How fucking hard can it be to have a regular conversation on a dating app. Im a great fucking flirt in person...

How fucking hard can it be to have a regular conversation on a dating app. Im a great fucking flirt in person, but as soon as the conversation goes to text, I transform into a dribbling fucking autist. What the FUCK is wrong with me. I've never been hit on like that on this app, especially after such a cringey opener, and I still manage to fuck it up. Help me Zig Forums

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Everything seems fine here

enjoy your 3 day vacay retard
>in all fields

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Reel it in


>not asking for her number right after she said 'just tell me when and where'

Cringe * 1000

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A retarded incel asking other retarded incels on how to talk to bitches.

I love it.

what the FUCK are you doing op fuck. fuck you, for ruining my day.

This is where it went wrong.

Correct thing to do was something like:

>seeing as you had such a great time, I guess we have to go again
>how’s drinks on Saturday for you?

You overplayed and when you overplay, you say stupid shit.

What was even worse is that you completely destroyed your own frame with the “ngl I thought it was smooth” shit. Cringe to read. It translates to “I feel as though I’ve fucked up here but please let me apologise to you for my poor social charisma”. Don’t say shit like that again, ever.

never break the fourth wall you retard

Send another message asking her to reply


break the ice and then transition to asking her what she's doing this weekend or something, then set up a date. 3 messages from you max before doing this. text conversations always fucking suck and people trying to be clever fuck their chances up

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send her this message: "hey fan thing bad lose condo insta youtube need help get back on feet shoutout 75 buck?"

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Imagine sitting on this board just waiting to report people for no reason other than because you're a pathetic piece of shit. Kill yourself and stream it with timestamp faggot.

Have you considered leaning into the Arab angle?

>not asking when the milk truck arrives?

Literally all you have to say to recover is
>my peepee has been hard all day cause I still taste your pussy juice

Lemme share my opener which works wonders:
"Hey X, the divorce papers are up, you may keep the houses and cars, but will keep the dog."

9 outta ten times she will fight for the dog, then just roleplay from there, trying to focus on dismissing the divorce because the "dog" would miss her

>when do you want to meet up?
>hahahaha ummmmm YESTERDAY!
literally kys you absolute retard

Always get the number between 5-10 exchanges max. Any more and you're just wasting time.

How can adults do these retarded quipfests and roleplays without cringing? I would feel incredibly awkward doing this for over one sentence.

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It´s just fun bro.
There is no need to be so serious in a dating app

Never post on this fucking website ever again.

You failed

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Nah I texted my now gf for like 2 weeks before we ever met up

OP you're based. Keep at it king

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I guess I'm too autistic to ever go on a dating app then

op faggot arab

U mad bro?

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send her dicpic with message: it pretty big for a bodybuilder

I'm not even him and I'm mad

You should be stabbed like those French church goers

Economic collapse and global warming is fun

This is cringe stfu

It's over
She thought you were Italian, not a dirty arab

Probably this. I am so glad I am not arab

I swear my mind was telling me not to but I did it anyway