Do roids

>do roids
>become a sick cunt
>do tons of coke
>fuck tons of dimes
>inspire a generation
>die before reality sets in
>never experience life sucking
Natty lifting is a joke

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You can get his physique natty. Especially in that picture.

Not easy but doable.

Literally the whole point is roiding and drugs makes everything easy and kills you before stuff turns to shit

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>Not having kids and passing on your genes

Missing out the entire purpose of life

Natty literally looks like you don’t even lift

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According to Nietzsche's concept of Eternal Return, Zyzz will experience his rise and epic LOLzors and fucking bitches over and over again for eternity

So is your life if you idolize this hoverhanding loser.

Lol ya my life is a joke because I lift and don't roid and am chronically depressed. Zyzz lived the perfect life

>Living to have kids so they can live to have kids so they can live to have kids...
What's the point? Fuck bitches do coke die before reality sets in

>be roidcel
>fuck whores
>do drugs
>die young
what a life! truly inspirational

>fuck whores

>inspire a generation

Lol ya. He gave millennials a star in the sky to follow. Can't wait for his spawn to grow up. The sick cunts will rise again

>not wanting your descendants to conolize planets and rape qt alien women, having your dna reach the limits of the cosmos

t. dyel

He looks ill

post body.

imagine thinking this. Not my fault that you don't eat and train properly

Absolute geek


Upload a picture of your physique so I can judge your replies with that in mind

you mean sick, brah. He's sick as fuck.

No, natty looks like YOU don't even lift, you specifically.
>muh drugs and whores
You know a lot of people actually enjoy life right? You sound like a fucking loser.
Depression and hedonism together is a BAD combination.

Honestly coke is the only reason I haven't an hero

Fuck officials

>You can get his physique natty. Especially in that picture.
>Not easy but doable.

Spot the overly-optimistic noob.

What's with all of the "natty lifting is a joke" threads? Are you the same retard that larps posting underaged girls pictures?

Your picrel is during his twink/dyel era tho.

Is this really the new bait? Why dou you guys always fall for something that retarded? First and last time I bump a weak bait thread

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WHat a loser

>Be ugly pajeet
>Cope by roiding like a motherfucker to look like that lmfao
>Only ever experience the shallowest, sluttiest of women, which are those party bimbos that go to ibiza and stuff
>Degenerate drug abuse
>Die from a heart attack at fucking 22 years old. You're still half a child at that age
>Into the trash goes all of his dreams in life
I guess each generation has the fitness icon it deserves.

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