Starting THICC
Starting THICC
just like the memes foretold...
what's the point of lifting heavy if you look like that
To lift
>squatting bw for 2 reps
>xxxxxl cardilloUSA lifting belt
>söy beard and hair
>not ipf regulated and approved knee sleeves
>those sneakers
I thought reddit hated SS? Before I got banned and had my account suspended all anybody did was shit on SS and praise 5/3/1
that's barely 1.5x bodyweight
5pl8 is a good squat, I don't care how much you weigh.
It's not though. The fatter you are the easier the three powerlifts become because you have less ROM.
That's why powerlifting is a total joke, it's just a race to who can get the fattest and win through having the least ROM.
>now this is bloatmaxxing!
To cope
OHP and bench ROM are hardly affected unless you're insanely fat.
being fat is detrimental to the deadlift
Every little inch helps.
Ey nigga you know there's weight classes right? Majority of powerlifters are pretty lean or atleast jacked for their weight
Also if you take the Powerlifting model of training (ie; being strong as possible in the big 3) while also being mindful of leanness ,then it's a great sport. Just cause reddit and instagram powerlifters are bloatlords doesn't you have to be to be strong. If you aren't competing then there's really no point in trying to as big as a powerlifter. Just get a big bench,squat and deadlift relative to how fat you are willing to get. A 2x Bodyweight lift is a 2x bodyweight lift no matter how big your body weight is.
Pic is Doug Young .
I definitely think it's a better training model for naturals than bodybuilding since as long as you keep your diet in check you can look good and be decently strong just make sure to do your accessories also your hypertrophy phase
exactly. What's the point of lifting 300kg if you weight 230kg. That's like 1.3x your bw.
I hereby vote to make powershitting illegal. All those in agreement say "C'MONN"
>be mega fat
>decide to work out
>do squats
>realize you can squat 50% more than most people because you're mega fat
>do low level powerlifting because it's the only thing you're good at while being fat and the only thing that requires you to be fat
Simple as
It's always fat people that go full superheavyweight powerlifter. I've never seen skinny gamers go from skelly to needing a cpap machine to sleep. However, I still think the roiding legends look good in that "powerful" way, like JM Blakely or Eric Spoto. I would love to look like this.
They banned it from r/fitness & r/weightroom because Rip is vocally right wing and the SL guy is an asshole. They ironically suggest GSLP which is almost the same thing and is not "more volume" even with that useless amrap. lvysaur is dyel and they made Phrak a VIP even though he just a sub 1/2/3/4 novice who copied a routine from a book and doesn't even lift anymore. It's a shit show there.
>body weight squats are hard
fucking powershitters man
>realize you can squat 50% more than most people because you're mega fat
Does fat give you powers or something?
Fat makes the ROM smaller, gives extra cushion and allows for their guts to bounce of their fat thighs.
The fat is also a reason why their diddly is usually lower than their squat, makes getting into position really hard.
I mean you literally train by carrying your fat body around too
If you're fat you're squatting heavy every time you have to get up, srs though if you're fat the barbell is a smaller percentage of your body weight
Same for bench. They basically do board press because their back fat and man tits cut the ROM so much
You’re a fucking retard who doesn’t understand weight classes
505 is heavy ass weight and impressive as fuck. Only the r9k faggots and dyels will disagree.
>bodyweight squat
Post body
Are you sure lvysaur is a dyel? I saw a picture and he looked good (but if he is on steroids I will retract that statement)