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Fitness #584
Ausfag General /AFG/
Best or worst thread in recent Zig Forums history?
How do you max out reflexes
Good morning i hate women
/fat/ - Frog Frens Edition
What workout is this?
GUYS I think my liver is fucking failing or something
Bulk or cut?
Is this, dare I say, achievable NATTY???
Anyone autistic girls here? I'm always scared to go to gym alone...
What do if I am 173cm?
Why do you lift, what motivates you?
Eat 1650-1750 cal
Why haven’t you taken the plastic surgery pill yet?
How come 90% of Asians can eat whatever they want but stay lean and never get fat?
Which is the right form to do lateral raises?
Why do people at the gym like big ass headhphones
How do you progress with hypertrophy?
Browsing 4channel is bad for your mental fitness. Why do you do it?
I don't want to be weak
Is this legit?
Do any of you Zig Forumsizens have Costco memberships?
Is NoFap the ultimate incel cope?
Be chick fil a chicken sandwich
Why are women shameless?
MtF, how do I achieve this body?
Do less
Chatting with girls on omegle
I'm assembling a team
I can't stand this fucking loneliness
Why is it considered healthy to exercise long term but physical labor jobs are considered horrible on your body?
Do you fear death Zig Forums?
Did you guys lift yesterday?
How much can you lift, Zig Forums?
/straight edge general/
When did you realize how much harder it is to be considered attractive as a male?
104 degree fever
Someone on Zig Forums recommended blood sausage as a protein source...
Most the greats in history were celibate and for a reason...
Sign up for 3 months
What mode is this?
Push Up Thread
ITT: Archetypes in the gym
You will never be as big as the average polynesian
What do you lift for?
Brutal mogs
Should fats be bullied?
Ask the natty deer what ye may, get a response lest ye eat hay
How do you wage slave and still find the time to Zig Forums...
Redpill me on why I should take squatting & my legs days seriously, really stuck whether i should do legs or arms today
It's Friday night shitters feelsbar is open
Who else fit by normalfag standards but dyel by Zig Forums standards here?
Point out a flaw. Hint you can't
Does body envy make you try harder or make you give up?
Maybe height really is everything cuz this dude is 5'6 and just getting made fun of in the pool
Up to what weight is the roll of shame "safe"? I am nearing 2pl8 on bench...
Chasing big numbers is pointless unless you compete
Are facial gains real?
1/3rd of guys on Tinder take steroids
If you're natty then you an idiot
Wide hips thread?
Yes, yes, well done MyProtein Impact Whey, well done, MyProtein Impact Whey. HOWEVER
This is literally the maximum necessary for getting pussy
/mag/ - martial arts general
Is this possible naturally?
Does your girlfriend mire your gains Zig Forums??
I'm quitting porn because I want to be turned on by normal females again
Call receptionist a nigger after she tells me to stop deadlifting so loudly
ok so you want to get fit? Well let's assume you mean huge, I mean let's be honest with ourselves here...
Continuity edition
Succulent Back Gains Thread
Gym closed for another 2 weeks
Bread hate thread
/plg/ Powerlifting General
Calm down schitzo, the vegans aren't trying to take your meat awa-
Is the bloatlord a white supremacist?
/gomad/ - garloid of milk a day general
What mode is this?
/fph/ Fat People Hate
What are some Zig Forums jobs?
Girls keep saying they don't care about muscles
Friday /talk/
ITT: stupid shit you've done at the gym
CBT - current body thread
Hows this mode called
Politics in Lifting
Did I make it?
What's the best dog breed companion for a Zig Forums male?
Mire thread
ITT: exercises that make you feel fucking yuuuuuuge
There are people on Zig Forums that genuinely don't know who Zyzz is. How sad is that?
Merk*l du verdammte fresse mach das scheiss gym auf.. hure satans ich will doch nur wieder pumpen
/fraud/ - 1g of T edition
How do I fix my posture bros?
Bulk or Cut?
Celebrating men and mankind
In all seriousness, what percentage of this board doesn't actually lift?
OHP 50kg 5 reps
Trying to cut
People changing from Starting Strength/Stronglifts to 5/3/1 or Nsuns or other more advanced programs before reaching...
As a beginner when will I stop getting DOMS?
