What's for dinner, Zig Forums?
steak and potatoes. miss me with those faggy vegetables.
What went wrong in your life that you cant appreciate broccoli?
Nothing tonight, I ate about 5500 yesterday.
Baked potatoes are in the oven atm. But if I eat one, I'm gonna have to call it my cheat meal for the week, so I'm gonna skip em.
That meat is raw
Based baitposter
your dad's pussy
Reheated spaghetti and milk will post when its dinner time :v
You kinda suck at cooking steak.
lots of gristle on that steak user I know that feel time to upgrade the cut
sum pie
No dinner tonight.. trying to lose weight.
Looks rare. You can tell because the pink is closer to white and you can see the meat lines, if it was raw it wouldn't have meat lines and it would be closer to red.
Good stuff user, keep it up you are doing well
It looks like the gristle would be tough, but I was actually very pleased with how tender everything was. Next time, I'll go to an actual butcher to get my steaks, but nothing went to waste, and it was cooked exactly how I like it
i think i'll eat empanadas
looks pretty good, post recipe?
Milk, liver cooked in coconut oil, oysters, orange juice, gelatin and some ice cream for dessert
just looked up the simplest shepards pie recipe on the web i could find. pic isnt my actual plate but its the same thing. mashed potatos, peas, corn, ground beef, carrots
Nothing. 14 hours into a ~48 hour fast (will technically be 60 by the time I re-feed as part of my 18:6).
Pizza. Waiting for it to arrive.
Hospital food bro!
Did you died?
Nope, Im just epileptic!
As promised my reheated spaghet with milk :)
Roast lamb cabbage and cauliflower as I'm doing keto
hmm. i am at once disgusted and simultaneously impressed.
I ate 400 grams of steak in shitty burger buns and now I'm deathly thirsty despite drinking
Why is this happening, is it too much protein in a meal?
Don't promise us things anymore we don't want to see it. Enjoy your dinner but that's nasty. Please get some fiber in your diet.
Had this just now but by god is it try