Or atleast get on TRT
If you are Low T Roid for the love of God
This nigga some sort of faggot
If you aren't low T still roid
You wanna be juicy or you wanna be mediocre?
Dont waste your potential Boys getta get big, strong, manly
I dont think theres a point to roid all out i think taking test is sufficient
>I don't think there's a point to roid
>taking test is sufficient
>taking test
>not roiding
You are the dumbest
The absolute state of Zig Forums
Based retard
Why do zoomers think men are supposed to be pretty? What the fuck lol
I don't view myself as a confrontational man but I would love nothing more than to pummel him to death
This pretty boy faggot has never seen a greek god adonis body before (like that one that's posted here a lot).
Men are just a completely different kind of beautiful.
does that mean fuck??
Forget women, I want to fuck a ladyboi and his right boipussy
'pummel him' sounds very sexual tbf
I want to beat him to death with my fists in a very violent and non-sexual manner
Is that sufficient?
fist him to death
I'd pummel his bussy to the death in a very sexual manner if you catch my drift
How do you know if you're low t?
This nigga has been watching too many fitness youtubers/ dating coaches to the point where he thinks trt isn't roiding
What did he mean by this?
Given the average lifespan of eunichs I believe testosterone would have a negative impact on life expectancy. How would you counter act that?
Gogi berries obviously
My testicles are too juicy to roid. What's option b?
Based, this is the real redpill.
>test is naturally produced in the body
>adding a little more isnt unnatural
What, do you think taking some iron isnt natty too? LMAO how about when you eat a banana? HAHAHAHA
My last test result came back 419, 26 yr. old. Should I fraud at these levels? I feel pretty low energy
Yeah go for it leave humanity behind.