>user, going on big swings in body weight by doing "bulks" and "cuts" is UNHEALTHY. Instead, maintain a strict, structured, regiment and gradually build up mass overtime.
what's the correct rebuttal here
OP is a faggot.
Dr. Gottfried says she is correct.
>"yes mommy"
"And you know, how? My results speak for themselves."
I don’t really care. As long as I’m working hard, getting stronger and not eating like a disgusting pig, I’m content. At the end of the day, gaining power is all that matters.
*grab knife away
>Shut the fuck up bitch before I break your goddamn jaw and face fuck you.
>You will be having the fish.
Funny isn't it?
I'ts always the people who partake the least in training who always spew bullshit like this at gatherings.
Its either
A- some fat bitch who has "depression" or is madly overweight, who tries to cope with "hormones"
B- people who "work out" but actually pose in front of gym mirrors because it's a trend and believe in crap like veganism or kale shakes etc.
>post body faggot
I OHP 2 plates. Shut the fuck up and enjoy the meal. I don't take advice from women, children, or people who lift less than me.
The correct rebuttal is to realize that she's right.
Bulking and coping is for beginners.
>Wow you almost pass as a woman
Too bad those meaty digits gave up the goose
She's right. Anything more than 1 lb per week isn't productive
Totally possible and would probably be the better way, but its too hard for most people myself included. I can build size and strength while enjoying what I eat and then when it's tarps off season I can cut before and look good. Just because it's a quicker better way doesn't mean you'll be happy doing it.
>you're right ma'am please let me worship your feet, and sit on my face.
>you can peg me after that
Nah. I enjoy gaining and losing and gaining and losing 50 lbs repeatedly forever.
ma'am I've been bulking for the 22 years I've been alive
fuck you whore you don't even lift
>Yes, queen! Thank you!
>Can you write your onlyfans link on the napkin so I can tip you for this advice?
why do females have nails like this??
Because they never have to do any work.
Honestly I think its cause it makes them more appear more dainty and helpless and thats a turn on for a lot of men.
I like women with well kept natural nails of regular length. Girls with long nails are usually high maintenance
>mfw protein-sparing fast until Boris lets me go back to the gym
it's a political protest
You’re poor / ugly if your woman’s hands don’t look like this
Ironically its usually the poor girls who try and act rich that look like this. Also you ever see how fucked their real nails are underneath that fake shit? Super thin and soft and will break short. Always those ratchet girls trying to act bougee lmao
Gee, she's got fat hands
>what's the correct rebuttal here
My body, my choice.
I personally think it's abour striking a balance.
These are trashy niggress nails and disgusting. Women with nails like this suck in the kitchen.
Women with no nails could be dykes or somehow dysfunctional, and they have to have natural Goddess genes to pull it off.
In the middle is best, not extending away from the finger but some sort of something, even that clear glaze shit or whatever its called. Sorry I'm not a faggot so I don't know the name.
Ladies, NEVER, let your faggy woman vanity get in the way of cooking and fucking and you're gold.
People care wayyyy too much, nutrition is pretty simple:
>calculate your TDEE and eat in a max 200 calorie surplus studies have shown muscles hardly need a calorie surplus to grow
>if you're putting on fat eat less, if you're loosing muscle mass eat more
>as time passes your body gets used to eating that much and you won't have to calc every single thing
>keep an eye on your macros, protein intake is important
>don't shoot yourself if you overeat sometimes, it averages out
>goal is to build muscle without fat, if ever you build up some fat in the run just do a small cut
>cuts are easy just eat less
>one hour and a half cardio per week
Bulking/cutting is beta
>don't care, didn't ask, plus you're a woman
>calls you a fag, throws a drink in your face, and leaves
cup of cum
that headsize to body ratio
flat as a boy
two hapafoids detected
>smash her face against the wall and facefuck her