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Geeks #585
Friends are dumb, at least i don't have to deal with any stupid expectations
This is my conclusion to the OP of a previous thread that 404'd just as I was submitting a response...
What the fuck are wrong with white women. I work out every day, I have a good job, I'm a solid 7/10...
How do you get over losing an argument and getting blasted...
You are not the same after the blackpill
What is better: thicc or sticc?
How can everything get so fucking bad in just a matter of seconds? Why does this keeps happening...
/AG/-/Asperger General/#7
Vented to my therapist about how I have never had a girlfriend and never have success with women
What is your high school crush like now?
Mental health/Enlightenment
How do I get weed in Manchester, UK? Is it even possible rn during corona lockdown season...
I hate being black
I hope the afterlife is just a virtual reality simulator where you can do anything you want
Redpill me on snowbunnies. What causes them to go black?
What's your favorite female name
How do we solve the sex gatekeeping anons? It's one of the primal human needs and yet not everyone is able to have it...
Why dont robots just date a thicc Japanese girl?
How much should a girl weight?
Vocaroo thread?
Do any of you anons out there drink coffee?
I am balding,right?I am 18 years old for fucks sake.I just started getting my life together
Im 100% sure that if incels would talk to a girl whos actually inside of their league they wouldnt be lonely anymore
There needs to be a breeding program
Have you ever dated a girl with tattoos?
About to move into my own apartment. It's got an upstairs and a downstairs
Daily reminder that if you are white you can easily get a brown or asian gf
/r9gay/ - #1047
Mentalcel thread
Are people just memeing when they say they don't find black women attractive...
Do you ever contradict yourself? If so, are you okay with that?
Henlo frens
Bodycount thread
163 IQ, but currently a 165 because of youth
Did LSD with a girl when I was a teen
Do you drink alone?
I'd accept anyone except a racist. I can't stand racists
I really want a transgender gurlfrend
Do older guys treat women better?
Imagine having an asian gf bros... if only i was white and tall and then i would have one
What keeps you going, Zig Forums? There must be something
"I will not be afraid of the consequences no matter what I will be heroic I will make a statement like Elliott Rodgers"
Hey would you guys ever date a girl(female)? Asking for... a friend
He's gonna win
Is my dream naive?
If i ever get a gf i'm going to convince her to stop shaving
I hate niggers. How can you not hate niggers for their animalistic behaviour and their complete lack of self awareness...
I love you too much, that's the only real problem
How do black fembots find a nice robot to talk to on discord...
Whats your fetish, anons?
R9k's favorite YouTubers?
Be me
I need more comfy friends
Tfw talking to 5 girls on snapchat at once who I met on tinder
Assuming everything else about you stays the same, would you rather be 5'1" or 6'10"?
Question guys
I'm not going to lie. I'm in the middle of a quiet meltdown
Is being male life on easymode?
What do I say to her. This the the prettiest girl I have matched so far, and a lot of the others ghosted me
Marvel movies are being used for mind control
I want a clingy boy in WA to platonically cuddle with
Take nap
Anyone tired of this shit?
Not sure what to think of her
Hikikomori General Thread
Another friend is transgender now
/r9gay/ - #1046
Small girls with autism are ADORABLE
What kind of thoughts keep you up at night?
Ideal partner thread
Why did communist not work? It was perfect on paper wtf
Thank you liberal media for fucking up what little plausibility us blacks had
Imagine dating a guy who uses r9k. Gross
How do i find a fembot that lives within a couple hours from me to talk to?
Why is it that when I see information like this, I see a clear and open plan to genocide the white race...
If I grew up eating this as a child, would I be a lot taller than 163cm?
Have you ever approached a woman and tried to pick her up? How did it go?
I eventually want to get my heart rate down to 30bpm and eventually beat the world record of 26
Does anyone here wish they were living a more primitive lifestyle or something?
At what age did you realize the world is a literal joke
Im dating a trans girl, and god shes beautiful, were thinking of getting married
The fear of the Lord is wisdom, and to shun evil is understanding
Is this list of women's priorities when looking for a male partner right?
/AG/-/Asperger General/#6
Why did big butts become so attractive over smaller ones?
Hi I'm Brooke
Fembots, be honest. Have you taken the knot?
