Why is Zig Forums against doing these?

Why is Zig Forums against doing these?

Attached: barbell-hip-thrust.png (1320x1320, 532.03K)

Zig Forums is against things that work or require effort.

because they make you look gay
its a good exercise, just gay

Looks gay

We already have big muscular asses from lifting weights, why try making them even bigger? we are men ffs

You guys do know where we are...right?

I love doing these. They are scientifically proven to raise your test levels through the roof. The key is to find one person in the gym and maintain eye contact with them the entire time.

I dont know but I started doing them and they're based as fuck, I should have done them sooner.

back off fag, God gave men hairy asses to prevent homosexual penetrations,try being normal.

>implying the hair isn't there to reduce friction when getting penetrated by the cock
get a clue, noob

I always see women doing those and it makes me want to coom so bad.

Annoying to set up and redundant with squats.

>redundant with squats

I struggle to recruit my glutes when squatting, so I do these as an accessory. I still need to figure out what the fuck I’m doing wrong while squatting though.

My ass isn't hairy, am I ngmi??

dont they help develop good form for deadlift

I thought it was to save money on cleaning your pants

They are great. Most people have problems activating glutes so they get neglected. These are great for countering that.

You will never be a real man

Hip thrusting while looking some beta cuck in the eyes is the most alpha chad thing one can possibly do. I always do this to assert my dominance in the gym. Even the management recognizes it.

I already squat, deadlift, leg curl, and so weighted hyper extensions which have given me a giant ass.

I don’t need another.

Your boyfriend will appreciate you being a good power bottom.

Zig Forums is not against this.
Great for glutes.
Gym sluts are annoying about them is all

If your mind automatically goes to "fucking men" while performing a pelvic thrust movement instead of "fucking women" or even just a sexuality-neutral "fucking" I don't know what to tell you. Maybe the problem is you.

Looks gay desu

Today is leg day so I'm going to give this a try. If these don't get my legs burning I'm never trusting you fags again.

every women in my gym is doing this retarded exercise.

If you're anything like me, you need to sit back a bit more. And consciously squeeze the buns. If not idk

I just tried this and it fucking sucks. Not only is the form retarded but it's hard as fuck to do being 6'6. What's the point?

I practice hip thrusts with my niece 2-3 times a week after her parents go to sleep.

This. I remember there was a pasta about hip thrusts. Had something to do with sexual violence and grunting as loud as you can.