How do I avoid bencher's chest?
How do I avoid bencher's chest?
You don’t
Why would you? looks sick m8
I've always wanted an buttchest like you have in there.
Chicks would get wild, instead all I can get is pretty flat/rounded chest.
Any tips on getting it on with a kettlebell?
Try a looser fitting shirt or something
>how do i avoid building muscle
Imagine being this retarded
chest like OPs photo, still a virgin at 21 KHV
also, anytime i walk around my house shirtless if im back home from uni, my mom always says, why do you have tits? Does she not understand that it is muscle?
I know this feel
>visiting parents over summer
>granddad comes to visit, doesn't give a shit about coivd (based)
>"user when did you grow a pair of tits"
he's notorious for taking the piss and i know he was joking, but ever since I've been paranoid about gyno
lmao your mum sounds based, does she call you a tranny too?
>letting some old farts jokes blossom into a full blown insecurity
Based gramps tbqh
OHPchads win again
hes the most base man I've ever met
love you grandpa
only pushupvariations for chest i guess is the key. i also think the buttchest highly not aeshtetic
>Doesn't want to tiddy mog plank W*men
this is actually pretty gross. It's not aesthetic. I thankfully I don't have it yet, hope to keep it that way, because I love my chest the most in my dyel phase. I do dips out the ass, and can't bench because I don't have a bench in my home gym. I do weighted chinups/dips on pull/press day. My chest is like.... just great I just love it. If it becomes a bigger version of what it is now, I would love it
Stop benching?
If you stop, they'll turn to tits. There's no going back.
Get bigger arms and lats.
Do incline and overhead press only
But why avoid? Everyone mires me.
Fuckin nice
I would mire you IRL
Don't bench, just do dips and pushups if you want aesthetics.
Thanks brehs. Trying to improve my upper chest as well, but it's hard work.
are you saying I can get these milkies natty just by benching?