Post brutal mogs
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Fuck lefty must feel like a mega bitch
Absolutely dwarfed
> Olympia winner mogs fema teen
Who's being mogged here? They're both 10/10 males are you retarded?
>roided up freaks
They disgust me almost as much as mtf trannies, and that's saying something
One of the most brutal mogs ever recorded
Kek, are those David Laid and Chris Bumstead? Laid is 6'2" and Bumstead is supposed to be 6'1". From this picture, I'm not sure he's even 6'.
something about that cunt pisses me off. he's loves the sound of his own voice and has nothing interesting to say. he thinks being contrarian is a personality trait. reminds me of those old internet atheists
most pro bodybuilders are around 5'6-5'8 barefoot and chris bumstead is probably no exception
Vaya tetas
God damn.
dave's more aesthetic though
The one with the tits is uglier, so it's really not that bad a mog.
Yeah but when you take into account that 3/5 men are tit crazed then its a broootal mog.
What does white european mean?
Europeans are all "white"
Just say his ethnicity you stupid arab cunt.
Lefty is sizemogged, age mogged, beard mogged, and overall masculine mogged. Righty looks like he’s gonna bend David over and go to town.
>mr olympia vs gymshark athlete
jeez I wonder who is gonna get mogged
Posting an interdimensional mog
I think cbum is a honest 6'1, go watch the video they did togethwe
>tall aesthetic guy vs roided manlet
>"b-but the manlet is REALLY roided, so he wins!"
Zig Forums actually believes this.