This is why i lift
Gf pretty small tits, a small handfull
Does lifting make you dumber?
How the fuck did people used to run and compete in the (track) olympics and other sports with shitty shoes like...
Hey Zig Forums how the fuck am i supposed to lose more weight? Ive stalled at picrel and despite eating 2000cals a day...
Clogs your arteries
Is Height more important than face ?
Sexual health thread
Dubs and boogie dies
Hes gonna get destroyed isn't he?
Actual Buddhist Monk Q&A
ITT: Zig Forums confessions
Biceps thread
How does Zig Forums trim their bush/pubes?
There is no way gym membership ship is better than home gym
Ausfag General /AFG/
Made femoid give up oly lifting platform today through intimidation
Skinnyfat physique
Swimchads, share your routine
What was his routine
Symmetric Strength thread
How to cure depression in 5 easy steps
How many pounds of muscle will the average 6’0 relatively fit guy lose if he doesnt work out for 3 months and is...
Redpill me on milk
No Fap
Benched 150lb for 12 today
If I apply Minoxidil to the sides will it help?
What is the most Zig Forums car to drive?
/plg/ - powerlifting general
This is why I lift
I am starting a long journey tomorrow morning where I’ll be walking 10-15 miles a day and will not have food packed
Pls help opinions needed
This guy is just a faggot and his critizism is shit
Is this a meme chart or does it hold value?
Name one thing more idiotic than crossfit
Are you strong enough to easily pick up your girlfriend, Zig Forums?
Compare yourself to how you were when you were 18 to now, what's the difference?
Uncircumcised men BTFO!
W8 gain for severely underw8
What is Zig Forums consensus on somatotypes?
This is society
You guys aren't listening to that racist, sexist, homophone Mark Rippetoe... r...right? It's 2020!
Avocado ANALized by REAL psychologist
Fit girls thread
Zig Forums BTFO!
Happy men's day, brothers
Based finasteride
Why don’t you see too many jacked Indians?
Any fit bros suffering with tinnitus?
Is glutamine a scam or is it worth buying?
I lift for THIS!
Women will always prefer left over right
Imagine if this prince started lifting. Would be become the ultimate Chad?
Kettlebells vs Dumbbells for Home Gym?
Zig Forums humor? Zig Forums humor
I look like shit
1/2/3/4 how many reps?
Can only do 1 dip
Did any of you end up fapping to fucked up shit like gay or tranny porn but never found any of this shit attractive...
Tfw phimosis
Sup losers
Bf% estimate?
My clothes are starting not to fit in the shoulder area...
Sorry infidel, this is a Muslim gym, you'll have to pay jizya to enter
Is he the greatest snake oil salesman of our time?
Squat lmao3pl8x5
Meal prepping
Does Zig Forums like warhammer and painting miniatures?
/fph/ Fat People Hate
Hey Zig Forums how the fuck am i supposed to lose more weight? Ive stalled at picrel and despite eating 2000cals a day...
Eternally Bloated Face
No hatespeech on our run/cycle tracking app!
How much do I need to lift to mog 99% of all men?
What are the best "making it" secrets to life?
Why are gym bros so nice
Was 2020 a good year for Zig Forums content for SIR?
Social gains
/FAST/ No Food Nov. Day 19
Roommate goes out to get together with friends
What's your goal Zig Forums?
No girl has ever flirted with me, approached or messaged me first...
I plan to commit suicide but unfortunately my girlfriend's dad is sick...
Be me
Have noodle arms
I don’t know what to do here...
Wtf going on with tinder? ever since latest update i haven’t been getting any matches
Is NoFap the biggest incel cope out there?
Facial hair gainz
How fatphobic is Zig Forums ?
Why doesnt Zig Forums like strongfat bodies? I think they look sick, like pic related, is it achievable natty?
Rate my shake (post workout)
I think fasting is bullshit
I am a 22 male and have BOTH shit jawline AND shit chin. What do I de besides killing myself or taking a surgery?
Germanbros, will gyms open now on Nov 30th???
So this is the power of natty lifting
Tinder thot
Hello Zig Forums
Imagine trying to be Zig Forums while regularly taking birth control...
No carbs is NOT keto
/plg/ Powerlifting General
Post inspiring pics / quotes
Are these quest bars a scam? bought a bunch but thinking about throwing them away now...