Unironically, why haven't you taken the SIMP pill yet? There's no greater joy than that of serving women
What do you do for a living and do you enjoy it
Body Count Thread
Why are more and more girls becoming lesbians and ignoring men?
My Asian mom just asked me "there seems to be a lot of young white girls at these protests, do you know why?"...
Do you like the summer? not really feeling it rn since i have mosquito bites
Porn has poisoned mens brains from when they were little boys
I'm obsessed with microagreasions...
He doesnt think black lives matter
Origin of your fetishes/kinks
Tfw accidentally fall in love with another character i created
I've known way too many people from this fucking website and I hate you all
What makes you lose respect for a person?
Please don't post here anymore if you use discord, don't come here...
Your opinion on the incest fantasy
Anyone find it funny how BLM and black people are just destroying everything and everyone says it's all fine and that...
A few years ago I lost my reputation in the eyes of thousands of people, including everyone I've ever known
Vocaroo thread
To the azns of r9k
Im starting to think cigarettes are based
Where can I watch more of these videos or do I have to put matter into my own hand
Whats your favorite class to play as in the skyrim games?
Stop seeing things as racism, sexism, homophobia... Etc
Why do normies have such a strong tendency to show off their lives? Why not keep it to yourself?
Any Finnish nainen here?
My ebf thinks my vagina is weird
The last picture of a person or character you saved is now tasked with hunting you down and killing you
Have access to all of the money and power in the world because I don't pay any rent/leak assets
30 year old roastie
He'd be 29 today
You can only choose, user. Make it count like your life depends on it
I'm having a panic attack
Whats your philosophy, r9k?
Chad here. 26 y/o bartender with high bodycount...
WouId you corrupt a pure girl?
Well I just got ghosted for the 8th this week. FUCK ALL WOMEN
You're oneitis offers to have sex with you but pic related is the only way you get to do it. Do you accept her offer?
Why do robots always bitch about not being able to talk to fembots?
R9k in a nutshell
Trying to find ideal bf will kill me lol
The God of The Bible is Allah
Do ugly guys cheat?
Do you agree with this? Do you think adults trying to "self improve" is laughable?
Do normies secretly enjoy the fact that their gf has been a used up cum rag for other men...
Just fucking IMAGINE the smell
/r9gay/ - #1045
I love you and i wish i could spend more time with you
How did "baby" and "daddy" find their way into being pet names? isnt that kind of creepy
Hikikomori General Thread
I summoned a succubus last night
How many dicks have you sucked, robots?
Tfw I will never experience anything like this
I just want a girl to sit on my face all day and use me as toilet
Do you come back to life after you Die?
Hey Zig Forums how much money do you have saved up?
Help please fuck
Victim Blaming?
Dinner thread
Wrote a 30 page short story about traps for the meme
Is hypergamy killing the west?
How do I ask her out again. I'm too scared
Dating Pool
There are girls with big fat stinky tits reading your posts
How many femanons are scared to show their pussy to a guy because you think its ugly
I get paranoid the mods are checking my IP's post history and making fun of me
Bf breaks up with me because he want to work on himself
Have you gotten your wisdom teeth taken out, Zig Forums?
How are you, user? What're you up to?
Mindlessly swiping
Who is the most powerful character in fiction?
Why don't thots care about be called out for being slutty anymore?
Unattractive men on tinder, what has your experience been like?
What will it take for the general public to be against BLM?
WHY do WOMEN do this?
I made an account on REDDIT yesterday and now girls are messaging me. Look, this one sent me pictures of herself
Nooooo you can't just talk about black people that way
What pornsites do you use?
Vocaroo thread
Do men really care about butt size
Orbiting general
/mtbi/ - tfw too intelligent intj edition
Where were you in life in the year 2007?
Why are baldies such faggots sometimes?
If I find out a guy I talk to watches porn, I'm immediately disgusted beyond words and block him
What is your bmi?
How often do you brush your teeth
She wants anal
Does such a woman exist? If so, how could one ever be good enough?
Infamous for his birthday appearance on To Catch A Predator...
Guys want "pure gfs"
3 years in prison for this
How severe is your depression?
I just asked a fat 2/10 if she wants to fuck and was left on read
What caused you issues?
Do you have any personal rules you base your decisions on?
Being social is a skill like any other just practice it bro
Do blackbots look like pic related?
For three years I have exclusively fapped to my ex GF...
Why don't incels just go outside and talk to real people?
