ITS TOMBOY TUESDAY! You know what that means, don'cha?

THATS RIGHT! Push up thread!

Get down and DO. THOSE. PUSH UPS!

Don't disappoint me, master!

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Nah, I'll pass. Push-ups don't do much anyways

It's rest day, fuck you.
and tomorrow I'm gonna bench, so fuck you twice.
ps. mordred worst son ever.

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Haven't done one in years, hoping for a reasonable one...

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nice gyno

it's just something you do for the fun of it

Yes maam


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Bro if you are so weak that doing 25 to 50 pushups fuck your bench out the next day you got some big problems


aight lets see how many i do

then i'll roll again for crunches


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Rolling to become big and strong for my monkey armed thicc-toned runner tomboy basketball waifu

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my big problems is 'm not testing my limits and eating clean

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Rollin rollin

This all in one go? Gonna be frank, don't think I can handle it if it ends up being 90+

Here we go anons...

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>kanbaru waifu
unless you're a girl i have bad new for you


Not like it makes her any more unattainable than she already was. Plus she was at least a little bi

imagine kanbaru pegging you and giving you a monke reach around

Oh shit Kanbaru is monke waifu. Fuckin based


I wish I would have talked to the tomboy who started working at the gym, maybe tommorow if shes there

She's literally all over Aragi-kun though.

Gotta roll

how are you gonna post worst saber from worst fate
arturia would be ashamed user

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