Anyone else bully people at the gym?
What are the psychological effects of heavy lifting?
Lifting while working from home?
Running General
Porn Redpills
ITT Post latest lift PR's/Accomplishments
Is nofap an incel cope, or does to have profound benefits?
Get Zig Forums
Are olympic lifts worth it...
How come there are no fat people in Japan?
What is the best beginning strategy as a skinnyfat?
Zig Forums career options
Is this the true Gigachad?
Does anyone have a link to where I can buy Phenibut?
/fat/ Carb Cravings Edition
Why are steroids illegal in the first place? Who made this fucking decision?
Indian bro
I cant stand this fucking retard
Woooah user you just gotta eat big to get big!
What’s his routine?
Skeletonfag here, how do I bulk up my body? Especially my arms and wrists
How the FUCK do I eat 3000 calories a day?
You have ONE piece of "fitness" advice to implant within his brain
Thanks Zig Forums for bullying me to losing weight none of my pants fit now
Guys i've just got a gf - she wants to take me out to nightclubs...
Entire county shut down the gyms again, I fucking hate California so much. How much longer can this go on?
How do you pronounce DYEL
Coffe is GOOD for you - Improves ''fuel'' effiency in humans
How the fuck do I stop drinking, Zig Forums...
They're coming for your home gym, user
Is coffee good for you?
I suffer from disappearing pecs syndrome similar to many boxers
The Only Reason You People Like This Guy Is Because He Looks Like a Nerd
/fraud/ general
What triggered your "all of my worries are petty time to fix my life" moment?
How do i fall asleep instantly?
How the fuck can Tristyn Lee shoulder press 100s and incline press 125s when he weighs 140...
Ivory gang
U.S. adult obesity rate will soon reach 50%
Zig Forums - it's time to stop promoting unhealthy male body image in this forum
Why can't blacks swim? not drowning seems kind of important
What kind of grip do you guys have during pull ups?
When is it time to stop the bulk and start cutting?
What kind of physique do you want to have at age 38?
God I fucking hate blacks
I just benched 1 plate. Yay bros this dyel is gonna make it
Just a few mm of flange bro
Decide to stop eating fast foods and shitty processed oils and carbs for a week
Newfags can't ꜱoy
Thought i was 188cm
Recreational ED Meds
Ausfag General /AFG/
Get drunk
Zig Forums humor
If I start taking SSRIs will I become a normie?
How did you recover from you shoulder injury?
Lift all you want, you'll never be this alpha
Monica Granda
Am I worth saving? 6'0, hovering around 300-305
Have I finally made it boys?
This shoulders and hips (under hips) look normal for a male?
Give me ONE good reason why I shouldn't buy MK-677 right now
Pull ups are the coolest workout, the rest are for fattie homos and skelly dyels
Your story
Planet Fitness Routine
Mog thread? Mog thread
What would happen if I hypothetically sneaked some anavar into my gfs water once a week?
How to make chicken good?
Hold it right there! this gym is now appropriated by antifa, you ARE coming to the blm protest this weekend right?
I'm currently having a major depersonalization episode
Sexual Health Query
Gym cringe thread
Is this true or false
Halp Zig Forums, my gf started birth control has become more hungry...
When was the last time you masturbated? How are your energy levels now?
If you don't reply you will become an fat American. And it will happen
ITT: supplements that actually have any kind of effect on anything
I workout so I don’t kill myself...
What youtube fitness personalities do you watch?
So obviously you like to lift, but what else do you do?
Bro just take the redpill
Is the carnivore diet dangerous?
/CBT/ thread
I cant cum during sex. someone please help me fix this... please
The best part of my day was the 2 mins a street cat touched my leg and i petted it
Which is the most Zig Forums vidya?
Thingken of suicide again
/Bad genetics/
Anyone here ever been accused of sexual assault...
What is far left's bmi?
What muscles do girls like the most? I don't care about peak performance or strength or any of that gay shit...
Friendly reminder not to listen to incels when they say that you shouldn't lift
How to achieve this mode?
How are we supposed to compete with these guys ?
How to achieve this mode?
Push Up Thread
How can I psychologically manipulate my gf to lift and eat big?
