Tfw its rest day

>tfw its rest day
>tfw have literally nothing to do

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if dubs you bust a nut

btw I'm trans if that matters

dubs and you kys

If dubs you read a book and have a cup of tea

it's rest day for me too. I did abs.

im just sitting around thinking about how i need a hoe on my lap so bad rn guys. also listening to some old black metal albums

i have never felt the touch of a female

dubs and u drink ur own piss

one off from trips

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get r3kt m8 xddd

dubs and you go for a hike in the woods

Dubs and you go rape a girl in your local supermarket

dubs and you go outside

Dubs and you go lift anyway, bitch

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Dubs and you learn the Wim Hof method

Dubs and you finger your asshole

dubs and you cum into your own mouth

Dubs and you have a chill netflix day

Dubs and you jerk off to Arielle Maxine in a toilet in the mall

mate these suggestions are shit, no wonder none of you guys get dubs



chekd and kekd

Its november

Try meth

My hands are tied

Change my mind

For love of god is a human right

All these dreams are swept aside

Amen brothers

>Gouvernment mandated ban on pumps starting tomorrow
>Enforced rest semester nationwide
Thanks Merkel

thank god i dont live in cuckland. gyms whete i live have been open since may

>tfw it's Sunday and you have to decide if you workout today and Tuesday or just stick to Monday Wednesday Friday.
I do this every fucking week

dubs and you jerk off to anne frank