24 yo

>24 yo
>deadlift 505 @ 180lbs
>bachelor degree
>decent job in IT
>good will power, can diet and exercise easily
>too scared to go in a bar and socialize, let alone talk to a girl

Attached: 1603667729402.jpg (622x448, 38.8K)

Take pictures and put them on tinder and try out shit behind a screen

Get a fecal transplant to cure your autism

Have you tried telling girls how much you deadlift?

Oh no is this me from the future?
>deadlift 305 @160lbs
>good job in IT

Post body

Anything under a 600lb deadlift is nothing to be proud of. Literal skellies can pull 500.

Anything under:
315 bench
225 OHP
455 squat
585 deadlift

Is not impressive to people who actually lift

>decent job in IT
theres your problem
IT is an incel career

If I deadlift 600 will I finally be confident?

You'll never pull 5 pl8, skelly.

At 22, your work ethic (lack thereof) and shit training/ training intensity has cemented itself.

My dad was in IT though. Explain that

>23 yo
>Diddle 300 for 10 at 180lb (all home gym weight)
>high school grad (barely)
>receiving neetbux
>good will power, diet & exercise, memeitation, reading, nofap
>find socializing with women a complete waste of time unless I’m so pent up (usually 1-2 times a month) I will fuck nearly anything
>trying to overcome lust

Attached: 89416E9A-8B4F-4D78-A502-2F66EA5A02BA.jpg (469x398, 32.61K)

>deadlifts with sets of 10 reps
>>"good will power, diet & exercise"
>"he's just like me"
End your life you weird little worm

>he doesn't know

Attached: 1538052813331.png (680x574, 126.55K)

Idk I'm at almost 3pl8 for reps in a little under 3 months. I think I can get there eventually.

>in club
>walk up to group of girls
>before I even get a word out one puts her hand up and swerves me
>they all laugh

probably my worst mogging to date

Caring about impressing a bunch of gymcels is much more pathetic than lifting for girls

Go ahead and show us all what "lifting for yourself" looks like :^)


Attached: del_edit.jpg (1083x2227, 583.41K)

Lmao exactly. What? Are you barely 1/2/3/4? Hahahaha actually, with that chest you're probably struggling with a 1.5 pl8 bench.

>brown nips
>poo in loo

>wahhhhh now post yours
Get rekt
>wahhhhh with timestamp!!!!
Absolutely, I'll take a special pic just for you after you do the same

Attached: 20201114-223325.png (1024x961, 684.71K)

Did you blur everything out so that it's harder to tell that you're 5'7?

pic related doesn't even have the dexterity to deadlift but he's jacked as fuck.

what's your exuse?

Attached: C5IncAgW8AI-X1b.jpg (468x288, 38.46K)

YOU'RE FUCKIN INDIAN hahahahahahahaha

shit bicep inserts

The insecurity on this board is truly astounding.


Guess again retard. Also, getting this mad when you're short and poor is a bad look. Know your place.

>lifts for themselves
>looks like garbage
>gets unironically upset that people lift for women

>seething so hard he forgets he's not on reddit
>begins spamming the return key

I didn’t say he was like me. I was just copying his format. Now post body

This is why manlets don't deserve internet access lmao


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Those numbers are suppose to be the impressive cut off? Six months of diet and exercises gets you “impressive numbers” by Zig Forums standards lmao I’m about done with this board