun Pop, I believe. Also, nice numerals.

>including the bar
do your bf also goes balls deep inside you? fucking faggot

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No you idiot, no. A 20kg bar is perfectly balanced so you don't have to count it in your lifts. Or do you perform all your lifts grabbing the bar vertically? Oh wait, do you add up 10-ish pounds to your dumbbell curl? Oh and I presume you also count your bodyweight in calisthenics, do you? No, all of that is ego bullshit. Do you want to inflate your lifts so much? THEN ADD LMAO1/2PL8S ON EACH SIDE. If you, yes, you, if you consider the bar to be "heavy" enough to count it, then you're a fucking DYEL with a two digits diddly and NOOTHING, other than adding real weights to the bar, will change it.

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That's clearly a very short 30mm bar. He's lifting 68 kg at best.

>huh, im actually really smart and i was only pretending to be retarded. yes you heard that right I was just baiting. yup.

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That looks like a standard bar, not an Olympic, so it's actually less than that.

based & brutallyhonestpilled