MN Suffering Pre-Game Thread
"Dallas McCarver's test levels were 75000ng/dL during autopsy" which means it was probably even fucking higher at the...
Break down crying in the middle of a set because I miss my bf so much
Signs That Someone Is A Dyel
Girl mirin while I was OHPing
How am I supposed to stay healthy with shit like this
Closing in on a natty 405 bench. Give me your energy bros
Why does he give off such beta boy nice guy vibes?
Hand circumference
Anyone else lifts/does nofap for God and Jesus? It's just a small way of saying thanks for being so good to us...
Femanon here, how do I build up my ass like pic related? I'm 5ft4...
Reality Pill: no slayer is racist
Do incels really think that not fapping will fix their lives?
No-Nut-November and anti-porn(/jew)
What's the amount of reps you should do for optimal muscle growth? I remember seeing a study that said it was 9
/plg/ - powerlifting general
I posted about being on TRT a month aho
Is it acceptable to ask a girl how many sexual partners she's had on the first date?
Zig Forums btfo
Enter, Dolph the UNMOGGABLE
/fitlit/ thread
I have to start eating 2000 calories a day. Can anyone explain how to do this? I eat like 1000 or less currently
Reminder that getting suoer shredded is a cringe waste of time. Theres never any reason to be below 15% bf
The only place that doesn't respect strength
If you don't like muscle girls you're a homosexual
How the fuck do i get rid of this shit? ive been trying to man through it for 3 months and it's still not gone...
5/3/1 General
Why lift if you're under 6'2?
/Plank/ discussion
Holy crap, Zig Forums, I just slept for 8 hours for the first time in months and feel amazing. The sleep pill is real
Liking muscle girls doesn't make you high test, it makes you homosexual
Uhh, bros..what happened to our guy?
This is why i lift
Attempt a new press 1RM
Tfw finally leveled up crafting enough to make a mace
How do I get forearms like this
Testosterone reducing foods
Is this legit?
I thought gymnasts were fit?
/fph/ Fat People Hate
Also called, why lifting is pointless because women are repulsed by muscles
I want to send this to a girl because she asked to see a shirtless pic. please be honest Zig Forums, would she like it?
My boyfriend of two years never wants me to travel...
Bigger butt?
Merkel du fresse mach mcfit auf
Sup guys derek moreplatesmoredates.com
What are some good, non-prescription supplements to improve erection quality that actually work and aren't memes?
He thinks 1/2/3/4 is impressive
I Don't Know Who Needs To Hear This But
Muh gym
What's your weakest lift?
California gyms shutting down again
Natty deer thread
/fast/and dont be lazy ed
Alphadestiny sister died!
Doing romanian deadlifts
High test
Ausfag General /AFG/ - Lockdown Edition
I’m too skinny. I’m 6’3’’ and weigh 155 lbs. What’s the fastest way to gain weight, and what weight should I stop at?
Isn't this just all athletes normally? Don't they just do roids in the off season?
Guess my routine
How many days should I workout?
Is my workout routine good?
Women at the gym starter pack
At what height do you stop being a manlet?
Go on without me guys
He doesnt have a dedicated brain day
A Bolshevik worked out today. Did you?
I got a gym membership. Now what do i do to not out myself as the retard i am? Specifically...
How does this happen?
You’re not still drinking, are you?
Is the barbell row a suitable replacement for pull ups? I don't see how
INSPIRATION THREAD - Post your goal physique here
Just had a massive mental breakdown. I'm overwhelmed with anxiety and depression. Please talk to me, I'm scared
Why height doesn't matter.*
What is your favorite lift that no one else ever does?
Why do weight lifting and far right ideologies go so perfectly together?
Would you teach your son/daughter to lift?
Has being Zig Forums help you get laid? What has been your experince
Start hard mewing
UK bros: Will it be easy to get laid in university halls if I have a good physique?
Anyone on here still grew at 21? Is it even possible?
Why are females far more prone to eating disorders than males?
This is my foot. I got a plantar wart in Dec '18 and ignored it (them, it multiplied) till this march...
About to finally get off my lazy ass and start going to the gym tomorrow...
Does Zig Forums Yoga?
