Anyone doing no nut november?

anyone doing no nut november?

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fuck no i already came twice today

Yes but I had sex yesterday and masturbated to a fat gingers asshole today so I'm not off to a good start lol

we are legion

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No but I'm gonna cut out porn. I want the virility I had as a teenager back.

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No, I'm not a redditor.

I'll do nofap/noporn november but just busted a fat load inside my girlfriends pussy

how do i incorporate NNN in my tinder bio, girls now days are probably into undermining my efforts at semen retention right?

failed like 5min ago cause its a dumb internet meme. sage

I thought NNN didnt include sex?

Post ginger

yes, gotta reset for a while cuz i dont feel my dick anymore

I usually do nofap but in november I go out of my way to nut at least once just because I like being a contrarian to redditors.

Yes, I will attempt to at least.

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No, but my libido is so low recently I might do it by accident

same, got some kratom and it kills my libido if I take it for more than a few days, also cutting weight so libido is lower from that too

who is it, is it gwen adora

Yes and I will succeed

Only if it's within marriage

Yeah that one

i nutted twice today to the same titfucking video

No. In fact I recently invested in a bunch of sex toys.

I nutted as soon as I woke up lmao

Yes, I am already at the fourth day.

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Today I am on day 105.
Haven't masturbated since July 19, 2020 at 4:44 AM EST

Reminder to hide these coomer bait threads throughout November. They WILL pop up every hour on the hour and they ARE specifically designed to make you fail because the LOSERS that post them CAN'T cope with the idea that someone else CAN succeed where they perpetually FAIL. You are not missing out on anything important by clicking out of this thread RIGHT NOW and hiding it from the catalog.

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I've overdose myself in test and zinc so I'm nuttin today

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only if you are atractive enough that your tinder pfp makes them want to bang you, woman couldn't care less about bios

>no nut november?
No, I'll be nutting into my woman every chance I get. I can probably handle no porn and no fap though.