Free (you)
What the fuck is this thing on my foot
What the hell is wrong with modern women? is this common?
Why do you actively choose to consume so much negativity?
Whats up ausbros?
If you could turn into a monster and live in some desolate place would you do it...
When and why did you give up on pursuing sex?
Absolutely hate my disgusting fatass body
I was a former football hooligan in Eastern Europe. AMA
What are some signs for you that you are talking with an actual normie/unlikable person
Waifu time edition
Vocaroo thread
Fellow anons how do you guys cope with the fact you dont belong anywhere...
Would you take in a mentally ill neet who naps all day?
You ARE okay with your gf, sister or daughter dressing however SHE chooses, right?
25-year-old man, feel very lonely and depressed
Vyvanse has been the best thing that's ever happened in my life;
Look at this beautiful image r9k, this is highest point of what a human can achieve...
Do hot women really like rich men or is it just a myth?
Well guys i finally realized that i can never change my autism and im giving up...
I am ugly. I am unintelligent. I am extraordinarily uncharismatic. I simply don't have anything to say to anyone...
Why don't you just date a dark skin black girl? Most of us are left sex starved and unloved
/r9gay/ - #1044
What is your dream and how will you achieve it?
I'm sorry but I just find most non-white people so ridiculously ugly
/hairloss/ OH JESUS OH GOD Edition
Femanons give us 5 reasons why men are trash
What pic always makes you laugh, user?
Do you guys tell your friends that you use Zig Forums???
Fembots, does it bother you that your future bf will be doing pic related to your face on a regular basis?
Recently i've gotten a thing for younger guys (15-17, i'm 19). i fantazise about taking a 16 year old's virginity...
Would you date an underage girl if you had the chance? How young would you go?
How are you d-doing today, Anonymous?
Hey lonely girls (female, xx chromosome) of Zig Forums
Why isn't Sam married yet?
Do girlanons like messy period sex
He is correct, but twitter does not want to admit it
How does it feel to be smart?
Fembots under 30
I drew this. Thoughts?
How is it in your cock?
Drunk off shitty cheap wine
A body count of 9 is considered low
Why is it so hard to find guys into gentle femdom irl? Every single guy I've talked to just wants to dominate me...
Face matter the most. Height also matter a lot. Penis size also matters...
Normie back again...
Bianca will have her revenge on weebs and incels. Say bye bye to Discord soon
Do straight femanons ever get muff diving urges
Why do women have to humiliate men at every chance?
Why are Asians the only good race?
Are all the myths surrounding "lookism" really true? Nobody's really that fucking shallow...
164 IQ
Why haven't you learned stock option trading yet? I made over $13K in a single day today
Are you obsessed with something or someone? If so, what or who?
Fembot thread
Favorite Pokemon thread!
Letter bread!
User, have you ever had a girl come over to your place? How did it go?
Vocaroo thread
What are some personality traits you really like for a girl?
Why do you care? You are a fucking microbiology channel. You have to actually try to get more apolitical than that
User, do you think you can only save your life if it gets force saved...
Do you ever miss high schooI?
If you could have sex with ONE anime character, who would it be?
How do women feel about having tits? I imagine they would get in the way which would cause resentment...
How can a girl not have frends? You just need to show up
Weekly Family Thread- Part II
Dating in modern era as an average male
How many of you are only attracted to white women?
I don't care what normalfags say, if a cute girl loved me it would bring me happiness. I can't stand this "bro...
Not even a Zig Forumsfag but what the hell are they thinking in Minneapolis?
Rank them anons
Are you concerned about white genocide?
Tfw no HAL 9000 bf
Persona 5 Royal is such a great game. You guys should play it if you have a PS4
What kind of bullying you've faced in High School/Middle School?
Aren't you tired of cooming?
Femanons, post your standards
Do you agree that generalizing makes you narrow minded? Why or why not?
Feeling sorry for horses means i'm racist
She's passed out in an apartment building on 2am, no one is around...
Guys that aren't attracted to women with strong facial features are the reason chinless blobface incels exist
Why are women not allowed to have standards and dealbreakers?
Do fembots know when they've been fertilized?
Mfw live in germany
Why do guys here seem to like tomboys more than the average guy on the street? They aren't anything like your delusions
Professor just asked me if I ever had a girlfriend in front of the entire class
Daily reminder that brown and asian girls love white men
Why do men only want stacy its like hello us less blessed exist too
Does God hate black people?
Washing the feet of the organizers and asking for forgiveness
Vocaroo thread
Open catalogue on a board where people are free to discuss anything they want
If you can't date a sweet girl who's had 20+ dicks in her you're an autistic incel faggot
Never had sex, dont think i ever will
What actually matters most for men?
What's your favourite pokemon? For me, it's slugma
I said a bunch of racist shit and some guy said he was gonna dox me. i had my name and city on my profile...
/tfwnoGF/ - Great Filter General #1
Female gave out the pussy left and right in her 20s
Are you deterministic? Why? Why not?
Where do i find a qt fascist gf?
How can i become an e-girl? i am pretty cute i guess when i am not hating myself, and would like the validation
Trips decides my customized mousepad image. Will deliver
Want to learn Japanese
Would femanons accept a sub bf who does all your household chores and eats you out a lot?
/r9gay/ - #1043
To Non-native English speaker anons
Uncle offered me a job for $25 an hour
Hi fembots, how to make a girl acknowledge my existence?
Can homosexuals experience romantic love for each other like heterosexuals?
Fembots wont date single guys despite spending time on a board full of single guys
Anyone want to drink together and chat
A group of black men demand to fuck your gf as reparation for your white privilege
What do you love?, user
Femanons post girls that you take one look at and feel an immediately bubbling hatred in your stomach and you just want...
Where do I apply to get a bf who will watch oldschool anime with me and will crack inappropiate jokes
Are there any guys on omegle rn
When's the last time you've had sex robots?
Anyone ever tried to flirt with their cousin or sister?
Dennis Ritchie vs Richard Stallman - MULTI-BOARD POLL
I'm bisexual
Any other robots with extremely weird and rare fetishes? I'm into quicksand related stuff myself...
I will never be a Formula 1 Driver
A femanon has this bloody disgusting fucking thing pressed up against her bleeding fuck hole right now
I am addicted to giving myself bad trips on purpose
Draw your ideal gf in ms paint
Mutts are ugl-
Reminder that all you lonely people should go on VRChat. If you think you have an excuse or reason to not go on there...
What's the first question that comes up when you read the word "why"?
Is it true that most robots wouldn't have sex with a black girl even if she offered?
How to find friends?
It's gotten tiresome
How do you think ugly girls feel?
BROS, my wife is super religious and while she usually follows me lead...
What do girls think about the giantess fetish?
Fuck, eggy's not looking great
"You know our agreement user. Since I'm bigger I get to top you."
It's genuinely surreal to me that some guys get to fuck girls like this. They just do it...
I'm white american woman. I don't want to stay here if the country turns to shit. What country should I move to...
Vocaroo thread for frens :)
The self is an illusion. You don't exist
Not gonna lie, she is the best arthoe I have subbed on OnlyFans
What the fuck are the bumps on victoria justices nipples
Well anons? Would you be a regular customer at Femboy Hooters or would you BE the femboy?
MBTI General
Death-chan is cute CUTE
Weekly Family Thread
What body type is your favorite anons?
Men will only "love" you if you are perfectly submissive and obedient
User, do u make music? post it
Last night when I was taking a nightwalk, I suddenly realized that cars are modeled after attractive human faces...
Just started my first anime ever, Death Note
H-Heloo I dream weird dreams about bois. W-What does my brainu mean by this? I'm not gay!
Why do sexist males do this? What the FUCK is wrong with you?
Select your privilege robots
Reccomend me songs
So...how come there are barely any incels on this board or irl over 30? Do they just like kill themselves or whatever
What do fembots think of big tits? Hate them? Apathetic towards them? Love them?
Would robots date a girl who is fat and ugly? asking for a friend
How do I attract women? Serious question
Realize I'm a closetfag
Where is the worldwide news coverage?
Any brampton,ontario robros out there? let's cry together
How often do you brush your teeth? I'm once a week
In the woods
Grew up housing projects as a black boy
I'm kinda seething right now over a fight I just had with my gf, basically our first one ever...
I hate how porn has degraded our society to a low point...
Why cant we have segregation back?
What's your dreamlike city anons?
Genetics matter
What the fuck are wrong with white women
Fuck all these political threads. Let's have a comfy chat thread
Is anyone on here over 35 years old?
Show yours. Website is in the image. You dont need an account. Dont cheat
You have died user. But you will be reincarnated, you must choose one these three options:
For all you fucking losers saying its over, how about you actually get fit and work on yourself? and ironically...
What is it like having colored hair and eyes ?
Talking to this Brazilian girl with a hot body I met online
A Little Bit of Data Mine
Tell me how your prom went
b-but women don't like big cocks
Post cuddling images and spooning! kissing and handholding!!!
Aus/pol/: Exiles edition
My gf is starting to see the truth
Acktuchally whites get killed by the police more than blacks so this whole protest thing is wrong
What do you even do with a gf once you have one? i seriously don't know how to love someone, i think
Did you give up on dating?
Who the fuck thought it would be a good idea to give a female a 130 iq...
What is your high school crush like?
Pics that make you go hmm
How does it feel that random thug black people are in the top 1% now?
Her name is anna canelle. shes 15 years old. her phone number is 917 678 820 (idk the last number)...
Get Saved General
Why aren't you dating asian grils Zig Forums?
Why did orbiting culture fall off so hard? It feels like nobody talks about /ourgirls/ anymore
Is it morally wrong to kill animals when we dont need to? how do you morally justify eating meat? you know...
Little girls are the only thing that make me happy
Old Threads You Remember
Would you Date a Trap?
Fuck you 26dollar, you are a piece of shit
Hello user
Biggest fall from grace in youtube history desu
How bad is your anxiety? Mine has got to the point (again) that I cannot sleep...
Would you work as a metrocop if you lived in the Half Life universe?
Who wants to buy a cute boi some cute clothes? I'll take pictures in them for you
How are people willing to kill themselves knowing there is nothing after this life?
The only thing that has stopped me killing myself is the thought that out there somewhere there is a fembot who needs me
Sunny Streaming
My girlfriend accidentally sent me a pic of her sucking a black dick
L lifted my hardest for 4 fucking years, gave it my all. Blood, sweat, and tears. All for her...
Do women really prefer white men?
Please play with me robots
He doesnt support the BLM movement
How do you cope with aging?
Tfw i will never have a "virgin" coomer gf
Have you ever got hit on/asked out by a girl? ? ?
The girl im attracted to is pro BLM, kill me
Why the fuck was the robot filter applied to comments as well as posts...
You do realize that God owes you absolutely nothing right?
The last song
Positivity thread
Tahlia pic thread
My ex cheated on me with this skinny white cunt
I want to suck cock
/r9gay/ - #1042
Ah a visitor, it's been ages, come in, post a picture of a Pepe...
Pussy eating thread, post pussies you want to eat out
Watching anime (Initial D)
Let's play some AI dungeon
I hate normies, do you hate normies?
Why are people against blacklivesmatter...
Would you date an Arab girl?
Let's see how good Zig Forums is at magic. I play an island. Pass
Tahlia (T) is STILL alive and now posting mega CRINGE
It sucks that the only way to get a girlfriend is to stop being a NEET...
Please do what you have to make your issues better and don't give up on it
Kind of wish i was a boy ngl
I wonder how he is doing
Heloo w-would it be gay to dress up in girl clothes?
It's happening, people are waking up!
How would feel if this was your sister?
Who's unironically a coomer here? I watch porn and fap for hours on end...
Would you date an ugly girl with good personality?
Why dont fembots ever compliment my cock? Even if they have small boobies...
Post your personal 10/10!
How do i deal with retard friends
6'6 at age 14
Do fembots like cuddling or being cuddled more?
What are your thoughts on the George Floyd protests?
Ethnicel feels
Femanons prove you are not a whore and list 4 (four) pure things about you
What is it like having a big butt gf?
Imagine ruining your life with a website
If you want a gf then you're a genuine retard. Stop falling for societal lies, you don't need one
The world was a beautiful place
He stuck a gun to the womb of a pregnant black woman after finding out she had no drugs or money to steal and now...
ITT: post pros and cons of your current/ex gf
>bro, just make a discord account and look for friends on there, lmao
Any Zig Forums approved homemade lubricants? I'm afraid egg whites will give me salmonella
You wake up tomorrow and this is what you see in the mirror
Anyone else growing out hair? How long have you been growing it and how long is it now...
Vocaroo thread
What killed Zig Forums according to you?
If you were born a girl, would you have become a slut?
When did you outgrow your Zig Forums phase?
"show me your car, faggot"
Whats the story behind this girl and girlsdoporn ??
Is a 4 year age gap between me and my gf bad?
Daily reminder that white incels can easily get a brown, asian or black gf
I want a boy to record audio of himself masturbating for me, so I can hear him whimpering and moaning
Video game recommendation thread: I didn't want this thread to end edition
What do you wear when sleeping if anything
Famous Robots, what's fame like?
What's the most evil thing you've done?
What are you doing rn?
Hi you! Is there something on your mind but no thread for it? Feel free to share it here, I'll read :)
Incels who screech: "I have so much love to give!" So why exactly can't you love yourself & have normal self esteem?
Were will robots go if Zig Forums shuts down
What mental disorders do you think deathchan has?
Being a racist automatically disqualifies you from being a good person
Do you have or have had female friends? What did the experience teach you...
Were you a loner in high school?
Tfw no 30+ year old robot bf
Hypothetically speaking
Mole on my pussy cheek
Tfw puffy majora hide my roast
Why do lolis and lolicons piss off normalfags so much?
Kill me
How do you cope with missing out on young love and wasting your entire youth in front of the screen?
What are your guys thoughts on the George Floyd
Wake up. Please, I am having a moment of lucidity...
Caught me a pedo boys
Coming to terms with the fact that I'm going to be alone until the day I die is one of the hardest things I've ever had...
I'm a newfrag
My dog was killed today. how should I take revenge? should I take revenge?
If you lose your male virginity in the following ways, IT DOES NOT COUNT:
I think a good thing that came out of this board for me is that i dont even view these "hot" girls as people anymore...
Vocaroo Thread
One founder killed themselves
Animals are sentient and conscious
W-welcome back to Cooking with Celty~!
I'm so fucking tired
Waifu General - /waifu/ #362
Voice Thread
Mfw my parents don't live up to the expectations I had for them
Why the fuck do redditors have the idea that censorship based on personal opinion is alright?
/r9gay/ - #1041
Video game recommendation thread
Something on your mind but to thread for it? Say it here, I will read :)
Is stuff like tinder or online dating worth it i'm introverted...
Tfw you will never have a motherly pair of boobs to rest your head upon while being pampered and adored
Daily remider non virgins have noticeable changes in their genitalia and are statistically the worst marriage /long...
Police shove elderly man
NOOOOOoooooooo you can just use r9k to talk about being depressed...
Would you date a girl with stretch marks? They're all over my legs, butt and boobs and I've never even been overweight...
What would the egirls think of these protests
Remember most robots are sheltered little mommas boys with no street smarts and little life experience
ITT: major red flags
What's the worst year or years you've ever lived?
Radical ideas thread
Femanons what is like to have so many men desperately crave you and want fuck you?
Why don't you just settle for a goth gf?
Boys How do I stop liking black girls and How do I cure my Jungle fever? genuinely dont want mutt children
Tfw you will never get to mix your black genes with thick, curvy, long-haired, nerdy, blonde-haired, blue-eyed humans
Have you ever had a Chad friend in real life? What was it like?
Lets bingo
What do fascists think of people who leave society and live in the wildnerness?
What's your pick Zig Forums?
British girls are the cutest. Change my mind
She will never sit on your face
Would you rather fuck a girl with big boobs + flat ass or a girl with a big ass + flat boobs?
It's time for your anal training, user!
Kind reminder that there is nothing wrong with autism itself. Different doesn't mean wrong
White lives do not matter
How do normalfaggots like fast food...
"just learn to cod-"
Looking for a comfy environment for neets, shutin , mentally ill? No trannies, fags, or women. We have movie nights
How can a girl simp for a guy and remain a virgin? i don't want a Chad to pump and dump me...
How much do you care about looks? imo everything that is not mega obese is fine...
Hrt is making me crave cock
Hows nofap going for you user?
What is your saddest childhood memories anons...
Damn this is someone's daughter
What is the best way to meet girls post-college?
Niggers aren't Chimping out over George Floyd
Reason #1 why you shouldn't kill yourself
Are black people really having s*x with white girls and slowly killing the white genes or Zig Forums gave me a warped...
Post a picture representing the state of your soul, and include your age and hope level
What does it look like for whites living in their natural environment?
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine