AMA- lost 62 kg in 9 months

AMA- lost 62 kg in 9 months.

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Is coffee good for you?

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When I fart do the farts become clouds in the sky?

Great job. My friend is around 120kg at 1.75m, how do I convince and help him to lose weight? What did it take for you?

Black coffee yes

Would crush a Dyel with my thick ankles

Self-control over cravings and little exercise.

>before: unattractive

>still unattractive

Congrats, I guess. At least you're healthier.

Incel cope

since you're in india it's probably because your mom ran out of money

Methane is lighter than air.

Good for you man keep it up


How do you get to be that fat in the first place? When I was 90 kg at 5'11 I HATED myself. I legitimately don't understand

Good job

I'm gonna guess shitty parents. I got way too far as a kid that way and it's hard to info the damage from being fat through puberty

10/10 great job dude

still ugly as fuck

Good job man.

1- shave the rapist pube beard.
2- lose more weight.
3- get jacked.

Good luck :)

show extra skin


Good on you for starting down this path bro

how far can you glide with your skin folds?

Good job man. Keep at it, your confidence will only keep in increasing the more you become Zig Forums. Your style (mental and physical) will change, success will come!

Also stop coming to Zig Forums, this place is full of current and future failures

Hopefully this is a joke

Do you have a lot of loose skin. also SHOW MANBOBS EN BEGANA

Based. That's almost 7kg a month. I'm losing 4. How many cals were you eating?

I dunno user, you expect the Zig Forums-tier comments when you post this shit but there are always a few good encouraging Zig Forumsizens that come through. It seems more genuine since there isn’t a karma system to keep people “in line” that just spew positive bullshit for likes.

good job OP

Nothing to ask. Keep at it, dude.

Good job. Get a new haircut once you've slimmed your face down a bit more.

Please explain why

Good job user

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This. If see parents who are overweight, odds are their children will also be overweight. They don't teach their children good habits that help them maintain their health, or are just completely unaware of how to structure a diet. I had a roommate whose siblings, cousins, parents etc were all obese as him. A food scale, counting calories, micro/macronutrients, and even just cooking basic meals was just completely alien to him when his parents mostly just bought fast food or microwavable foods for the family.

When poo stops eating his own poo.