Eat sugar like ray peat says

>eat sugar like ray peat says
>feel like shit
fuck you ray

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Why is there so much ray peat posting

What kind of sugar are you eating? Ray says to only eat refined sugar as a therapeutic measure. It's not something you should do regularly.

sugar to cure what exactly ?

>In 1933, Burr observed that his fat-deficient rats consumed oxygen at an extremely high rate, and even then, the thought didn't occur to him that other nutritional deficiencies might have been involved in the condition he described. Ordinarily, the need for vitamins and minerals corresponds to the rate at which calories are being burned, the metabolic rate. Burr recalled that the rats on the fat free diet drank more water, and he reasoned that the absence of linoleic or linolenic acid in their skin was allowing water vapor to escape at a high rate. He didn't explain why the saturated fats the rats were synthesizing from sugar didn't serve at least as well as a "vapor barrier"; they are more effective at water-proofing than unsaturated fats, because of their greater hydrophobicity. The condensed and cross-linked keratin protein in skin cells is the main reason for the skin's relatively low permeability. When an animal is burning calories at a higher rate, its sweat glands are more actively maintaining a normal body temperature, cooling by evaporation; the amount of water evaporated is an approximate measure of metabolic rate, and of thyroid function.

In 1936, a man in Burr's lab, William Brown, agreed to eat a similar diet for six months, to see whether the "essential fatty acid deficiency" affected humans as it did rats.
The diet was very similar to the rats', with a large part of the daily 2500 calories being provided at hourly intervals during the day by sugar syrup (flavored with citric acid and anise oil), protein from 4 quarts of special fat-free skimmed milk, a quart of which was made into cottage cheese, the juice of half an orange, and a "biscuit" made with potato starch, baking powder, mineral oil, and salt, with iron, viosterol (vitamin D), and carotene supplemented.

Brown had suffered from weekly migraine headaches since childhood, and his blood pressure was a little high when he began the diet. After six weeks on the diet, his migraines stopped, and never returned. His plasma inorganic phosphorus declined slightly during the experiment (3.43 mg./100 cc. of plasma and 2.64 on the diet, and after six months on a normal diet 4.2 mg.%), and his total serum proteins increased from 6.98 gm.% to 8.06 gm.% on the experimental diet. His leucocyte count was lower on the high sugar diet, but he didn't experience colds or other sickness. On a normal diet, his systolic blood pressure varied from 140 to 150 mm. of mercury, the diastolic, 95 to 100. After a few months on the sugar and milk diet, his blood pressure had lowered to about 130 over 85 to 88. Several months after he returned to a normal diet, his blood pressure rose to the previous level.
On a normal diet, his weight was 152 pounds, and his metabolic rate was from 9% to 12% below normal, but after six months on the diet it had increased to 2% below normal. After three months on the sugar and milk diet, his weight leveled off at 138 pounds. After being on the diet, when he ate 2000 calories of sugar and milk within two hours, his respiratory quotient would exceed 1.0, but on his normal diet his maximum respiratory quotient following those foods was less than 1.0.

If I eat:
-table sugar
-carbs in general
i usually get sick. Like literally sick, I will sneeze and cough like crazy

so the guy ate sugar and lost weight and increased his metabolism ? I can believe the metabolism part, but losing weight on a sugar diet is hard to believe

Maybe he was one of a kind but I don't think the majority of people can lose weight on a sugar syrup diet

not reading all that

Becoming sick from fruit is not a natural response. Fruit is what Ray suggests everyone to eat.

Well it is for me. So maybe ray peat is wrong about my body.

They did a lab test on rats that consumed a high-fructose drink diet, their calorie intake increased by 400% but the weight remained the same as other rats who didn't consume the sugar drink

>"...The caloric intake of the R group animals in this study was approximately four times higher than that of the L and C group animals. However, there was no significant difference in body weight. It is known that, in humans, caffeine intake at a dose of 4 mg/kg every two hours alters both the basal metabolic rate (increasing it between 8 and 11%) and the renin-angiotensin system [30-32]. The caffeine intake of the group R animals corresponding to 4.8 mg/kg every two hours was probably sufficient to offset the potential gain in weight that would otherwise have resulted from their increased caloric intake. Nevertheless, it should be noted that these animals ingested about five times more liquid than did the animals in the other two groups. Changes in the renin-angiotensin system may have been responsible for the large intake of regular soft drink by group R animals during the experiment. By comparison, the L group animals had an average caffeine intake of about corresponding to 1.02 mg/kg every two hours. This amount was probably not sufficient to cause changes in basal metabolism or in the renin-angiotensin system [30,32]."

so caffeine + sugar = weight loss and higher metabolism ?

Yea, among other things.

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sounds a bit far fetched but why not

many people consume caffeine and sugar regularly and they're skinny fat at best so it's a bit strange still

so how do you deal with Lustig saying the exact opposite? specifically on

who tf is ray pears and why does he give such horible advice

You wanna look like this?

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literally who?

discord trannys trying to meme retards into doing retard things

In recent decades, sugar consumption has declined while consumption of starch and fat, especially (((pufa))) has skyrocketed. Also the coca extract in coca-cola has some metabolically active substances

>not even mentioning his speech or memory

>but I don't think the majority of people can lose weight on a sugar syrup diet
fat people always eat carbs and fat. it's pretty disgusting to eat carbs without any fat whatsoever. you generally don't want to overeat.
the most fattening foods contain a 1:1 en% ratio of carbs and fat. like pizza, pasta (mac&cheese), donuts, chocolate, fries, chips, etc.

He's 85 and a walking library. He's literally sharper than people in their teens and early 20s.

he's frail and stumbles over all his words. he has not aged graciously.
but sure, get alzheimers, develop osteoperosis, keep following his path.

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nigger are you really suggesting drinking coke and sugary coffee to lose weight

I don't care about fat people so I won't recommend them anything for losing weight. All I'm saying is that sugar and caffeine are not responsible for the obesity pandemic

>has compilations of autistic meaningless studies in his head
Yeah, a shitty library created by a weird creep, full of conflicting incorrect information