Mental health/Enlightenment

I think he might actually be onto something here, drug talk aside. Our happiness is completely in our control. We have to let go of our ego and anything negative and spiritually unclean. Stop caring about what society thinks. Be you.

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Happiness isn't fully in our control. Having an ego is necessary to thrive in our societies. You must care what society thinks or risk painful, dangerous exclusion. Be me?, but
who else can I be.

brooooo just B urself!!!!! Dont care about wat they think of uuu!!!!

no, he's not onto anything, he's just one more retard who fell into the spirituality thing after he lost his fucking mind. the guy was an extremely self absorbed narcissist who had a drug induced mental breakdown, and now he's just one more of those crazy people who peddle spirituality. a lot of narcissists end up like this because it's like the end-game form of narcissism, he probably has some type of messiah complex now

Enlightenment means schizophrenia

Dumb fuck couldn't handle his drugs.

>t. endarkened

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Nailed it. Look at this sad sad being. He's no Chad and never was.

OP you are likely interpreting it wrong

I'd wager youre interpreting 'stop caring what society thinks' as 'stop caring what my parents think' and 'its ok if i just sit inside all day playing games and drinking'

the real message is to progress your life and become happy whilst also socially successful, balanced etc without caring about external influences.

Dont take this statement as a COPE to fail at life. I believe in you user

if you get any type of wisdom out of this fucking retard you are even worse than he is

What do you mean? This guy is a charismatic bastard. Hes putting on a character here. Hes infusing chad like acting behaviour and mental health

Most mental health gurus are virgin losers. This guy is acting like hes in a hollywood teenage comedy film whilst preaching. Hes gunna be a very rich man

>socially successful
>without caring about external influences
Oxymoron. An enlightened individual doesn't need society but society bends to them

One that is successful at life will be socially successful in most circumstances

Super autists dont count they never had a chacne and theyre not normal and therefore typical advice should not be directed to them, same with schizos and the like

>he probably has some type of messiah complex now
He does.

Thinks he's the second coming of Jesus. No I'm not joking.

good, fuck him, i'm glad he lost his mind. fucking deserves it

Hello OP and the rest of you suckers,
i am reading Schopenhauers Aphorismen zur Lebensweisheit/Aphorism to the wisdom of life. In one oft he earlier chapters he displays the factors that consitute our life, and by extension our happyness.
1) What one IS: literally your personality, your health, your education, your job, your morality, your intelligence, etc.
2) What one HAS: your property and accumulated wealth, in general your material possessions
3) What on is IMAGINED TO BE: not what you think of yourself, but what others think of you
Point 1 is the most important to happiness, because even if you are rich and have many friends, if your charackter is utter trash, you will not be happy with the success you have and the ones that keep you company will probably also be trashy. Where Schopenhauer and I differ, is that in Schopenhauers opinion, one can not influence his owen personality, just the other factors (health, education, occupation, sense of morality). So a pessimist always stays a pessimist . I think that one can have at least a limited form of influence over his own personality. While it is true our personality is moulded by a vast array of experiences, most out of our control, one can make a conscious effort to change himself in the most intimate way. A pathological narcissist won't become an absolute altruist, but everyone has the potential for change.
PS. I dont know the fag in your video, nor am i going to watch it.
Also fuck this Non-ASCII bullshit

What happened to him? Is he no longer doing shirtless videos and getting bitches

He lost all of his muscles, what the fuck?

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thats what happens when you stop taking steroids and stop working out for a couple months. now you realize how many guys are roided the fuck out

Who is the user seething in this thread rn??? Why do you hate this guy so much man??

because it's fun. go suck his cock if you want, i'll be here laughing at his mental breakdown

>stop caring about what society thinks.
Enjoy being burned at the stake for being you when the next generation witch hunts take place. Judging by the current political movements the ones burnt will be "racists" aka white people

Changing your personality is difficult. I would agree that most aspects cannot be changed, since after your brain fully develops there are just certain inherent traits youll have. But for example, if youre an asshole or depressed or something then I think you have the power to change that and become the best version of yourself.

I havent read schopenhauer but now Im intrigued. He sounds like a stuck up cunt tho

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He's been on the dhamma for like a month give him some slack guys

damn, he looks skinny as fuck

>Changing your personality is difficult. I would agree that most aspects cannot be changed, since after your brain fully develops there are just certain inherent traits youll have. But for example, if youre an asshole or depressed or something then I think you have the power to change that and become the best version of yourself.
Shit wont be easy. I am in the middle of my transformation, let's call it that. The most important thing, is that you do not fall into cycles of self-destructive behaviour. You will experience setbacks, but it is very important not to give too much weight or value to those setbacks.
> I havent read schopenhauer but now Im intrigued. He sounds like a stuck up cunt tho
Many writer oft he past are, in our eyes stuck up. Funnily enough he was quite the misogynist. He practically bullied a women into developing a physical disease, which ultimately killed her.
But his disdain for women is mostly concentrated in one essay.
The only thing you have tob e carful of, ist hat you accept the writings of one person as your personal gospal. Read many different authors, and thus build the foundation of your YOU.

Damn, I watched this whole video he seems to be based as fuck

>based as fuck
he's an idiot and you are even dumber than he is so congratulations

You don't understand a word he is saying do you retard

yea bro you're obviously on a higher plane of existence and enlightenment just like that guy

Look at his eyes and expressions. He is obviously a based fucking schizo, kys

>damn, he looks skinny as fuck

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do you even know who this guy is or what happened to him in the past couple weeks? i dont think you do

Why does it matter? From the video he seems to be based as fuck

what a drooling retard

You seem like a pice of shit. That guy seems to be based as fuck. Kys