Whatcha taking, Zig Forums?
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your mom
Protein, creatine, zantrex, calcium, magnesium, fish oil
Whey and caffeine pills
Hydrolyzed Collagen
Magnesium bicarbonate
Niacinamide on face
Vitamin D
Some red light
MCT oil on my scalp after i get a haircut so I maybe can do something about the invincible dandruff I have
>Genius Mushroom Stack
>Microdose Psilocybin
>horny goat weed
>vitamin C
>vitamin D
>multi vitamin
>Lions mane and Cordyceps-m
Anyone have experience taking mushroom capsules? my bottles came in today and im not sure what to expect.
whey protein, creatine, and taurine
Is pine pollen powder legit?
Try taking that fat internally. I started megadosing fish oil to help with my joints, dandruff magically disappeared.
Level off the scoop you fucking animal
yes, it really is pine pollen powder
Take the garlic pill
Vitamin D3
Fish oil
Omega 3,Zinc,Caffeine and Creatine looool
Not op but I don't level off my scoops because you get more protein. Ill buy a 60 serving tub of protein, 30 grams of protein a serving. Ill always let the powder pile up on top of the scoop like pic related, for that extra 1 gram of protein per scoop. multiply that by 60 servings, im technically getting 62 servings for the price of 60.
Creatine, ZMA, more magnesium, Glycine
Works amazing
I don't like fish oil, it's anti-inflammatory and also immunosurpressive, plus I already tried it and it didn't help but I got sick as a dog three times in four months
And the mct oil is fungicidal, it's like coconut oil with all the fungus food fatty acids removed
Yeah they work great imo but I stack them with magic mushrooms
I was thinking of buying some supplements from Gaspari Nutrition .. mainly
>Myofusion Whey Protein Probiotic Series
>Aminomax 8000
>SuperPump Max
Have you lads tried any of these?
isnt the same as real
Based retard.
>men’s multivitamin
>6000iu vitamin D
>testosterone 160/wk
>the prayer of the lord Jesus Christ
Creatine, whey, gorilla mind pre and rush, fish oil... Been wanting to start a multi, but there are so fucking many I don't know what to buy.. Anyone have a solid recommend? I'm 32 and healthy.
Whey, potassium, zinc, multivitamin, vitamin D, fish oil, nicotine mints. Cutting at 1800-1900 calories a day with over 200g of protein so I'm eating mostly meat and shit, wanna get the micros.
Vit D
Ostarine 10mg
A-Z Multivitamin
470mg test/wk, 30mg dbol/day. Unironically you will make better gains from one vial of testosterone even if you pin just ever so slightly above trt recommendations than all the supplements combined from gnc/bb.com etc. Vial of test is 25 bucks average for 250mg/ml concentration and you could pin half a ml per week for 20 weeks and make far better gains than you do natty W/supps. For 10 cents a day you could sponsor a small dyel.
Kekd at the last part
Why nicotine mints?
anyone try pic related?
But what are the long term health implications? I thought test injections stopped endogenous production, and can even stop it after cessation of test supplementation. Or is that only for retards who don't know what they're doing? I would like to get my t-levels checked and could see myself pinning given I needed to. But never bothered to look that much into it.