>Nofap November right around the corner
>Horny af since I started supplementing zinc and abstaining from pornography
How will I get through a month? Will you join me in my struggle, my brothers? These are massive gains at stake
>Nofap November right around the corner
>Horny af since I started supplementing zinc and abstaining from pornography
How will I get through a month? Will you join me in my struggle, my brothers? These are massive gains at stake
Other urls found in this thread:
When you have the urge, talk a walk or drive.
Plug in your phone away from your bed or in a completely different room.
got a 2 week headstart, 1 month of nofap is easy as fuck all you gotta do is not watch porn
We will get through this user.
Does no fap include no sex cause if so ive been doing it for the past 6 months I just fuck my girl every day or every other day
Sex and food (beyond what's absolutely required for your fitness goals) only serve to distract you from the work you have to do for long-term rewards.
We will fix our dopamine sensitivities through this trial.
No if you have sex you don't need to fap, so you're not really abstaining from anything
Just letting you know i typed this out for another thread but it seems you will actually recieve this message unlike the unapoligetic anons.
if you REALLY desire to stop jacking off to garbage. Lets face it we just do not profit from it. Best case scenario is you had pleasurable 7 seconds of nutting and are followed by weakness, lazyness and emotional imbalance. Worst case scenario just outweighs ANY of the pros of nutting. Back to the advice. Actually when you feel like getting off, read the KJV Bible, but not any book. Read Matthew, Acts or John in their entirety. Keep reading until that devil that tempts you is gone. I admit it does not work 100% because occasionally we CHOOSE to give in BUT, if you continue doing that, reading more and more upon lustful temptation you'll gets stronger each time and you WILL be able to brush off lust way easier than before. Often times lust temtations come about because of some different area of life you supress and try to compensate with nutting. I have been there, i am doing exactly that and boy it works like i described it. You will have the eyes to see beyond the fog of the nutting prospect and actually be able to solve those long term issues that keep getting ignored in the now. For instance the last time i failed was when i could not cope with a weak sodomite giving me bitchy attitude from the side. I now instead work on solving MY lack of understanding of what actually went wrong so i can avoid a unpleasant outcome for me in the future. Hope i could be of any help :)
I've been doing nofap since 2016.
>Never edge
>Don't day dream about past sexual experiences
>Looking at a girl's social media page is the same as looking at porn most of the time
>Don't take too much zinc. You don't need 50mg a day. 20mg a day max.
>If you get blue balls, do squat stretches. It cures blue balls almost instantly.
>Do frequent kegel exercises. Having weak kegel muscles makes urges more potent. Strong kegel muscles fights against urges.
>Don't look back when hot girls walk past you. Don't even look back if you drive past a hot girl walking down the street. If you're watching a movie or something, don't even rewind to get a second look at a topless scene. Don't open a thread on Zig Forums to look at the nude clickbait in the OP. etc. This builds discipline.
>Meditate at least 15 minutes 5 times a week. This acts as a mental garbageman and removes intrusive thoughts, lust, bad memories, sinful desires, etc from your mind.
>Practice fasting/do a one meal a day plan. Too much food = sexual urges, especially if you're eating aphrodisiacs.
Also be careful with consuming pine pollen supplements, saw palmetto supplements, and alcohol. ESPECIALLY RED WINE. These all make you feel super lustful if left unchecked.
If you're deep into nofap, you don't need any T boosting or libido boosting supplements like saw palmetto or zinc. You are already full. Don't overfill.
Ah shit I forgot! FUCK
I'm currently on test, if I start nofap I begin to get very retarded and horny ideas; I'd probably go broke or end up with a very regrettable human in bed with me
I do it as an insurance
Chemical castration is the final solution to the nofap question, just think about it when you go through the process, you:
>Have no sexual desire, can concentrate on lifting and making money
>Can be more angel-like for our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ
>You'll get to see the bewildered look of thots and other succubi as you don't fall for their sexual Jewish schemes
>You won't lose testosterone from fapping, you just removed the brakes on the gainz train, baby
Same, I'm planning to just do no porn. Edging to porn is what has plagued me.
Let one out in the shower in the morning or something. No pics or video, just your imagination.
Let me share my favorite scripture with you, brothers
Matthew 14:22-33
>Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowd
>After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. Later that night, he was there alone,
>and the boat was already a considerable distance from land, buffeted by the waves because the wind was against it.
