>Be autistic mutt
>use tinder
>Keep getting likes and superlikes from nordic girls
>Swedish girl wants to date this weekend
>Finnish girl wants to date also this weekend.
Which one do I pick
>Be autistic mutt
>use tinder
>Keep getting likes and superlikes from nordic girls
>Swedish girl wants to date this weekend
>Finnish girl wants to date also this weekend.
Which one do I pick
Pic related is me
Yes im still dating Freda and she is still my main girl. Im just dating other girls so I dont fall in love with Freda as you guys have suggested
Do you think these 2 also have a interracial fetish or do they actually care about me
These are fat. They're using super fat-hiding angles in these shots
Yeah why wouldn’t they want a dark dude if they are in Portugal?
I’ve been in Lisbon and the people there are quite ugly and dyel, the competition is almost non existent if you aren’t a complete abomination.
As for what girl to choose, the one with the biggest ass of course.
Idk about the other girl but this one is fat and is anglefrauding
could be true what about this one?
at least attempt to be on topic you retarded mutt
Cringe thread.
>Which one do I pick
Both, ofc.
stay the hell away.
Looks like one of these weird girls that may cause trouble
how long before this goblin schizo ropes?
jesus christ i am in my late 20s and i want to pick this bitch in the face for being such a child. that cherry has even been dragged on. who the FUCK smokes for a picture. bohemian life in paris LOL shut the fuck up nigger, thats the gayest trope ever.
Looks horrible
Probably a ton of issues
Do not listen to Pick because she at least looks skinny smoking whore, dip it and flip it.
>head shot only
>hair obscures giant neck
>chin may be shooped, in any event it's very deliberately propped up to minimize chin fat
>big leather jacket obscures arms and actual size
>only from neck
>other shot again is black and white hair-obscuring shot of neck and cocked neck
>face is VERY round, cheeks chubby
>wine glass obscures face
>across the neck- wine glass+finger+hair+jacket all obscures girthy neck
>baggy jacket obscures waist, as does hand on leg
>angling leg upwards further obscures waist
>thumbnail uses similar cocked head, hair down obscuring neck, arms, STILL very round face
Is this how tinder works now a days? Just say the exact same shit to everyone and hope someone bites? Lol
You pick all on different days, fuck each, and only call back the one that was the best lay. Is this new to you?
Damn these bitches ugly. You consider it an accomplishment to lower your standards with these women?
Lmao it's the Schizo Brazilian nigger
Probably not fat- you have an elegant, unobscured neck, visible clavicles.
But she's an artist so 10x odds of being super degenerate.
Imagine actually being desired.
God fucking damnit it's the 5'5 virgin again
You are by far the worst poster on this board and I wish you all the misfortune life can muster
I used to hate you but man you are unique hahahaha never change
Not OP but yeah of course, when you reach 100+ matches you can’t be fuckin bothered to come up with something original for every single basic bitch
Keep making Zig Forums seethe my man.
Now you're just reusing pics from your old threads. Cringe.
this is my main waifu btw what do you think about her
He is from Cape Verde and Portugual retard
Cape Verde is basically mutt heaven. The girls are hot as fuck and the weather is very nice. I went there once.
bases mutt
She looks damn fat, none of them have proper body shots?
incel virgin cope.
He's a mutt and he speaks Portuguese ==> Brazilian
Fuck off Freda is not fat...Also she has cute feet which I want to sniff but I havent been able yet...I will sniff them for you guys and maybe record me fucking her
Please don't record that. No one wants to see a 5'3 mutt fuck a fat chick
you dont understand and are probably completely unexperienced when it comes to thots. Do not listen to him.
this meme has been debunked already so nice try. Also im not virgin I lost it to Freda a Danish girl living in Lisbon
You feet fetish retards deserve a bullet in the head
God, I want