Post your home gyms frens
Anything I should add to mine?
Post your home gyms frens
Anything I should add to mine?
You need a second sword
Looks good but I can see something there you could lose
I have a pull up bar, a boxing bag, and 88 lbs worth of plates for dumbbells
How do I train my legs with that little weight?
Collapsed on me and took out my heater
goblin squats, lunges, and calf raises
With some slight modifications your cat friend can enjoy the rack as well.
did you really think you didn’t need to weigh down the chairs?
More stable, worked quite well desu
Proper setup
Rate mine too. Just got it together sick of gyms being closed on and off
very inspiring user
I’m planning on selling the weight tree if that’s what you mean. Rogue has been dragging its ass on a shipment of two more weight holding bars for my rack so I don’t want to get rid of it yet
perfect set up user, maybe more dumbbells 9/10
I think he's talking about the hex bar. It's a known satanic device and we don't want you to be damned for all eternity, brother.
Got the same rack. Why didn't you install the L brackets you brainlet?
Lol no I mean ur vaginity OP, I can see it sitting right there on the bench
>not getting a test boost from the gym cat during your workout
What are you even doing??
when are you gonna get an oly bar and weights?
I have the same rack + lat pulldown attachment
I can't believe how cheap having your own gym is, the rack + 300 lbs set + barbell + treadmill + a decent bench cost me under 2k
There are people who pay more than that for a laptop
My gaming rig cost me more than that in fact and I don't even play video games that much, maybe once every 2 weeks for 2 hours whereas I use my home gym daily
I'd love to but covids fucked everything
cause im a dingus, I swear the instructions didnt show that shit till the last page, ill put em in later but im too lazy to take it apart right now
yeah I got an elliptical, plus a cable machine not pictured, but that setup cost me less than 900$. Hardest was is finding plates right now.
My power blocks finally came in after 3 weeks or so of waiting. Stages 2 and 3. Please excuse the dirty floor, I carried them in with mud on my boots.
Worth it? I’m still waiting for my Titan adjustable Olympic dumbbells to come in and they’re back ordered like crazy
do you have a deadlift area?
probably not.
I know I overpaid and helped a gouger, but I was sick of waiting....
also I skipped todays session because I had too much work to do, and I cant remember my last rest day.
I will give them a proper try tomorrow when I do shoulders.
I overpaid my plates because everything is marked up due to corona, I barely found someone on facebook and couldn't haggle at all, paid like $550 for that and a bar but idgaf cause it was stock market crash money so it was all free
Nice looking rig in that room, bro. Pucci will soak their britches when they see that thing.
Rate my gym bros. Only thing I want is some type of cable pull down.