>Shortly before dawn Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake
>When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. “It’s a ghost,” they said, and cried out in fear.
>But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.”
>“Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.”
29 “Come,” he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus
>But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”
>Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”
>And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down
>Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.”
Based and Blessed
bah I fucked up the greentext but this scripture is still based. Jesus saving Peter is absolute kino and so powerful
amazingly based thanks user
>actual real battle tested advice
very kind of you. I did not know about the importance leg muscles play in sexual libido. Tha being said i gave up on alcohol and tabaco as well as mostly (i do love me a good roast coffee occasionally) caffeine. Recently started doing legs seriously.
absolutly Christian. That stuff fills you up with belief and also you get to see your real self. the OMAD is great as well but the 24h no meal is just something else.
>Dont look at hot girls
thats a very VERY tough one but it does as you say build discipline. I noticed that the more i force myself now not to look nor care the less will power i will be wasting further down the line. The thoughts are a big one as well :D thanks again user :) appreciate the advice
guys i love you and i want to fish your souls. Servitude to God is truly wonderfull. Eternal rest with our heavenly Father soudns cozy so i really dont want a single one of those who have ears to hear to miss out
Enjoy :D i hope the word will bear fruits with you lads
>this scripture is still based
>Jesus saving Peter is absolute kino
oh yeah good stuff. The blind man being healed was Kino as well. Stay in the word friend. The more you read the more belief in the wonders and power of God you will have
Based and Christpilled. Amen brother.
Who is this?
It's the nofap man
I'm already here for you brah. Starting NNN three weeks clean already. Let's do this. Just keep the goal in mind, picture yourself with her.
Is it just zinc or are you supplementing else into your routine.
unbelievably based
I will add that this part:
>Often times lust temptations come about because of some different area of life you supress and try to compensate with nutting
is especially important to recognize and understand
Personally, when I have those thoughts, I ask myself, "love or lust"?
By that I mean, am I having this urge because the image in my head is one of love or lust?
Since it's inevitably the latter, forcing myself to acknowledge that in the moment makes me instantly snap into focus.
Lust=hedonism, and hedonism is for the lowest form of life.
> You're worst enemy ..
Jeez I never thought I'd seek help from brainlets.
Any tips on NNN? I’m committed to disciplining myself.
The best tip is to stay away from your phone and computer. Charge your phone in a different room altogether. Don't turn on your computer to browse anything or waste time
A mantra might help. Repeat "fuck porn" and get really angry when you get temptations to look at it. FUCK PORN FUCK PORN ARGHHHHHHH and it's out of your system, do something more productive instead. Spend your free time taking long walks with music in your ears - good for cardio and a fun time
Don't touch your dick. Don't. Don't edge. Only when washing it
Does video game count?
>How will I get through a month?
by abandoning the idea that you could fail this, because you won't fail.
>Will you join me in my struggle, my brothers?
this is a personal battle, there's nothing I can do to help.
Video games are a waste of time
Surely you can find some things that need to be done around the house. Moving around helps you from sitting down and rubbing one out
Ok. Thanks.
>Read Matthew, Acts or John in their entirety. Keep reading until that devil that tempts you is gone.
or just do push ups or something.
why does everything have to have religion pumped into it.
>day 27 of nofap
>absolutely zero sexual urges for the past 3 weeks or so
>even though i take 50mg of zinc a day
I am in my mid 20s. Is my test low? Or is my mentality fucked?
Christ is perhaps the strongest motivator
Maybe, or maybe you've hit that good spot where your body is resetting it's dopamine wiring. You're emerging out of the hedonist hellhole and will come out stronger and "normal"
but then you lose your sexual drive as well, which can be redirected into extra energy and motivation to do whatever task you want to do.
I think the purpose of no-fap should be to harness your sexuality, not completely disregard it.
>Chemical castration is the final solution to the nofap question,
>Christ is perhaps the strongest motivator
yeah, for people that actually believe he's the son of god. Not so much for people, like me, that think he was a pretty popular hippy that had a cult-like following.
If something is truly good than it can argued for without needing to rely on something supernatural.
You can lift to Darwin or something. Lift up to what inspires you and pushes you to act right
>You can lift to Darwin or something. Lift up to what inspires you and pushes you to act right
Then I'll lift for the only thing that I will ever truly own and can ever be certain of being real. Myself.