/mag/ - Martial Arts General

Welcome to the occasional general on Martial Arts.

All martial arts are welcome, even if they are not "the best for da street" or whatever. Some people train to be the best fighter, some people train to be fit, some people train because it's fun, some people train for the upcoming race war, to each his reason, but we all train together.

If you already do martial arts, tell us what you do and what you're working on right now.
If you don't do martial arts yet, do ask questions.

If you do the usual stupid arguments about how this or that martial arts is bad or whatever, I will personally rape you in the showers after training.

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>If you already do martial arts, tell us what you do and what you're working on right now
I do mma with heavy emphasis on muay thai and boxing since I did those for years before.
Now with the lockdown on I can only go to a speakeasy class once a week.
The other days of the week I do sprints and shadowboxing drills with some sprawls and penetration shots thrown in.
Hopefully next year I can do competitions and finally get some records.

waiting for my judo mats with overpriced shipping so I can train jiujitsu with my younger brothers who I'm going to force to do it 5 times a week until this shitty country suffers enough economically to realize that business actually need to open

how to get over fear of starting? i've been dealing with a back injury for quite some time and before that rona stopped me from continuing doing sports. I wanna start wrestling but keep delaying it

>fear of starting?
I don't have any solution for you mang, you just have to do it.

The other week I went back to the BJJ gym after two weeks of not going because I was sick and I still had apprehensions about going, like social anxiety or some retarded shit, even though I know everyone is really cool and everyone will be fine (which it was).

You just have to decide it, unplug your brain, and just go there. It's martial arts, everyone is usually really cool and chill, especially if you're an honest dude without a big ego and that just wants to train.

Shorinji kempo - trainings are cancelled again due to second wave. I'm not too annoyed since I finally got promoted from white belt after the first wave lockdowns ended. So while trainings are cancelled I'll just focus on cardio and conditioning: jogging and kettlebell stuff. From our trainings I learned kettlebell exercises to do at home: figure 8s, swings, squat swings, goblet squats, variations of swings and squats where you jump at the top of the movement. Any other recommendations?

Highly recommend if you guys have a branch in your area. But the head of my dojo focuses a lot on sparring and practical uses of our techniques whereas others might not.

Wrestling and grappling is tough on the back. Why not switch to a striking MA

>working retail
>some manlet's card won't work
>there is an atm around the corner
>his kid comes around the corner and punches me in the leg
>i tell kid don't do that
>please sir there are other people in here i think you should leave
dude spent 10 mins in the parking lot threatening to kill me. I was wearing my karate tournament champion sweater, did that set him off? The hell is wrong with manlets?
I mean the sheriff laughed it off when I said my blackbelt was in karate and gun fu but holy shit what is wrong with manlets. Screaming from his work truck with his buisness name plastered all on the side of it making a huge scene.

Got a gymnastics mat to practice standing jujitsu with my roomates.
So far its pretty fun.

>I was wearing my karate tournament champion sweater, did that set him off? The hell is wrong with manlets?
Yeah when you have exterior signs of strength (big muscles, fighwear, a chainmail) some dudes feel threatened and will try to establish that they're above you in the hierarchy.

There is a good chance that the karate sweater really did set him off. Probably made him feel doubly insecure.

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