>tired, but can't fall alsleep
>recalls that sex helps fall sleep
>falls asleep
Fuck up or big brain play?
/nfn/ - No Fap November
I masturbated 3 times this month
Had sex last month
I do not understand this obsession with Nofap
Literally don't be a chronic masturbator and you are fine like wtf people
>I masturbated 3 times this month
how... I need to coom at least once every 2 or 3 days... if not by vagena then by hand, whatever it takes
Just fap but dont fap to porn , i swear cooms are 10 Times better.
NNN is going to be hard. Not because I like cooming, I genuinely don't even enjoy it anymore, but because it's the only form of intimacy I have. Masturbating, watching porn, using a fake profile pic on dating websites, that's all I have. Last month I went to a physical therapist to treat some minor ache I had and she touched my leg to inspect it. It was a completely mechanical touch with no intentions, yet it felt like an emotional need was being fulfilled. Like I had been thirsty all along and someone gave me just a tiny sip of water.
I'm not sure how I'm going to cope with not touching myself.
>Inb4 "lol just go outside and have a social life brah"
Don't pretend you understand.
It's not about nutting or not. It's about challenging yourself and not giving into every desire. But when you do jerk off, it's so that you can sleep. Not because you're just bored. You're alright, OP.
This doesn't pass the Mechdel test. 2 men having a conversation about anything other than masturbating.
>no fap november
You son of a bitch. I'm in !
Yeah wtf. I jack off 2-3 times a week and I thought my libido was low.
This is the way. Nofap is a meme but noporn works. It's important for having realistic expectations. Not every woman will have a pristine, completely hairless pubic area and buttcrack.
As long as my ex doesn't snap pictures of her pussy again I should be good for the month
I've got a 2 week headstart for this NNN. I think nofap will be easier now that I'm lifting
I need to do nofap everything seems easier and manageable when abstaining as opposed to hard and overwhelming when fapping
Last year, November 14, I made a vow to God to quit seeking porn (red boards, porn sites, google images, etc.) for the rest of my life and I haven’t done these things since. I’m seriously considering doing something similar for masturbation, and maybe all of Zig Forums. I’ve quit Zig Forums before using vows, 30 days on both occasions, and masturbation for 8 days once. I don’t remember struggling with masturbation but on the morning after the vow ended I masturbated immediately upon waking up, as if all of my sexual desire built up and was released at once. I’m not sure what will happen if I go 90+ days, or if I decide to make it permanent.
I could still go with my task-reward method and require myself to do an insane amount of daily tasks to unlock the ability to masturbate, but settling on any specific plan is always difficult.
I literally plan to do it for the first time just for the NNN meme. I also shared a flat with a muslim for a few weeks, during the ramadan and read a little bit about it (the ramadan not NNN), and some islam sites were emphasizing how ramadan is not only watching what you eat and drink, but you also need to take more responsibility in what types of information are you allowing yourself to process, meaning what you watch, read, listen to and think about. I thought it was pretty based, and that's what I'm going for this november, after all you never know what lies behind 30 days of no porn, no fantasizing and no jerking - probably nothing but who knows
Fucking hell, reading all these posts about people only fapping like twice a week makes me realise I have an addiction.
I fap twice a day but I thought most guys fap atleast once a day.
Fuck it, let's do no porn November and limit my faps to once a week, see what it does to me.
COOMing alone doesn't do for me, I can be hours lock in the bathroom with the shower running after getting bored but I just can't stop until I get those feelings off; It's just imagination bro. Why I'm doing this when I could be doing "that" and "that", she's not here and she'll never will be. What I'm gaining from this?. Perhaps I'm just the exception to the rule where cumming doesn't feel good unless is through sex, I can't have a single session where in between I start falling into a hole philosophical conundrums.
>inb4 19yo thinker
yeah post it already. I too hate making blog posts filled with self-pity. After all I hate talking about myself when I ain't doing nothing to fix my issues and there's not a single excuse suffices me enough to open myself, not even in that time I tried to seek profesional help for my over-thinking.
I'm more of a kind that likes to get things done in time and form, or else I'll feel shameful about myself for the rest of the week, even reading is starting to see like a waste of time to me.Why I was born with a consciousness? Why couldn't I just be a soulless machine like the bugmen? I envy those who live day by day without a single care for the tomorrow.
>tfw no matter what your deadlift will be your demons will always be heavier
Touch starvation is real user, a lot of people go through it. Stopping cooming is part of the process to solving it properly by getting an intimate relationship.
If you are lonely when you are alone then you are in bad company -- Jean-Paul Sartre
Start studying Buddhism and Stoicism to mortify your desires. Honestly, actually, it was catholic mysticism that kicked my social desire. I'm dying inside because I can't be alone enough.
It is different for everyone with mysticism though. Either way, these practices will ease the pain.
Start with Einzelganger on YouTube. I like him.
i think i need to make a similar vow, thank you
No chan November sounds like heaven. Probably way more constructive than no but.
>Just fap but dont fap to porn , i swear cooms are 10 Times better.
they really are
>No chan November sounds like heaven. Probably way more constructive than no but.
I’ve done it before, and it was great for productivity but I felt more socially isolated especially since I don’t have any other social media
>I do not understand this obsession with Nofap
>Literally don't be a chronic masturbator and you are fine like wtf people
It's for people who ARE chronic masturbators you mong
Explain how relying on fapping like a drug to sleep is any better than doing it because you're bored
It’s kinda dangerous. I’m not sure if I would recommend it. I’ve had to adjust vows because they weren’t detailed enough, and I often felt in danger of breaking the vow. It’s a good feeling though when you’re doing something like looking at an arousing image on Zig Forums and being afraid even though the vow doesn’t cover this act, so there’s an obvious trend of improvement and later you might feel the need to restrict yourself even more. It’s a strange feeling, being unable to make a few clicks, to scroll a few boards over, to click on that link, and yet there is so much freedom
This is what I imagine the average fit user to be like
Will no fap and no porn help you wane off a fetish?