5000 BC +7020

>5000 BC +7020
>not sleeping on an inclined bed

Attached: GVV4Nv6GRKmO6Ru38uRD_Inclined_Sleeping_Today_Future-samina-ibt-sleep-incline[1].jpg (3467x3434, 711.98K)

My incline is sideways because my bed is messed up

>blood pools up in your feet and less blood in your head

literally a brainlet way of sleeping

>Not using the curvature of the earth to set up a natural incline

nothing is pooling because the blood coming from the head is denser before it is thinned in the kidneys, meaning it falls down from the head through gravity and his pushes the circulation around

trees draw up water and nutrients from the soil, then water is evaporated in the leaves and the sap of the tree becomes denser at the top which causes it to fall and push up the ascending sap

Don't care, gravity exists retard.

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>sleeping on a bed

I sleep in a big bed with my wife

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yeah what about the other 16 hours of the day that you aren't on the bed?




I sleep at a 10° incline with a 10lb dumbbell tied to my dick. Gained 2in so far




trump won the election

imagine not sleeping on the floor with no pillow for optimal health. Can either use a yoga matt and a blanket covering it for a bit of cushoning and so you're not on a rubbery surface. or if you're not a poor fag go buy a Japanese futon made for floor sleeping

>curvature of the earth
globefags still clueless

>5000 BC
>still sleeping

pick one

Japanese sleep on the floor because their bedroom floors are made of soft bamboo, not hard ass concrete or carpet you absolute retard.
Look them up they're called tatami.

thats what a yoga matt and blanket are for. to lessen the hardness. But you realize that we evolved sleeping in the dirt with a bit of leaves or animal fur covering it right? Look up the benefits of sleeping on the floor and without pillows before you shit talk.


Already debunked

Just gonna be safe with this one

Quite based

blood pools in your feet regardless

t. was homeless for a while

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Jesus Christ...House Md himself right here

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Actually not a lot of houses have tatami nowadays, you'll probably find wood floors, they just buy the tatami or a futon.


of course


Not me though, I sleep hanging upside down from my feet on my pull up bar.

>decline bed
fall asleep anyway