Bf breaks up with me because he want to work on himself

>bf breaks up with me because he want to work on himself
>the next time i see him in person he's gotten fucking huge
>his ass and tits are bigger than mine
i love karma

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what's the karma here?
he isn't allowed to break up with you?

I mean are you tits and ass big?

Quarantine is bulk season, just you wait

I think they meant irony rather than karma, cause self improvement shouldn't lead to mantitties

He never said improvement he said he wanted to work on himself and that's what he did lol he added a dining room

So he decided to choose food over you. You must have been a really shitty partner for a dude to pick Doritos over you lmao.

This. For all we know OP wasn't a good cook and he's now happier with himself lel. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach, as they say.

OPs tranny frankenpussy just wasnt hitting hard enough, evidently.

yeah exactly lol. he constantly complained about his weight while we were dating. i tried to encourage him and nudge him in the direction of losing weight but he just kept falling back on old habits. when we broke up he gave me some lame excuse about how he needed to do this alone. it's just funny to me that after being so dramatic about it all he's done is get fatter lmao

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Yet another example that the normalfaggot male is incapable of being happy in a relationship and has zero appreciate for how good he's got it.

The man chose pizza over your stank pussy. He has clearly spoken.

Can I be your bf now? I've got a fast metabolism and can't put on weight no matter what

Roasties mad he kept his new job's wage to himself

>implying he won't just spend it all on food

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>he needed to do this alone. it's just funny to me that after being so dramatic about it all he's done is get fatter lmao
epic. i hope all stupid moids suffer this curse

Clearly food makes him happier than a subpar tranny gf. Let that sink in.


prolly got depressed desu

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Chad here.
Food is better than pussy.

You're not a Chad then you're a lardball kek

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just suck his mantitties.

lol i thought he got Zig Forums

>likes food so much he won't stop for you
>leaves you to eat food in peace because it's better than your holes and your company
>you didn't like him anyway
Both parties were better off in the end

but is he happier? thats the only thing that should decide if someone is better or worse

Oh, shut the fuck up. People have every right to resent people who broke up with them. It's human god damn nature.

from what i can tell he bitches about his weight CONSTANTLY while still piling on the pounds. typical fatass

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>The man chose pizza over your stank pussy. He has clearly spoken.

judging by these shitposts i don't blame the poor fuck. also savage banter, good shit

sorry but we just keep improving

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hmmm this is one of "those" threads, i can just feel that energy. you know you will never be a real female like pic related, right?

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Hey, don't ignore me. I really do want to be your bf