I would definitely date a trap. Even if they weren't cat girl tier feminine. Is that gay? Am I just starved for human interaction? Would you date a trap?
Would you Date a Trap?
if they were feminine and cute enough yea, doesn't need to be like cat girl tier just ya know not manly at all
IF the trap is cute enough, doesn't even have to look exactly like a chick
not manly, but to be honest I want to be the trap so pic related
I'm in the same boat. But is it gay since they look like a girl and aren't manly? aside from the dick
I only date other traps
got dubs so when you become a cute trap you will be my cute trap gf
I don't have any objections to the idea other than the fact I want kids eventually.
All incels should take hormones so we can just all date each other it become way cuter once you actually take hormones I promise.
if /she was cute and cool enough would you settle for adoption?
idk and i don't really care, i think i might be bi, i don't find dudes atractive in the sense i'd get hard looking at them but i'd probably be down to fuck a twink, and dicks do get me hard, so yea idc if it's gay or not
but if you were questioning that yourself just think of it like this, google amanda nunes, she's a ufc fighter, hell she's fighting tonight, manliest woman i've ever seen, if it's straight to fuck that but gay to fuck someone like taffaj then something about the gay math doesn't really add up, maybe it has more to do with actually being manly than actually being a man? i don't mean like tomboys are gay, more like extremes such as feminine trans and really manly women like amanda nunes are the exceptions, idk just a few thoughts
I want to remain a guy but I want a cute trap gf. I feel like a trap gf would be way better than a normie roastie gf because they try to compensate for having a penis by doing cute anime girl stuff.
I'd probably go for surrogacy but I'm not into the idea of adoption.
Idk abt compensate, maybe the ones who date men do. Hormones just make people act cute and basically completely changes everything about you other than the video camera inside your head.
It's nice of you to say that traps are better than roasties though I feel that way very strongly too.
yes as long as he could still get hard and cum
that makes sense. I cant say I get off on the dick itself but the fact that they have a dick I think makes it more of a personal relationship in the fact that only the two of you know about it. could just be my fucked up fantasy too
so you would try to make something work with your trap gf, not just say no because you want kids?
I'd probably make a good trap desu. 5'1", slight frame, soft features etc. I dunno though, I think I'd feel like like a stranger in my own body. And I'm only into girls.
Are white user?
Yeah I guess you shouldn't do it if you like who you are already.
maybe compensate isn't the right word, but in general they seem to have a more girly air about them than normals, whatever the reason.
it sounds like the dick is the main selling point for you. do you like men or just girly femcock?
There are lots of roasties who date traps though, the number of roasties who swipe on my dating profile has gone up a ton since I came out
yea just don't tell ur future trap gf that, they don't like the "fetishizing of the dick" part
which i mean i kinda get it i guess, those types probably wouldn't stick around if they cut it off and got a vag, i wouldn't, not because i'd prefer a dick but because fake shit makes me sick, same with fake tits, fake lips, fake ass, even if they look really realistic just the fact that i'd know they're fake they'd freak me out and kill my boner, idk why my brain does that
yes, yes and no, im not gay but you certainly might be
I really don't like who I am already, it's a hard feel to explain I guess.
Fuck roasties traps are for incels
No, I honestly wouldn't. It wouldn't be the same.
>Do you want to date this person who looks like someone you want, except they are mentally unstable and will probably cheat on you.
Do you even have to ask?
>so you would try to make something work with your trap gf
It would depend on the trap. I could definitely see myself doing it for the right person.
yea because they like exotic things since they went through the whole male catalogue
The reason traps hate dick fetishizing and chasers is because it generally means it's coming from someone who is only showing interest in you because you have a dick. It's hard to establish a relationship around that.
How the fuck are you 5'1"? Maybe take her until you're attracted to men. But that actually incredibly unlucky.
This is true a lot of them are daddy sluts with bangs and green highlights who look like they've had sex with every dude on tinder who's ever been in a gym.
so say pic related has a benis. im gay for putting my fish stick in her bum hole? I don't think so
I am a trap and would date a trap yes
You can be straight and marry a transgender woman... all you have to do for that to be true is be someone who identifies as straight.
yea that's why i said that i get it, and that's what i'd seek too (not into casual shit)
question is: is it really fair to say someone like me is fetishizing? been asking myself that for a few months now after i saw a vid on it, i do see them as women, certainly more womenly than some women, but i just would not tolerate a fake vagina, and fake tits would most likely make me uncomfortable too, altough i think i could handle it better
I just think limp broken dicks are gross, a nice hard leaky one would be alright if it was on a guy that looks like a pretty girl
You have to meet and talk to an actual transgender woman and develop a relationship based on actually something. Since everyone does identify differently I'm sure a lot of people have different opinions on how it would feel to date someone who specifically likes that they are transgender.
Luck or lack thereof I guess. I've posted about it a lot before, I used to be angry but now I'm just sad. I mean I'm considering the pros and cons of becoming a trap, you can't really go much lower than that.
Only if she passes well, is a virgin, and has something in common
I've always thought that a transgender or trap would like someone who liked that they were trans, as long as it wasn't the main reason of course. Would you say that's generally wrong?
I wonder if you become attracted to men by taking hrt?
Would probably try, but it's not really a thing here.
I would never. I thinks pretty sad to read about how some anons have been turned gay by this site sometimes
No I think it's about 50/50. I'm going out on a limb here but it seems to me a lot of the sex reassignment surgery chicks dont always like to identify with being transgender. I think they just prefer to be women and not have people notice they're different.
If someone said "I think it's cool that you're transgender" to me I'd thank them.
t. Tranner who dates tranners and likes having a dick
No you're just gay, really really gay
trans women have gender dysphoria, obviously the penis gets in the way of feeling 100% like a woman so a lot of them have an interest in getting rid of them, actual traps are just feminine crossdressers who like the idea of luring straight men
so a trans woman would be liked to see as a woman, not just as a trans person, and having a focus on the dick would kinda ruin that for them, the idea would be getting a vagina and being treated the same, issue comes when their partner does not like that (such as myself, which is why i question wether it's reasonable to call me a chaser since i don't really "chase the dick" i just don't want a fake pussy)
Traps are gay..but some make you question your sexuality
something in common meaning interests/hobbies? And as far as passing I'm with you, but in my opinion they don't have too much ground to cover to pass even mid tier roasties up in appeal.
that's a damn shame user. I think it's more common where I am, but I still almost never see them around. There's one who worked as a waitress at a bar I go to sometimes. I haven't seen her in a long time though, missed my chance.
I seriously doubt that would happen, I'm pretty firmly in the "not attracted to men" camp but who knows. Hrt seems weird I can't predict that stuff.
I'd d8.
can't say I have any idea what the fake vag would look/be like vs a real one, but I can say that even if they got rid of the dick the appeal of a deeper relationship stemming from the secrecy of having had a dick at one point remains for me.
from what i've seen online some do look pretty realistic, but it ain't even if it looks real or not, even when they look real my dick gets like a debuff and goes soft in half a sec, fake shit tends to really turn me off even when they look realistic, but at least with tits i can handle, idk about a fake vag tho