Post biceps skeleton bros.
Post biceps skeleton bros
Super skelly here, I need to eat more ahhhh
Greetings fellow high elf brothers. I return from my pilgrimage to the Dwarven mines with good news and tidings. The magic to getting swole is simple, seek out the Gym Wizard at his alchemy shop “Ye Ole GNC” and combine the tonic whey, casein, and BCAA 20 minutes after exercise. Your Brotein macros should be .8 * the lean mass you want in LBS daily. Eat lean, but at least 2500 calories a day. Complex carbs only, net carbs are the devil. There are high calorie healthy foods like almonds that are an elves best friend.
I must return to the mines now, be kind to the Dwarves. For they may lack our stature, they are true frens.
Thank you hungry skeleton
Man you're massive. Keep doing what you doing. What's your arm routine?
howdy fellow skeletors
Nice hair cut
>didn't cut hair in 3 months
uh, bruh
Heading out to the gym, bros
Still a bit thin
Needs more definition but nice mass
Nice vascularity
Whats your opinion bros? I got huge ass legs, calfes and back. My arms are lackin compared to my torso
Dam dude where did your armpit go?
No work, no class, chill rest day finishing up some coursework
haha black word
T-thanks, you too
same but rest of the week.. nice inserts but whats wrong with your skin
same iam torso dominant too my legs and arms are skinny too
Imagine the smell
Watch out for me the next time you are at the gym
Skelly, eat more
Skelly, eat more
Skelly, eat more
Skelly, eat more
Skelly, eat more
Skelly, eat more
Skelly, eat more
Skelly, eat more
Skelly, eat more
Skelly, eat more
Skelly, eat more
Skelly, eat more
I started at 6'0" and 120lbs, and now I'm 160lbs. Am I going to make it?
that is a pretty weak bicep for a person who workout and is 80 kg
Skelly here only 2 months at the gym im also 15 years old.
Do you guys have any tips to me?
underage b& MODS MODS MODS
This skelly is always hungry
6'4 190lb
Facking phone rotated it. Shit
lmao are you high???
God I wish. It just keeps rotating itself back for whatever reason. Lol