feelsbar is open again
say, user, are the weights the heaviest thing you carry?
I need to break up with my girlfriend but I still like her as a person so I feel shitty about it. Otherwise life is going well
Bellying up, but I may need a few to start talking.
I can't take it anymore.
I'll have a glass of whiskey and a glass of Bailey's with ice
I just hit 1.5/2/3/4
>girl matches me on tinder
>I'm on my friends bday, ignore it
>wake up
>hangover af
>she sent a heart right after matching me
>followed me on insta
>ignore it for now, gotta recover, hit gym, work
>evening after work, she unmatched me
>see "anyone wanna talk?" on her insta
Should I text her on Instagram lads even though she unmatched me? I've never done this, I always got girls irl, I've never "slided in the DMs"
I matched with this lads
What do I say?
I'm scared about the direction the world is going
I'll take a Steel Reserve Blue Razz, please.
Life is going pretty well bartender. I'll be finishing up my second medical degree in a month. I hit a 315lb bench press recently and feel strong. I've been getting pretty good at chess too. I got up to a 1500 ELO on lichess. Tonight I'm going to hang out by myself, get drunk, and watch some Trailer Park Boys. We're all gonna make it.
Same. how long you been together? we've been together 3 years and live together so a separation would be v difficult
Im bored.
Lol wtf. She made a story with the text, “anyone wanna talk?”? If that’s the case she’s a degenerate that has little value. If you just want to fuck her, I can’t see why not message her? Otherwise, have some respect for yourself
bros im trying so hard but i cant seem to develop any kind of meaning in life or even a single passion anymore, i feel like im in a hole i wont get out of since almost 2 years and im only 21
Looks fishy. I'd stay away.
>haha we have sex xd women are funny get over it
This is for groups, me and my friends used to specifically look for this shit, we'd meet 1-3 groups of girls like this a week, mostly girls visiting the city
We'd drink outside and then invite them over. If we managed to get them to come to ours, we drank a bit more. But most of the time we'd get so smashed we'd fuck it up, only once did we all score on the same night
They have stinky pussies.
these are the worst types of girls but blow your load and hit the road
>might get a better job offer tomorrow
>too afraid to leave shitty job that destroyed my mental health
>all because I don't feel worthy enough
What do?
Yh obviously I'm not looking for love on tinder, that's fucking retarded
I'm straight out of a long relationship, had lots of fun in the summer and I've been on a dry spell since September.
But I've never hooked up with a girl through texts so idk how to do it
Why do people care so much about the fact I'm okay being single and don't want kids?
Med fag in third shit world country. No problem with money, 7/10 GF, got enough money to have a cool life which most people can't have and yet I don't give a shit about life.
Yeah, I know how to diagnose depression and I know I am not. It's something else entirely.
It's a weird feeling, but being coping with it for few years already.
I have what most people want and I couldn't care less
>Stuck in a 4 person assigned group for a project + presentation in 3rd year neuroscience course
>Immediately begin organizing to facilitate a good presentation, and earning a good grade
>Create discord channel for group
>Schedule audio conference to assign responsibilities for individual group members
>Tell group members not to hesitate if they would like to ask for assistance with anything
>Due date is now 48 hours away
>One group member submits a bullshit word document that depicts zero effort, and have no value. Adds text saying “if anybody could help that would be great”
>He then stops answering any messages
>Another group member submits work that needs to be re-completed because it is full of errors
>”I can maybe try and fix it tomorrow, user?”
>Group member stops answering
>Final group member submits her component completed to perfection
The fact that I have to complete 75% of a four person project + presentation on my own is fucking infuriating. The worst part is, part of our grade is allocated to how “evenly” we distributed the work - so, if I throw those cunts under the bus, the entire group gets a decreased grade. FUCK, I hate group projects.
Because not wanting kids (in general, not with a particular person) is the singlehandedly most unnatural thing a person can do
The most basic function of ANY organism is procreation, not wanting to procreate in general goes against laws of nature.
I'm kind of in a weird position myself:
>want kids to pass on my genetic line
>however, don't want to raise or pay for kids
I'd rather just travel, get various women pregnant and duck out desu.
Let her down softly bro. Even if she gets upset with you initially, treat her like a child (be very patient) and when her emotions return to baseline, she will recognize that you’re a great dude.
I feel like I'm not making enough fitness progress because I don't want it bad enough and my mindset is holding me back.
>Third shit world country
>That girl in the pic
Argie bro I suppose?
lifting is the only thing i look forward to, ive lost all passion and ambition, everyone i meet is either superficial/materialistic or a drug addict
Have had a weird recurring dream lately.
My mother crying in the couch and she is visibly scared. Last night it even got me crying and praying.
I honestly don't know what to do, specially since I already called her and told me everything was business as usual.
Don't know if I'm being neurotic, but i'm really worried.
>be a college dropout loser NEET who has no friends and doesn't go outside
>take stimulants in the morning and benzos at night to escape the pain of reality
>do nothing but jack off and play video games all day
>waste three whole years of my life like this
>go to sleep every night not wanting to wake up
>finally decide to turn things around
>diet and lose 70 pounds
>quit doing drugs cold turkey
>even quit caffeine, stop consuming coffee and chocolate
>go through two years of withdrawal
>gain back 40 lbs
>feel even worse than before
>keep at it
>nothing changes
>keep on keeping at it
>start writing again
>start thinking again
>start going outside
>start working out
>start losing weight
>start talking to people
>start going to parties
>start chatting up a girl
>start feeling genuinely alive again for the first time in years
>be a college dropout loser NEET who has no friends and doesn't go outside
Please someone be my friend. I've been completely alone for six years.
Why do you need to break up with her user?
Went through a similar thing, I was in a long relationship and realized I need to end it around January, actually ended it in June
If it wasn't for my dad and best friend supporting me, I'd probably still be with her
Sometimes I miss her but I did the right thing
This won't work, if you want to finish it you need to meet her knowing what you want to do and START the conversation by breaking up with her. I tried so many times and she was just being too cute to break up with her, I managed to do it only when I came and said
>we need to talk about something
>what is it babe
>I think we should break up
Then there's the moment where your heart freezes when you see her facial expression go from being cute and loving to despair and realize there's no going back from what you just said.
I loved my ex for who she was as a person, I wanted to keep it on good terms. Her sending me a message with the most insults I've ever read in a single sentence a week after hurt, but also made me sure that I did the right thing.
Things were going great for about 2 weeks but I took one wrong step leading me to go back to old habits.
At least I'm still following my workout program.
you only get one life dude don't spend half of it worrying, leave your shitty job
tell them they are pissing you off and if there are any men in your group fight them