>Increases your chest like no other exercise
Heh nothing personel kid...
>Increases your chest like no other exercise
Heh nothing personel kid...
i just picture me flying like a bird when i do it
my gym has so shit pecdec it ruins my fucking CHEST GAINS REEEEEEEE
This is just db flies with an assisted rom
Without pec tearing and cheating it into a bench press
I love this exercise! It's a goal of mine to.be able to do the full stack for about 8-12 reps with solid form and controlled tempo.
use a lighter weight, he exercise isn't for strength at all; it's purely a weighted stretch for hypertrophy.
Believe it or not some people can do very heavy weights with a stretch at the bottom, slow tempo, and a "mind muscle connection"
I dislocated my shoulder like twice on this thing
>not using cables with handles
Work your way up, if you can't do heavy weight with good form yadda yadda yadda
Who wants a bigger chest are you a homosexual or something
This is what I do.
found the dyel
Use the pulley with handle grips. I do 3 variations of this fly just at that one station. This is only good if you can’t activate your chest very well. I recommend anyone doing flies who is a newb to use the OP machine. I noticed when I try with newbs they can never activate their chest on the pulley flies and will always mention their shoulder getting tired. If your not squeezing your chest together at the peak of every rep, you need to go lighter and squeeze
>staple exercise of every dyels "chest day"
What is an acceptable amount of kg's and reps for this exercise?
The same people that can't activate their chest on flys are the same that can't activate with push ups. Which is sad, because it's pretty much the same exercise.
I've got a lot of chest gains from doing dips and close grip DB presses on my chest day. It's helped a lot with getting a more rounded and interior definition.
dyel sure
No it's not, imbecile. The bw equivalent of flys would be flys on rings.
Bend over.
Im NATTY. It is called doing chest flies.
>tfw I could never do this exercise because this machine is always hogged by immigrants and now the gyms are closed
I want to suck on those daddy
>always do these
>neglect rear delts
>now look like some mutant with hunchy posture and rounded shoulders even though it's all toned
Dont forget the rear delts kids. Do one of those super-awkward rear delt workouts where you're rowing yet also looking like you want someone to fuck you in the butt while everyone looks at you wondering what the fuck you're doing.
My dream is to talk shit and when someone says "post body" I can say eat this mother fuckaaa, now post yours.
Sadly, I am still DYEL. Maybe someday.
It doesn't work. People will call you DYEL anyways, unless you're too 1%, in which case they will say roids. For example:
>Has to wear tight sleeveless, with pump, with belt for fake taper, in perfect lighting to look like what, 170lbs, if that?
And adult male is 200+ lbs you fucking DYEL.
Stop with this pathetic cope.
i gotta use these cause you won't lift your fat ass off the bench
>dyel aesthetics sub 200lbs twink with stringer and belt
You just proved my point thanks bro
Just use it at the end of the workout and hold peak contraction as long as possible with something relatively light on the stack then begin the slowest negative you can manage once the peak contraction hurts too much to keep holding. You'll get all the pump and blood flow as if you did a ton of reps and it only takes one.