Impressive strength yet cannot deadlift 700

>impressive strength yet cannot deadlift 700
>shills natty lifestyle excessively
Months later
>blows up hitting 700 dL 500 bench and probably some other shit
>joins wwe
>suspiciously silent on drugs all of a sudden
>puffy face
>acting like a clown in a different and lesser way than before
Now he did gain fat but I'm thinking he started roids around this year. He wasn't getting any younger so the rapid strength increase could indicate steroids. Not issue with it other than the fact that he was once th natty spokesman and now doesn't address the issue which seems dirty. Thoughts?

Attached: ED2364A3-827B-4A81-BA95-0489A0C57713.jpg (578x578, 58.13K)

>roiding for this
dyel kids will never learn.

reddit bugenhagen sycophants are deluded to think their replacement for a father figure cringey le random xd meme idol is natty

What makes this father figure meme thing happen? My dad and I dont get along, we cant stand each other. Due to that experience, Ive never had any kind of father figure thing ever happen, I just see fathers are shit cunts.

My parents are still married though, and he was always around, but despite being around (and still being around) we just have a constant battle in our relationship, there's no bonding or love anything, just shitting on each other whenever we see each other calling each other retards.

t. Spoiled middle class kid who’s dad got rightfully pissed at him for acting retarded

Can the act boyo. U don’t know what you’ve got


Even if this were true, who allowed him to get spoiled retard?

Wow it like if you gain weight you can lift heavier past your plateaus. Absolute state of retards here baka

I don't know, brother. I've got stuck on the 2pl8s bench for around a year, until I said fuck my abs and started eating like a pig. Now I bench 3pl8s+6kgs as a natty

Anyone can reach 3pl8 bench pretty fast
Not so much a 5pl8. Thats a whole different story