Cutting at 189cm 79kg

Pic related is me, 189cm 79kg. Have been lifting weights for the past 3 months and got my lifts to 95/100/140kg. My main goal is to maximise facial aesthetics while not becoming anorexic looking (hence why I am lifting weights). My maintainence is 3200cal and I am considering going on a small cut of 2900cal until my stomach fat goes away. I’m planning to lift weights the whole time and hopefully gain some strength and not lose muscle mass. Is it a good idea for me to lose more weight when I already don’t weigh much or will it be unhealthy? As I said my main goal is facial aesthetics so I don’t wanna spend a year lifting weights, I just want to cut first.

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>My maintainence is 3200cal
Oh nononononononono

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Yes it is I’ve counted retard. Sorry that you have a slow metabolism fatty

>My maintainence is 3200cal
You're a skinnyfat retard

Yeah, this is bait.

If you could bench almost 100KG, your upper body would not look like that.

yea youre fat

>No other sizes of this image found.
the future is now bros fuck,..

imagine looking like a wet towel and coming into fit to not only talk shit but prove you are a retard in the first post you make
congrats bro u made it

>189cm 79kg
>95 100 140kg
>looks like that
There's a lie in there somewhere.
Post video of your form

How do I look like a twig at 1cm shorter and 13kg heavier than you while you look skinnyfat as fuck
>95kg ohp
>100kg bench
Is this bait

I’m 189cm and 95kg isn’t even much. I benched 75kg first time in the gym. Mass moves mass. Kys manlet.

Why do they always have those rectangular glasses?

Imagine not believing 95kg, that is literally a shit tier bench holy shit


I don't believe this cunt benches 95kg you dribbling fuckwit.

>cutting with 0 muscle
great idea

>all of these insecure manlets with poverty benches ITT
I look skinny in pictures but in real life I would tower over you

>it was a b8 all along
ok, bye

Fucking this lmao. No wonder you look like shit OP.

You're either lying about the weight you move, cheat form really badly, or have terrible genes for aesthetics to be maxing 210 on the bench (which isn't real heavy but still) and look like that at 174 lbs. (fuck moon units, USA, USA). Sorry bout your bad luck.

Op is not only a faggot, but a retarded faggot.

Current bench is 95kg.

I'm aware i look shit

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How about you answer my question and get over the fact that height makes you appear skinnier while being stronger? I’m sure if I was flexing and posing like you gay retards do none of you would question my lifts.

mynigga looking emaciated

>height makes you appear skinnier while being stronger
I bet you're 1/2 repping with your boyfriend taking the weight.

Height doesn't make you stronger if you don't pile mass on it. Longer levers have less mechanical advantage. The manlet only loses out because he can't pack on as much in his frame in the long run.

My sense is that your form is shit to assuage your ego, and not just because you look dyel, but also because you stated you haven't lifted very long, and beginners nearly always have bad form.
My honest advice is improve your form, eat at maintenance, and concentrate on building strength. Every few weeks concentrate on hypertrophy for a few sessions, and then get back to strength building. When you can rep what you think you are maxing now with your shitty form, only then do a cut.

Forgot to mention, eat above maintenance while in hypertrophy phase. You have enough bodyfat to live at maintenance while building strength since being lean is important to you.

I bet op is one of those retards who doesn't realise 1kg=2.2lbs, not the other away around. Having a 308lb DL is phenomenal after only 3 months of lifting, and maybe OP is some genetic freak with insanely good muscle insertions that he can make that much progress so quickly while still looking like a twig, but reality is that he's probably just retarded.

>benching 95kg and looking like this
feels so good to see lanklets in pain

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If you cut right now you'll just look not so hot. Just keep lifting consistently, time over tension, choose a lifting routine, stick with it. Find your ACTUAL maintenance and eat a slight surplus to build muscle without getting to chunky

imagine counting calories