Eternal Lockdown Workouts
Rate my meal. Post yours
Are carbs really as bad
You guys don't shave right
Tell me why i should lose weight if i am an autistic khv neet who has trascended materialism?
It's over
How bad is McDonald's for bulking?
How many push ups can you do in a row with good form?
Why do women do this?
Today is leg day Zig Forums frens ^.^
What is Zig Forumss opinion on rock climbing? Is it an acceptable alternative to arm workouts...
Oh? You're Approaching Me?
Its a mog or be MOGGED world
Best of Zig Forums humor ylyl etc
Found the Reddit user of a girl i used to hang out
Is it good to change your lifting routine every six weeks? Why or why not?
Is he ok?
How to reach lvl. Mishima? Is there any info about his routine?
What's the most Zig Forums facial hair? What's best for aesthetics vs strength...
Why haven't you taken the kettlebell pill?
Why do so many dudes look like the guy on top?
Mental Health
Will gyms in the UK reopen in december? Im loosing my gains and wanna be in top form to smash sluts in the new year
/PLG/ - Powerlifting General
Sorry sir, this is a Muslim gym, you'll have to pay the jizya tax to lift here
Just for reference this is the body of someone who is actually lifetime natural and has been lifting for quite a while...
Why do the strongest, biggest dudes always listen to metal? Is there a correlation between musical preference and gains?
I'm curious, what do you guys make fun of crossfiters?
ITT: People who you used to think were jacked
Hey Zig Forums I'm a trap and want to get a big booty, is there a specific routine for traps??
/NNN/ general
Possible natty?
Acquiring MYTHLOGICAL level power
CBT lean edition
Fit thinks this is steroids
This is the body of the girl that all female zoomers idolize
Ohp appreciation thread
Why do i get so depressed after sex
6'4 vs 5'9
99% of doctors are fucking retards
/fph/ Fat People Hate Thread
Teeth Remineralization
What’s the proper form to use on the leg press?
Sexual health thread
Can do 4pl8 diddly
As a fitness amateur how can i achieve the body of an average Greco-roman statue...
/fat/ Bready to Die Edition
Tomboy thread, POST EM
Why you fags go to the gym when calisthenics exist? do you like pouring moneys at the kikes?
What´s the point of lifting if i can´t handle a conversation with females?
ITT most underrated exercises
My bf prefers me fat
What went wrong?
Is this even physically possible/achievable natty?
Are you tired? Demotivated? Numb? GET IN HERE I can help
How can one reverse plaque buildup in the arteries?
How many shits do you take per day?
/bbg/ - bodybuilding general
You know whats the difference between these two guys? Genes. That's it. Not personality. Not hard work. Not attitude...
Guys what are these painful lumps on my armpit? They come and go and each time theyre bigger than before...
Lifting 6 years on and off
How do i get his body?
Clogs your arteries
This is Jim Wendler- say something nice about him
Go to my gfs uni accom
Guys i need help. i recently fucked up my hamstring and it hurts like a bitch...
Is self-hatred the greatest motivation of all?
Peak of american culture
Why is it so difficult for American girls to keep fit?
Are you ready to run this 5k, user?
Running General
No Nut November Day 17 I WILL CHANGE Edition
Why does sumo make you seethe?
I snoozed again despite promising myself not to do it again, i did it for 30 mins, the bed is so warm and cozy
So, what other hobbies do you have besides lifting?
Women look like this in 2020
/afg/ Ausfag general: fuck jannies edition
Just turned 20. But yeah, keep spending your time lifting weights
I just want to be loved. To have someone give a fuck about me. I'm so lonely and sad. My life has become dysfunctional...
Dumbest shit you’ve ever done in the gym
How long will it take to get my gf from 180 down to 110-120?
What's the meta for increasing push up reps? Like what number of reps per set and number of sets?
Grooming a cuckqueen gf
Is BJJ for closet fags? Am I a retard for signing up?
No carbs for me, I’m keto
This shit is out of control. Women have been given too much freedom and it's time to put a stop to it...
How do you control your cravings when you're eating out?
Post PEAK NATTY dudes please, too many fake natties, I want to know whats actually achievable given 3-5 years
1.90m (6'3'')
Gains Goblins
Does massage even do anything, or is it just pseudosexual nonsense? I doubt it's going to make me lift more
California thread
The ultimate gains goblin
What's your go-to dirty bulk food?
