Zig Forums humor? Zig Forums humor

Zig Forums humor? Zig Forums humor

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Attached: Screenshot_2020-11-16 fit - attractive gymthot starts working out next to me - Fitness - 4chan.png (691x351, 113.37K)

i still would desu famsquad

That piss bottle gets me every time.

Just the original picture alone is art

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He has a squatrack so his room is 10xtimes better than mine but at least I have a working toilet.

Spiderman sheets

>All these pissbottles

Attached: 1586176079751.gif (198x135, 88.68K)

Is this what leaving humanity behind means?

You don't piss in bottles for lack of a toliet user. You piss in bottles to not leave the room and possibly see another human.

Ok but like what does a shut-in that clearly rejects human interaction and socialization have to draw from edgy nazi books. Lol

Looks like a fine place if he ever kept things clean

Enlightenment and ascension?

This is what happens when you overdose on redpills

It's not edgy. If you know how Germany was treated after WW1 you would understand how facism made perfect sense to restore the glory of the nation. The only people who can't empathize with the Germans are ignoramuses who buy Hollywood propaganda. At a minimum check out Dan Carlins WW1 series.

If I want to laugh I'd ask for your 1 repetition maximus.

Attached: forgot squat plug.webm (1280x720, 2.17M)

yea, the one i posted is a wallpaper i made on PS

There’s no glory in a nation full of barbarians

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I think thats period blood

Attached: nignog.webm (1280x720, 2.75M)

Attached: Screenshot_2020-11-18 fit - Dumbest shit you’ve ever done in the gym - Fitness - 4chan.png (671x377, 18.04K)

Attached: 1605555599434.webm (720x720, 2.28M)

The fuck?

Attached: Screenshot_20201119-163542_Omnichan.jpg (968x1501, 591.91K)

this guy is every Zig Forums board materialized in a person life

Attached: 1605780357496.webm (426x240, 1.66M)

>The fuck?
That's a mirror, dumbass.

Oh yeah? Where's the floor then?

Why would I need to do that when I live alone? And if you still live with your family how do you avoid them seeing the bottles? How do yo get rid of them?

holy shit that really is fucking art

> perfect height
> perfect eyes
> good jawline
> full set of hair
> godtier body

Proof that not even looks can save you from your own mind , likewise what happened with orb.

I need the story behind this

It's more of a room mate thing. You only leave for hot pockets or ramen and booze when they go to bed. Before that piss bottles are a necessity. This guy keeps a famous amos stash which is smart.

>fuck nigger
>receive nigger baby

What a fucking legend, you could spend hours analyzing this pic.

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Another user made this. I liked it.

Attached: fit_goes_on_a_date.png (1339x4444, 1.25M)

AHAHAHAHAHA The picture was funny enough but SPIDERMAN SHEETS?????? HAHAHA

Attached: Uglymanlet.png (773x1485, 1.26M)

>working on myself and doing the things i like

that means being a whore right?

lel first time I noticed the Starting Strength book on the floor

yes, hence why the baby is black

Does anyone have that dude who put wholes in the ceiling ?

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Based Dovahhatty poster

Damn someone screenshotted my post
But you couldn't bother to click out of the text you retard

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oh fuck my sides.