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Fitness #582
I'm just never gonna make it boys. I've tried everything and my body just hates growing...
I’ve been doing calisthenics for 6 months and I’m starting to like the results...
Tomboy thread, POST EM
/fat/ - galactic fatties edition
Why are muscly men more likely to be right wing assholes?
26. Diagnosed with late puberty and klinefelters AMA
Weight gain
Why is this how the NFL determines anything?
Goal body thread
What does fit think of Bariatric Sleeve surgeries for weight-loss tools?
What mode is this?
Is this a cult?
Is it too late for a 33 year old to make it?
Post your kryptonite!
Squats surpassed deadlift
Lost V-card
Could you take on a baboon in a fight?
Did people stop tucking their shirts in because it would reveal how fat everybody has become?
(((Babidi))): jerk off your diiiiick
Would you rather be a Turbomanlet -5’2/160cm but stunning (archangel tier face) OR 6’7...
Suspended from my gym for intentional farting
Who do gym girls lift for?
What powerlifters are going to do if world war 3 starts? They would be so useless in actual combat...
Why do women do memeshit exercises?
Asiabros....................will this living nightmare ever end
Redpill me on Chia Seed
How tall are you, Zig Forums ? I'm 6'1. You aren't a manlet are you?
Why are bodybuilders so slow in a rl fight?
Is this the worst bodytype of them all...
Any one else going above and beyond with looks-maxxing?
Girlfriend always makes me rub her feet after the gym. Is this beta?
Rate the side face of my friend
I need a dopamine boost NOW!! RIGHT THE FUCK NOWWW!! how do it get it without jacking off?
What does the average woman weigh in your country?
I've had low energy/libido for a few years (since teenage years) and it's been bugging me for a long time...
/webm/ thread
I just failed NNN
What's the point of roiding when you will always get brutally mogged by people over 7 feet?
3 x 3 x 3
Trip Fags
American fat hate thread
Will start hrt soon how will this affect my gains?
How can I overcome my fear of women?
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Get laid off due to covid
I lift to be invincible under the sun
/bbg/ - bodybuilding general
Test bump thread
How do I fix this bros?
Former High Level Bodybuilder
How many of us are here?
Zig Forums Humor thread
/FAST/- No Food Nov. Vol. 3
This big guy says you shouldn't deadlift, do hang cleaning and power cleaning instead
Homeless, need fitness advice
How to prevent nasolabial folds?
Achievable natty?
Wtf why can I never get girls that look like this? I'm 6ft 2 195lbs...
What are your plans/goals for 2021? now that Corona is cured as of January
Hey Zig Forums bros
Can’t I just eat small amounts of fast food and junk food and lose weight...
Considering handing in natty card
Mire thread
Just finished the first workout of Rich’s 8 hour arm workout. Doing this in my home gym. I have 7.5 hours to go...
Can bones still grow in your 20's or it is over for me?
Tfw lifting, reading, swimming, hiking, vidya, tending my garden, meditating and Zig Forums don't feel the void anymore
Do you think she should lose some weight?
What city would you move to?
People voted for this guy because they look like him...
No matter how hard I train, I'll always be 5'9
Chicken biryani
How does the fact that trained fighter could rape you make you feel?
Sup guys derek more plates more dates dot com
How long should it take me to lose 15kg?? I don't want to lose too fast
How big could you realistically get using only a 15kg sledgehammer or a similar retard strength weapon?
Redpill me on shampoo
I don't know where to post this but I figured out of anyone, you guys would know
NNN Day 8
/fph/ based boomer edition
/SIG/ - Self Improvement General
Im telling you natty lifting is a waste of time
Loose skin from weight loss
Building the Monolith 5/3/1
What is a good watch too measure breaks between sets?
You miring?
What is the current manlet cutoff?
ITT: that one song you play before you try a PR
Alright Zig Forums, give it to me straight
Eat raw garlic
Brehs... Why do I feel so tired even when I've had 7-8h of sleep. I do intermittent fasting and eat well...
I like how people claim that strongmen are better deadlifters than powerlifters and whenever a strongman enters a power...
So 3 months of lifting is enough to blast through almost all fast beginner gains and reach a plateau?
How many people burn out of fitness and go the complete opposite route?
Home Gym Master Race Thread
Estimated body fat %
Is a 10,000 calorie cheat meal really that much of a big deal? Seems like maximum 2...
Why can't I get laid? I self improved to the point of no return
Will you stop coming here if you make it?
Is this Klinefelter
Ideal template
Blackpill General
Told my parents about my porn addiction today
Never lift for women
Remainder to mew when you workout
What does Zig Forums ride?
Dispelling Zig Forums retardation:
Hes not Georgian
Do you guys shave?
Is butter healthy?
Worst frames thread?
Ask a med student anything
How to get a body like this?
Tesla about vegetarianism
Get Zig Forums
Zig Forums tells me pic related is best protein powder
How much do I have to lift to make up for not doing any exercises in my 20's. I'm turning 30 next month
Reminder that high bodyfat bearmode will always look better than skinny ottermode
Hey fitizens, how do you pick up bar and club sluts?
Was on the verge of cooming
Daily reminder that "strong" muscle girls is the biggest cope in the world...
Your gf _is_ an angel, right Zig Forums?
Why did God make the most powerful bodies the most unappealing?
Is Biden /ourguy/?
Getting rid of gyno
My dad is in his mid 60's and has prostate cancer...
Get as many pumps in as you before Biden closes the gyms again, americucks
Are there any legitimate natural test boosters?
What the fuck. I thought both man and woman liked big titties. I don't get it
Best Zig Forums snacks? I'm a lazy fatass and I need to replace my chip habit with something preprepared and salty...
Post your favourite lifting album
Biden wins election
I am genetic trash
Weighted dips
Is 00:00 a good time to go to bed? Or 23:30?
*crack* tssssss *sips*
What so you use your gains for? I belong to a local country club and enjoy the sports
Which watch is the best fitness accessory?
Women recover faster after a training session
7 months lifting
Tfw can only squat 24kg for 5 reps
This shit is a fucking godsend
Judge the accuracy
Rate my leg routine
How many exercises (say x3 sets) are enough for a good workout?
Are neck bridges bad for you?
Now, that trump finally lost, coronavirus is over
Does instant ramen noodles contain onions? or any other gay shit like that
Seriously how long can you run without stopping?
/webm/ thread
Daily reminder that balding=death sentence, finasteride or the rope
/cbt/ - FACE edition
Single absolute best stomach exercise
Have blonde hair
How does Zig Forums incels feels that a average looking girl can have more sex in a single afternoon than you in your...
When you thought he had abs, but he takes his shirt off and he's skinnyfat
How do you deal with gym bullies?
I asked on reddit and got no good answer, so i guess ill ask here...
WTF Uncircumcised bros?
Anyone else had this realization they were never lean in their entire life?
Does Zig Forums have their own home gym?
Whats the most youve ever fucked someone up in a martial arts class?
Alan Thrall goes off on Rippetoe/SS
How do i get a gf when i am 4'11?
Weight loss progress
This is why i lift
Calories in calories out crowd
He doesn't eat a pack of this daily
What went wrong?
When WILL they learn?
Day 7 of NNN
Why do people hate on PPL?
/mag/ - Martial Arts General
This Is Attractive By Female Standards
Day 7. The first week has passed brothers
Ausfag general /afg/ saturday night feels thread
Work out for her
Running General
/SIG/ - Self Improvement General
Powerlifting is a sport for those with no athletic ability. All it requires is force production. No power, no speed...
Is coffee good for you?
If you had a daughter, would you let her lift?
Is this possible natty?
No fap
How do you brag to a woman how strong you are in a way that does not involve quantities...
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Did effeminate men always exist or is this a product of modern society?
Instead of seeking a human female partner, I simply masturbate everyday. Is that bad?
/fat/ Moisturized & Flourishing Edition
This is why I lift
Has fit used psychedelic before? Do they improve your health and fitness?
Cheat day Saturday
How Zig Forums do I have to be to bag a basic white chick?
Penis Enlargement General
Biggest scams in the fitness industry
How do i fix my body?
Zig Forums manga/anime
How do I develop a deep rough manly voice
Are only incels doing No Nut November?
Pre workout
I'm a total skeleton, I can barely do a push-up with knees
Is this the ideal physique to get girls?
How do i get glorious calves like these...
Is it autism if I can’t get laid with this body?
Joining the military
I have a Python exam tomorrow bros, wish me luck
I want to buy a new rice cooker. Old one broke on me after 2 months any suggestions?
How will his presidency affect our gains, Zig Forums?
/Friday night feels/
NNN - Day 7
I have a really stron urge to steal a cigarette from my neighbours garden right now...
Sv3rige got cucked by a younger, more handsome and even more psychopathic version of himself...
The thing people don't tell you when they say "just be yourself" is that you should be yourself with appromxiately 2...
This is why i lift
Banned from gym general /bfg/
Holy shit, is this the key to natty gains
If you want big shoulders as a natural, stop focusing on overhead presses and 'shoulder days'
Alright, Zig Forums how does one looksmax?
Lifting made me obsessed with apes
Eat what red countries eat
Farmers walk
Goal Body thread
Achievable natty?
I lift so I can fuck my sexdoll gf in missionary. Why do you lift?
Powerlifting Waifu Edition
I love black chicks man. and latina chicks the most. white chicks are honestly so fucking boring now...
I am a hopeless fascist
Fuck no nut november, I'm doing no nut until 315 squat
Manlets(5'8 and below) of Zig Forums, how have girls treated you since you've gotten muscular...
Eating raw bugs
Med school
Day SIX, give it up for day SIX
Zig Forums Feels thread - Bar is Open
What are (You) doing to shit on the brainless corona NPCs?
Post how fapping helped you get fit
Creatine is overhyped shit. Stupidest shit ever...
Why do I get colder when I reduce my calories?
Is meth the best PWO?
You do do your daily stretching right?
Cursed body thread
Get fit after years of constant working out
Whats the red pill on depression Zig Forums?
Reminder that you're not ugly, you're just fat
Pilonidal cyst
Your wife will never motivate you on the last reps of your home workout
Alan Thrall
How much should I lateral raise for hypertrophy?
What do these people mean by “unrealistic body standards”?
Which is the better post workout meal?
This nigga looks like shit now :(
What's Zig Forums's average bench?
Day 2 of quarantine
No gf no problem
Genetics matter
Nassim Taleb diet advice
Christmas List
Why he gets the pussy I deserve? my biceps are 15,6 inches, it was hard to achieve
Lifting Music
I'm thinking of buying phenibut, what's your experience with it? Is it addictive?
ITT: You post body and say your most controversial advice
If this looks appetizing to you at all, you're never going to make it
Does anyone else lift to mog their past self?
Have any of you ever converted a slampig into a Zig Forums queen...
Reminder its all genetics
/fph/ fat people hate / fat people stories
Redpill me on vitamins
Bodybuilders cant fight
Ausfag General
I workout cause I hate him. Post your rage motivations
It is friday after all
Realistically how strong do you have to get to lift 30-80kg freezers/fridges and other items into houses by yourself...
I'm sick of being ugly. No matter how much you try to improve, people will always automatically judge you by your face
The bar is open
Be literal 5'10 136 lb muscleless skeleton
/FAST/ No Food Nov. Keep Er Going Edition
What went wrong. I had so much promise, so much promised to me...
You may not like it, but this is what peak female performance looks like
My son is a straight up pussy
What to women actually like
Remember. Never be racist outside of the internet
Why the fuck can I ohp 145x4 but not 155x1? It stalls in the middle every time. FUCKKKKKK!!
Why did you start lifting? And why do you keep lifting?
I feel like I threw away my best years
So Zig Forums, what's the reason?
How ya bulking?
ITT:Post MOGS that will go down in the history books
Is this attainable natty?
Victim mentality is right
Anyone know the workout routine/diet he did? He got pretty shredded in a short timeframe...
*$boy$ starts playing*
Big traps without upper portion
Eyesight training / myopia reversal
Holy shit look how huge Tom is guys. You owe him an apology after all these years
Is sleeping next to your phone bad for you?
Meanwhile... in bizzaro Zig Forums
Post arm
The authors found that the fluctuations of testosterone levels from the 2nd to 5th day of abstinence were minimal...
I get no matches on Tinder, how much do I need to bench to get some slampigs? I can't go to the gym...
Daily reminder that there is no such thing as "skinny fat". You're either skinny or fat...
My younger brother just sent me a really scary text message and I don’t know what to do
How to Keep a Girl Thicc but Healthy
Rate my deadlift
How do i get his body?
Does your partner approve of your fitness regimen, Zig Forums?
You don't lift for women, right user?
8 days of NOFAP
Good Bodybuilding Workout Program for Intermediate Lifter
What do you lift for?
What is the most Zig Forums job? I am a truck driver in netherlands, cause im uneducated and speak only english...
Squat lag
What's my bf % ?
Realistically how strong do you have to get to lift 30-80kg freezers/fridges and other items into houses by yourself...
What will always annoy me about this tweet is WHY THE FUCK DID HE CHOOSE SOMEONE WHO LOOKS TO BE ABOUT 30% BODY FAT
ITT: kino lifting albums
Just bought a can of Snus after reading here on Zig Forums about how they're healthier than a cigarette
Is this bad genétics?
Uni Thread. Lets go
What NGMI say/do
total sperg
Swimming is the best way to get Zig Forums and get laid
Ab rollers
Day FIVE give it up for day FIVE
BRÜTAL mogging - the thread to end all mogging threads
Just lift bro
What to look for in a BJJ gym?
How do I get a fit girl? At least one who weighs less than me?
How would the president be determined under Zig Forums's rules? Arm wrestling?
Are black girls good for you?
Go to gym with sexy Asian wife
How do I tame and amazon, Zig Forums bros?
Progress Thread
Thank god that Zig Forumsizens are save
Just cried at the gym
What does Zig Forums anons desktop look like?
How much alcohol is too much?
Which is the Zig Forumsest country bros?
What are some good books about improving your social and mental well being?
Who is actually holding you accountable for NoFap, cold showers, meditation, NoPillow, NoMusic...
Can you do this Zig Forums
Zig Forums approved movies?
No nut november benefits
Alternative cardio
ITT: brutal mogs
Thinking of shaving my legs and arms to see what it looks like. Anyone here ever done it...
Zig Forums survey
I matched some yoga chick on Tinder
Which one of you faggots did this
NNN day 5
Myostatin (GDF8) is a negative regulator of muscle growth in mammals...
Please help
/plg/ - Powerlifting General
How the fuck am I supposed to eat 200+ grams of protein per day?
Running General
How did you get your first truly flat belly?
Who is her and what is the story?
Reminder to starting taking care of your skin
MMA Lifting
NoMusic is as important as NoFap
Reminder that almost all actors are on finasteride. So why aren’t you?
So Zig Forums can i get help with my fasting plan?
When I was a kid I used to think Adam Levine was buff as fuck
What are the pros and cons of juicing? Would you recommend juicing? If you're natty and want to juice...
What to do after lifting?
Lucky genetics beats hard work, every time
Why do a lo of weightlifters have terrible cores and no abs at all?
I'm 19, female, 5'8, and 147 lbs (last time I checked.) Because of my height...
Does Zig Forums like femboy aesthetics?
Does learning an instrument attract babes?
/cbt/ current body thread
Jewish girls are well-endowed in their breasts and buttocks due to good fat distribution
Home Gym Hamstring Exercises
Ausfit the general
I need a whitepill guys
What's my body fat percentage? Trying to get a six pack
Have I made it yet, fit?
Mental Health
RIP US gyms
/hmg/ - High Metabolism general
Curl wrist pain
How the fuck do I lose weight without feeling like I'm starving for three months...
So, what does Zig Forums do besides lifting? I'll go first
Are women attracted to ass on a guy?
*blocks your path*
Functional Strength
Hello i'm here for the job interview
Mire thread
Are cold showers a meme?
Who do you have in your head telling you to not give up?
Do you have any tricks to motivate yourself to lift on days you just can't get out of bed?
What mode is this
I haven't had an erection in months
If you struggle with crippling depression, how do you find the drive to keep lifting and keep eating healthy...
A democrat president
Goal body
Lesser known vitamin/mineral supplements?
Is it bad to wear tight clothes to show off gains?
When did you realized that bodybuilding is not the answer for getting gf? user
1000 reps
What are some ways to get a more feminine body as a male...
Obligatory testosterone increasing bread
/fat/ Mooncher Edition
Go to gym
Hold me bros
Porn addiction is real. No wonder western men have low T; you faggots literally cannot stop touching yourselves...
Fitness Blackpills
My gf stopped shaving her legs
What's the benefit of retaining foreskin? Lubrication? Sniffing your smegma like a loser...
I matched some yoga chick on Tinder
This is the ideal female body. You fat lovers on this board never fucked an actual woman in your life
Zig Forumsfood
Does Henry Cavill mogs your numbers?
Anyone else CHEAT rep?
Best knee sleeves
Has he traded in his natty card?
/smg/ - Strongman General
/bbg/ - bodybuilding general
NNN support thread
Got fit like 5x in my life now I'm almost at my 6th and I'm still a 30yo virgin who lives with his mom how the fuck do...
Japanese article on the ideal male body
This is my body. What should I do to have a normal body? My arms are so skinny, yet I have a big belly & large thighs...
Fit alcoholics
THIS is what I lift for
Failed NNN Bros
Without making fun of me, does this look like a hormone issue? I'm 26. Womenly figure...
How is NNN going, lads?
Will all of Thor's work and progress dwindle down to nothing, now that he has stopped taking roids...
I approached a girl at gym
Give me a single good reason why you still aren't carnivore
Zig Forums books
Kills your gains
Mire thread
>mfw 20kg more to go
Most retarded things on Zig Forums, I'll start
Chonker getting chonkier
Can finally curl 25 lbs
Is this an issue beyond normal bloating?
Can bench 250
/fph/ - Fat People Thread general
How to train like a professional fighter?
Is 18 too old to start lifting? Im skinnyfat at 18 and I feel like its a little late to start...
Ausfag General /AFG/
Does fit hike?
/plg/ - Powerlifting General
Zig Forums humor
This shit is impossible
Pendlay row vs barbell row
Shoe lifts
Reminder: fitness is for celebrities only, not peasants
Fit-ocracy when? Return to Greece my brothers
Bros I'm so sad. I feel no connection to the rest of humanity and my life is a meaningless meandering nightmare...
Gainz goblinz
Testosterone = most important hormone for getting fit. Why does nobody on here talk about improving it? Fucking posers
Where to start
/plg/ - powerlifting general
So Zig Forums, I'm interested;
Why do women do memeshit exercises
/deenz/ general
This dude is on a social media crusade right now claiming to be natty...
Cross fit cringe
Maxilla = most important bone in the body
How many of you faggots would have a panic attack being this close to a woman?
Eugen Sandow
Who messed up this guy's jaw?
Who do you lift for? Pic related
Dealing with anxiety
Choose one to be your master
I cant lose weight
Give me one reason to care about PUFAs
Has kyriakos grizzly outdone himself?
What are some good ways to help motivate yourself when cutting? what about god-tier foods to eat?
Eat sugar like ray peat says
Someone explain ray peat cultists to me
Is NoFap a cope for low test incels?
Why aren’t you guys looksmaxxing?
How the fuck are you supposed to get these fatty mounds to fuck off? 6'0 154lbs, previously 194lbs. How fucked am I?
Hey user, glad you made it to the pool party! I thought you'd be too busy at the gym haha :)
THIS is why I lift
Floor sleeping
Is this body salvageable at this point?
This is why i lift
Day THREE give it up for day THREE
5000 BC +7020
Oh boy I definitely am excited for gyms opening back up again this Saturday, November 7th
Post your height, weight, lifting numbers and rate this image from 1/10 based on how attracted to feel towards her
What mode is this, Zig Forums?
How much do you need to squat for this position?
Routine Rate Thread
Tinder bread
If SS/SL are shit
Running General
What it's the best safety razor?
Why do my hips hurt from squatting?
Iam putting together a team...to stop the porn industry once and for all. Are you with me anons?
Anyone uses a doorframe pull up bar? Mine just arrived, and I can't set it up...
Please swipe right please swipe right
Mental Zig Forums thread
Childhood hero
I Fucked Up
Come on guys
Some homeless bum made some noises at me at i was considering going back and beating him up
How we holding up, lads?
/plg/ Powerlifting Edition
/NNN/ Problems thread
This diet is PROVEN to increase your longevity and make you outperform young people in your 40s...
For baldies
Women are a meme
How does a man become like pic related?
Metabolism fucked? or normal
Facial Fitness
Manlet hate thread
About to jump on Finasteride and Rogaine (minoxidil) 5%, redpill me on negative side effects
Does your girlfriend mire your gains??
How long did it take you to reach 1/2/3/4?
/FPH/ - Election Day Edition
Be me
Is judging people who are weaker than you healthy?
Rate me fit
Who does Zig Forums do it for ?
What's the cure to making Americans less fat?
Why didn't Mark Rippetoe and that Stronglifts fag alter their programs for what their customers want...
Any other bros become narcissistic after lifting?
Does chewing gum improve jawline?
Zig Forums humor thread
ITT: intelligent critiques of the Starting Strength program
How to leave 4 channel dot com
Timing your eating/ calorie intake
Ausfag General /AFG/
/FAST/ No Food Nov. Day 2-3
How long does he have left?
This is what I'm lifting for
Gyms closed again
What physical features on a woman do you prefer?
/hmg/ - High Metabolism general
Is it too late once the scalp is showing even a little bit?
What mode is this?
/NNN/ DAY 3!!! DAY 3!!! GIVE IT UP FOR DAY 3!!!
Finding this website was the worst mistake I ever made
Uncleposter....i submit
NNN starts
Why aren't you proving yourself with Zercher deadlifts and Zercher squats? All hail the Zercher Gods
It's OHP day, user!!!
Zig Forums shaming
/fat/ No Nut November Edition
How can I give up caffeine? What can I use to substitute coffee/energy drinks?
Thoughts on pic related?
How fucking easy is it to look shredded when you're a manlet? This dude doesn't even lift that heavy
Starting Personality
Has lifting actually made your life any better, Zig Forums?
NNN Day 2. How are you guys holding up lads?
Mental Health Thread
How do i start my life?turned 18 last year...
R/Fitness is making fun of us again
Drastically cutting calories helps you lose weight faster, right?
Autism thread
Is sleep a waste of time?
Zig Forums how do i get this jawline?
Mire thread
Nofap cheatcodes
ITT: Rare body types
Is rice good for gains?
Post ideal woman for Zig Forums genes
Just post the dumbest shit you've ever found in Zig Forums
Boosting testosterone naturally
Zig Forums are incels justified for their victim mentally. I mean genes do matter right?
Redpill me on keto Zig Forums
Fuck corona lockdown
Post your sleepsmaxx tips
He hasn't learned a martial arts
Is this the ideal female body?
Skinny with alright face
How do you beat laziness
No matter how much I curl, my arms stay very narrow. They have breadth (I can post from the side later...
/GLG/ Garloid General
First time going to a gym
No one cares in real life but you guys are my bro’s. I hit a new pb on 5k
You guys think its safe to set up my power rack in an upstairs bedroom? House was built in 2000 I believe...
Zig Forums Ideals thread
Zig Forumsbros, did you ever have the makings of a varsity athlete?
As a turbomanlet, should I go twink mode or become the dwarf?
I can bench 315x7 with a slingshot. Do you think I can bench 315x1 raw?
Back hurts from deadlifts and squats a few days ago
This guy has one national powerlifting competitions, has broken records, has an insane physique...
Post your C O L O R S
How many calories would this dessert have?
/plg/ Powerlifting General
I ate 5 lbs of lettuce, I step on scale and im 5 lbs heavier. I thought calories is what mattered for weight loss??
Cancelling Keto and going back to Carbs
500g greek yogurt
/cbt/ current body thread
Why cant I coom with this shit on? I literally fuck her for 30 minutes nothing happens
I'd like to stop, but it feels so good
When should I eat my OMAD, 12:00 lunch or 5:00 dinner?
Natty Deer Natty Deer
This one is dedicated to all those who refused to wear their mask to the gym. Hope you're happy
How to speed up metobolism
In 2 days i'll bench press 78kg
It's finally happening. My hairline is receding bros. How do I stop this or at least reduce the damage
Hello. What martial art would you recommend for a 20yo 5.84 138lbs guy such as me? Pls no bully...
Squats don't do anything for my glutes brehs. I literally don't feel a thing. What now?
"According to a peer-reviewed double-blind study conducted by the department of life sciences at Harvard University...
This is it. This is all you need to ever eat every day. 0.7lb of minced grass-fed beef, and 1-2 raw eggs on top of it...
This site unironically ruined me
Let’s settle the debate. What’s the hardest special operations selection course?
Be me
Another day spent hungover and depressed
How to keep a boner in a condom
Training schedule edition
No Fap November
What are the unbiased, objective pros & cons of roiding?
Post your best motivational pics
My lower back hurts when i do deadlifts
How do you motivate a person that barely has any motivation to
Imagine losing weight to still look like shit. LMAO
To all you fake natties out there, beware, the cops are onto you
How do I talk to girls I see out jogging/walking their dogs on trails?
Sup, 18yo Serbian noob here, 187cm and 105kg, how the fuck do i get this type of physique?
Strongman workout
Casual Sex is Disgusting
Nutrition broscience perpetuated on fit
I am a living example of why you shouldnt do starting strength
80 grams of oats
FPH - Fat People Hate
Am i doomed?
Why are lanklets so pathetic?
Why is my metabolism so dog shit?
Bloach Blobo autism
No girl has ever flirted with me, approached me, messaged me first...
Ausfagfit general /afg/ youse cunts are late edition
Tfw lifting for 6 years and fit
Day 2 NNN
What do you listen to while lifting?
Are you doing No Nut November?
Fitness statistics
It's amazing how much glasses nullify any level of physical fitness
Kik profreshional88
If you could design your perfect body for yourself and your mate, what would they look like?
Is there a couch to 5k program but for cycling?
Post Based Quotes
Given your level of cardio, would you survive a zombie apocalypse?
This is the most brutal blackpill. Even if you have bodybuilder tier physique...
Thinking of going vegetarian
>be me
Let's get a kick of reality bois. Post your most depressed Zig Forums related image
If fat cells never go away
This is why i lift
Do these actually work? Or are they just a meme?
>women only want one thing and its disgusting!
Hey Zig Forums. To make a long story short I'm obese. 329 pounds. Not blaming anyone but myself...
Shirtless gym selfies for Tinder
Have sex for first time
Do you use negative emotions to push yourself?
Tinder bio
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine