How long did it take you to reach 1/2/3/4?

how long did it take you to reach 1/2/3/4?

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okay now that i have posted a legitimate thread, time to get down to business. Dubs decides what my tattoo says

I'm currently at 0.25/1/0/0, I'll let you know

mel gibson

three years and still not there

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lol rollin for this

unironically 6 months. just eat right and lift heavier than last time

S-s-seven y-years and c-counting
Though I'm 67kg which helps me cope
I've hit 1/3/4 but can't get that 2pl8 bench for 5 reps

I'm 8 months in and my bench hasn't increased in anything except rep number in 5 months.


KEK. rolling

After 5 months of lifting while losing weight I am at:
132.5kg deadlift
100kg squat
70kg bench
47.5kg ohp
For sets of 5.
How much more time would it take me to reach 1/2/3/4?

If I manage to hit it (at least 5 reps each) by the end of November, exactly 2 years. That’s how long I’ve been taking lifting seriously, had a routine, and worked out more than twice a week. Prior, 4 years more years since I first picked up a dumbbell

OP here. I will legitimately get what dubs gives me, idgaf about what i get tattoo'd on me. My last one was my proudboys 3rd degree, now i dont care what else goes on there

get this

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sorry, it has to be text. Can't be a picture

I alternate between low rep (4x5,1x5+) and hypertrophic range (3x8-12) flat, and only bench twice a week. I'm still a novice, but I haven't stopped adding 5lbs per week yet, @ 245 for the 4x5 and 205 for the 3x8-12. Full disclaimer I'm a bit heavier at 5'9 185 though, so that may contribute. This is probably just broscience but I feel my lifts progress much more fluidly if I'm eating 40g protein 5x a day instead of OMADing like I used to.





That's great user, don't let any e-statters tell you different. Time depends on diet, routine etc, just keep improving little by little.

Heil Hitler

Weight/Height/Training background (i.e sports)? 2pl8 bench starting seems nutso, is that 1rm or working set?




OP here: FUCKING FUCK YOU. I will get this though


I love bbc

Put me in the screencap

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Fuckkk yeahhhhh

I would have had it after 4 years if covid didn't happen. Then i ruptured a ligament in my ankle a week after the gyms reopened.

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