I hope you ate your deenz today, Zig Forums. You ARE eating deenz... right?
/deenz/ general
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leee deenz :D:D:D talkign baout them deenz, now what i means :DD deenz and bacon is ftw, fellow plebbitors xDD
I just can't get through a day without having some DEENZ :D
I don't call them sardines, I call them 'deenz' like I call avocados 'avos' and pizza 'za'. It's quirky as heck!
deenz posters getting mercury poisoning and eating enough plastic in a week to make a credit card
deenz is part of our personality it makes us feel special :D it's just being random and quirky, but we have created a community around deenz, which is hecking AWESOME
The last couple of sardines I ate tasted like shit and looked like shit so I'm not gonna eat 'em for a while. I ate tuna today though
What does fit think about mackerel? I tried some of it to mix up deenz and it wasn’t that bad.
if it aint deenz, it don't belong here :D We're all about the deenz, if you know what it means dubidubbadam
You're not funny so it's best if you would just shut the fuck up
Try deenz in mustard sauce
got a can from Portugal, goddamn it was better than some fish I got in a restaurant here
probably the difference in the olive oil or something
shut the fuck up idiot. yes we ate sardines, no i dont wanna talk to anyone about 1 specific type of food. eat and shut up.
I did broke my fast with some Brunswick sardines in spring water
Glenryck pilchards in tomato sauce, 20g of protons for 50p. Nothing beats tomato deenz on cream crackers.
you better not get them in seed oil
i eat a can in olive oil daily
tried a little too hard there, m8. Back to pleddit with you.
>bottom of the good chain
Meals I can cook with 20ish tins of deenz I bought but grew to hate. Was going to cook some pasta with tomato sauce and chuck them in that but I'll take any other recipes.
Sardine patties. You need a tin of sardines or mackerel, spices/herbs (smoked paprika, garlic, salt, pepper, parsley), egg and bit of breadcrumbs (you can omit them I guess).
Mix everything together, make patties and you can bake them in the oven or pan fry them o a little bit of oil.
>Deenz in olive oil
>Dice spinach and fry in oil from can
>Have over toast with a couple of fried eggs
Breakfast of champions.
Need a better alternative than wholemeal bread though, I'm sure it's full of crap.
>the GOAT deez
I can't stop eating these bros, they're so good
>dice spinach
salmon, eggs, milk, beef, and kale
With a knife.
Chop is probably what I mean, just roughly.
Based and jalapeño-pilled
t. pizza faced retard
tinned mackerel is incredibly based
I haven't eaten deenz since pre-lockdown. I would take a can to work and that would be my lunch. I was getting so lean. I'm totally unmotivated to eat deenz at home.
Atlantic Mackerel master race reporting in.
surprised no one's posted this masterpiece yet
fucking larper