Is this the ideal female body?
Is this the ideal female body?
who is this?
too old
fake boobs
skinny legs
most likely no ass
I want to lick her
it’s ok
Ideal for what? There's no one size fits all type for women.
Is that body ideal for pregnancy? No.
Ideal for sex? Yes obviously.
Ideal for wrestling a bear? No.
Ideal for modelling? Yes.
take the ballet pill.
>Ideal for sex? Yes obviously
Too lean shes going to age like milk. Super lean women age really poorly.
>stains on her shirt
>outward pointing nipples
>man hands
>holds coffee cup like a tard
0/10 would slap her if she tried to talk to me
Not just that. They are really good for showpiece and sucking dick but when it comes down to it pelvic bone to pelvic does not feel good at all
wider hips.
I didn't fuck the ballet girl bros. I didn't make the Terry Pratchett/Neil Gaiman-reading ballet girl in the year below me my gf. I didn't fuck her in the sauna. It's been 10 years since graduation. The regret will forever sting. Do as this user says, bros. Take the ballet pill.
be glad u didn’t and ur not a pedo user
No. But this is.
Wheres the dick?
Lol, no thanks
your gf?
she looks good man congrats
thanks bruh
Feet can wear signs of physical work just like your palms do, stop being a faggot. If you're unable to fuck a passionate and ambitious person because her passions give her calluses and you prefer a pretty baby that hasn't worked a day in her life that wants to eat pizza with you and have you touch her butt.
you are a faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag
>a pretty baby that hasn't worked a day in her life that wants to eat pizza with you and have you touch her butt
I know you're trolling but have fun getting cucked by that waste of air if you ever consider dating one, they're dopamine-dependent people and this fate is inevitable
t.likes fucking orcs
Why do you act like having a hobby=being a hard working independent woman? Not only is it a destructive hobby but ballerinas are also some of the most vain women when it comes to physical appearances.
My girl has a non fitness related hobby and a "weak" body and I'm ok with that.
Stfu. My neighbor was a stupid retarded fat perv security guard and he managed to pick up this cute chunky blonde girl. His mom would complain about her saying all she does is eat McDonald’s stay locked in his room for hours. You have no idea how turned on I was
>t.low standards