I've known way too many people from this fucking website and I hate you all >Degeneracy is bad *watches porn five times a day, is a pedophile, dependent on weed, just plays video games and watches anime all day* >Where is my tradwife/big tiddy goth gf/bpd egirl *unemployed (in fact has never had a job), lives with mom, misogynist, porn addict* >Man simps and cucks are terrible, I'm so superior. Hate women btw *follows like ten Zig Forums egirls or tradthots or edgy female YouTubers* >I am a conservative Christian *actually an edgy, self perceived brilliant but lazy nihilist* >Redditors are so stupid. *uses the same five unfunny jokes and is too lacking in self awareness to realize he's even worse than a Redditor, as at least Redditors generally have their lives somewhat together*
Just end yourselves. Who's gonna miss you, your pillhead single mom?
Yes. It's to distract myself from self-loathing. I should shut the fuck up and know my place.
Liam Morris
everything was true until you mentioned the reddit part
Charles Hughes
At least people can make friends on Discord, but you're too socially inept even for them. You guys have to settle for anonymously posting about your lives because you have nobody else to talk to. Realize the problem isn't the entire world somehow being in on a conspiracy against you, nor is it you being above everyone somehow, despite accomplishing nothing in your life. The problem is that you can't accept responsibility and you have no need to change. You're addicted to self pity because it justifies your failures in your head. You're too scared to take risks so you retreat in your cocoon and scroll through threads hour on end, evaluating which ones to post pictures of soi wojaks and frogs.
Daniel Cooper
>wahhh hypocrisy is bad! wahhh
Zachary Wright
>wahhhhh someone calling me out on my shit is bad wahhhhhh You didn't even dispute the fact you're a fuck up lol
Ayden Bell
Congrats, you have discovered that robots are some of the worst most unlikeable people on the planet.
Ryan Stewart
Yeah that shit is irritating. These zoomer shits ruined this site and internet culture overall. Such hypocrites, it's worse in small chatrooms if you catch my drift.
Grayson Brooks
Please realize you "know" the newfags and other idiots we make fun of for not belonging to the real board. If you knew someone from here you'd have a friend that occasionally smiles and waves i n passing but doesn't really connect or interact in any extended or meaningful way. You know our shame and our pain, no us.
Angel Garcia
accurate. sad, but accurate. i still love my robros but yeah, op hit the nail on the head. it's actually scary how well he nailed it, this is probably not a troll thread for once.
Gavin Murphy
hypocrisy is bad though, that's obvious.
Xavier Murphy
None of that applies to me, possibly besides telling the same unfunny jokes, but that's hardly a moral failing.
Jonathan Johnson
Yup that's me alright, you got me.
Adam Thomas
Scumfuck degenerates you are all going to hell
Christian Price
The redditor is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a pedophile, parasite, weeb, simp, it all runs of him like water off a raincoat. But call him a redditor and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: 'I've been found out.'"
Tell us about what kind of double standards you commit on a regular basis, OP. What do you believe in?
Or perhaps you're just here on Zig Forums to stand on the moral highground to make yourself feel better than the sad losers you so haughtily thing you're better than.
Chase Carter
I'm a lot smarter than the rest of the people on this board. I am just here to study your behaviour.
Anthony Rogers
There is literally nothing wrong with hypocrisy. Intellectual consistency is a normie spook.