Becomeing tough enough for special forces
This kills the soi
How can you tell if someones mirin?
T boost?
Jiu Jitsu general
This good?
Bench rom
How do I get a girlfriend?
/gg/ - Garloid General
Image spending the majority of your life refining your diet and perfecting your physique only to ruin it all in one...
Is this achievable natty for an ordinary woman?
CBT - Manlet Edition: Post Height, No Long Legs Allowed
How to balance lifting weights with an Electrical tradiewagie job in Florida?
WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON? Tinder (& other apps) seem to be getting way harder
How do I get rid of this body? Can't gain muscle or lose weight
Raw Pork And Chicken For Mental And Physical Strength
/PLG/ - Powerlifting General
Post goals
Are wings a good source of protein?
Can I build muscle and lose fat at the same time?
Back acne/Bacne
Does lifting weights make you mentally stronger?
Big legs look like shit when you wear pants
Euro fags don’t have a dedicated lifting shed
When it comes to self improvement and working towards happiness what is the female equivalent of lifting...
/fraud/ general
Does this shit even do anything?
I just realized that my biggest problem through all of my life has been low testosterone
I'm 6'3 and have this body. My fiance says she loves it and hates it when I call myself a fatass. Thoughts?
/fast/ - we will not conseed edition
Boobs and ass
Gymming doesn't actually make you strong...
What's his routine?
Is 2h of cardio every day overkill? I just want to lose weight, I kinda don't care about muscles
What can I drink while trying to lose weight?
Based and dare I say redpilled?
about to head to bed
Why are the standards for what is achievable naturally so pathetically low on this website?
The Zig Forums playlist
What's you're biggest Zig Forums related fuck up?
Sure, plenty of people are mogged by their dads, but how many are mogged by their moms?
Fat stories
Who are the best teen wheyfus? I propose the underrated Erin Maloney
The only person I want to mog is
Just a reminder
Does having sex for the first time change brain chemistry?
That fucking dyel that flexes topless in a public gym
I used to do this
User, you DO squat at least two times your bodyweight, right?
Yo, I need a spot on squat. Help a brotha out?
Bruhs i have good news
Will a body like this put you in the 10% percentile when it comes to aesthetics?
I workout four times a week. Can I train my upper back and abs (and possibly arms) every session...
Brutal mogs
Being Zig Forums won't fix your life. Getting a gf won't fix your life...
What are some telltale signs that you should be doing sumo instead of conventional?
What leads incels to do shit like NoFap?
I lift but I'm still 5'8 and brown. What else can be done?
He hasn't forgiven himself
Rotisserie chicken
That skinny dumbass faggot who takes up a power rack doing his gay little pullups
Calisthenics thread
Facial hair
How the fuck do I sort out my sleeping pattern?
It's OHP day
This is how a man's supposed to look like
What's his routine?
Zig Forums feels thread
Q: why do I still look like shit?
Why the fuck did I not change the slightest??
Another retarded carnivore myth disproven
He still goes to a public gym
ITT: we debunk Zig Forums memes
Do I look like I lift?
I'd like to brag online about being high test, but don't want to get my blood checked at a doctor...
The notion of being Zig Forums is changing, whether you like it or not
How to improve cum thickness and load again?
Oh yeah, im a fitness enthusiast alright
Any anons use Photofeeler? Post your stats
First Set Last
How is Brian taking the loss of wsm?
He doesn't eat liver at least once a week
My gf just said, "I don't admire skinny girls anymore and heavily judge women that don't have muscle"...
When did you start using 0.75kg plates?
Is it healthy to eat 500g of meat a day?
Have any of you been successful with women with the PUA + gymcelled body combo...
What's their fitness culture is like?
MMA general /MAG/
Redpill me on neck exercises. kino? or just a meme?
What's their fitness culture like?
This is why i lift
Sam hyde
All you cucks can sit around and spend all this money and effort on your food, and workouts, but its a waste...
The soi boys are coming for your gains Zig Forums
Which vegetable is the Zig Forumstest vegetable?
What are the most redpilled and most bluepilled lifts?
This may be a dumb question but are 2x 10kg dumbbells heavier than a 20kg barbell?
Bf gift ideas?
Ausfag General /AFG/
How do I shrink nose pores?
Why do you lift
/fph/ Walmart & Morbid obese Edition
Christian Bale was so fucking AESTHETIC in this movie holy shit
Has any human being ever been truly unmoggable?
Sports for smaller builds
Is PPL the best routine for aesthetics?
How the fuck do people have trouble eating?
ITT post people who you'd cry if they died
State goes back into full lockdown and now uni gym will close yet AGAIN
Thoughts on this 445kg/981lbs deadlift?
Can fast-food hamburgers be an effective emergency source of protein? What chains offer the "healthiest" options...
Warning. Stay away from SNAKE DIET
Zig Forums FEARS
Fit youtubers who doesn't talk too much
What's their fitness culture like?
Fictional ideal body thread
Do incels really believe that there is a Jewish plot to make white 4channers masturbate so they can be kept "down and...
Whats considered respectable dumbbell press
Make you cum
Why Aren't There Ever Any Bl*cks in the Worlds Strongest Man?
Why Am I still Depressed Zig Forums?
I have pic related all over my upper arm, and some on my legs and ass. Its not too noticable but is kind of annoying...
Penis Fitness
What if I told you that there's a machine out that that will ensure a full night's sleep?
I heard stretching is a meme. Is this true? it sounds kind of stupid but idk maybe one of you knows more
The archaeologist line is working, what next lads?
Any depersonalization bros here? I need some help...
Why havnt you planted your seed deep in a pure virgins womb yet Zig Forums?
If you are Low T Roid for the love of God
/fat/ The lonely chubster edition
This is why i lift
/hmg/ - high metabolism general
How much can you squat Zig Forums bros?
Parents gone to visit elderly relative for a while
Is there an antidote to procrastination?
Bros so I took my gf to the gym
You did build a home gym between august and nov 1 when you had the chance, didn't you Zig Forums?
ITT: People you though were huge back in the day
Ottermode or no?
Be me
Self Sourced Protein
/plg/ Powerlifting General
Fucking yell at me
Gym Bully Thread
Serious question
I admit it! I lift for women! so what?
Why do gyms play normie trash music?
/hair/ general
Going to a public gym during a pandemic is irresponsible / reckless
Is there a good reason I shouldn’t treat curls like any other lift and train it heavy x5 with progressive overload?
The Gaston Diet
Let's settle this, is volume superior to intensity for looking good?
What's his story
People Who Don't Lift For Girls Look Like Garbage
Who else /dip bread in oil/ master race here? Bulking has never tasted better
I want to start working out/exercising for the first time in my life, is this a good start? I want to reach ottermode
Are NoFap, mewing, cold showers, etc... copes for ugly incels?
Can we get a BRUTAL MOGGING thread going?
I cant get over her bros
Is this even fucking possible? Can I maintain my gains while sleeping 4 hours a night?
So will the kid get his height from his father or mother?
Daily Reminder
What has been your experience with a ECA stack?
Why do only incels and losers do NoFap?
Why can't I hold this position for more than a second? I just fall over on my back...
If you can go a whole month without nutting you seriosuly need to get your T levels checked
Gyms will be closed for another 4-5 months
Confess my son
What do you think his stats are?
How much can you squat?
Wheyfus - Serena Abweh Apretiation Edition
Why do nice guys exist? They realize that it doesn't work for them yet they stubbornly keep at it. Why...
Is this a meme friens? I've been doing the cardio part...
Sorry Chad, but this is real life
The picture that divided Zig Forums
The real fit comic
Progress Thread
Serana-chan is the best waifu
NNN Day 15
How would it end up. If it was any of you fit faggots?
Teeth fitness general
Need cheap oly plates
/bbg/ - bodybuilding general
How much of an advantage is height in strength and aesthetics? We know women generally prefer taller men...
Gym music
Crush mentioned her bf again
Are there any effective shampoos out there that don't have a laundry list of mystery ingredients on the back?
2020 World's Strongest Man
Something about this guys physique looks incredibly off and I can’t put my finger on why
Is cocaine better than ECA stack?
Got black out drunk last again
How many Zig Forumsizens would it take to beat a fully grown tiger in a fight?
8 inch wrists at 19 years old
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine