wtf is wrong with me!?! i literally progress 2kg/month at the benchpress even though i do it 2 times a week. every time i try to bench my max (which is 70kgx5) it feels so god damn difficult its impossible 9/10 times, but that 1/10 time its goes smooth at butter for some reason.
ive been lifting for a full year already and im still this pathethic on bench whats going on??
Why the fuck is benchpress so hard
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Your form probably sucks.
Shit programming most likely. Lay out a full weeks upper body programming so we can see.
At some point you're gonna have to do much more volume. Hypertrophy for new tissue then condition that new tissue to contract with low reps
In exact same position as you OP. I made a 2 rep progress in 2 months...
>not benching 4+ days a week
Nigga how have you been lifting for a year and can't even bench 2pl8 for reps? You either don't eat enough or you have low testosterone
Do it as your first exercise.
Make sure you're doing the full range of motion.
Use DBs instead.
>Use dumbbells
>But why?
started a month ago at 70kg and I'm at 80kg now
i do this program
i arch, squeese my upper back and use leg drive, what more can i do
i started at 40kg and reached 60 after a month or so, but it stalled after that
Not everyone is naturally built for lifting or has a history of athleticism, it makes a big difference.
I've literally been consistent 4-5 days a week for 2 years and I'm still not at 2pl8 not for lack of trying. That being said I was weight loss focused for a long time and I did most of that work in deficit.
>2 years
>not at 2pl8
>not for lack of trying
You are literally the dumbest motherfucker on Earth. The exact equivelant of a fat fucking sack of shit blaming genetics for why she can't lose weight.
How the fuck do you lift for two fucking years and not hit 100kg?
Are you doing 500 reps of 1kg bench a day? Are your arms literally broken? Are you a small child? Are you a woman?
post body
Ditch the trash reddit ppl and do starting strength
How is that going to help you prove you're not a dumb motherfucker and that you didn't waste 2 entire fucking years being a dickhead?
2 hour gym sessions 4-5 days a week on a brosplit (I know now, not optimal) my first year, I started at home with 60lbs of dumbbells, did 3 sets of each exercise, always started with compounds (bench, overhead, squat, etc.) , after a few months I got a PF membership, started going more and more to the point I was genuinely doing 2 hour workouts (2 min breaks max I just was enjoying going and did a lot of accessories post compounds), eventually got a real gym membership around end of first year, corona hit and I had to go back to home workouts for many months (at this point i only had 180lbs to work with an no rack still) so for 6 months I could only dumbbell bench press and I couldn't squat or deadlift for significant weight. Corona ended and I decided to try a more frequency appropriate program now I'm doing PPL. I'm not an idiot, I'm not fucking around at the gym, I genuinely didnt know what I was doing when I started, had very little help, and I was dieting for over a year of that time.
>tfw benched 200lbs @ 145 6 months into lifting
you're a genetic dead end
Do 3x5, eat more
fuck you bro, so long as i mog my former self im happy
not that poster. post body tho, i want to see what a shittalking zoomer looks like
Wow, you are a complete fucking retard.
So in your mind
>Not having access to proper equipment
>Not knowing what to do
>being fucked by corona
>consistent 4-5 days a week for 2 years
>not naturally built for lifting
How the fuck do you make that jump?
I swear 90% of you fuckers aren't even sentient, let alone human.
I didn't make it up. I still worked out 4-5 days a week REGARDLESs of conditions. When I say that I mean it. Even when I couldn't go to the gym or didn't know proper form I hit the gym and did my routines to the best of my ability. Knowing more and better now I can look back and still say I put in a hell of an effort and that I wasn't fucking around. You can rage all you want about it
>but that 1/10 time its goes smooth at butter for some reason.
I noticed that too. Usually if I drink a cup of coffee beforehand. In my experience the best combo for best performance is to have sex the day before (hire an escort if you must), get a good night sleep, drink a cup of coffee before the workout and you will absolutely demolish the weights.
>and that I wasn't fucking around
2 years and no 2pl8 says otherwise dumb cunt
Your denial doesn't change facts. You can absolutely go fuck yourself though given you're a complete garbage dump
>Your denial doesn't change facts.
And the fact is, you wasted your time for two years then tried to blame genetics like a faggot
>you're a complete garbage dump
That's rich coming from Mr. Nopl8
focus on ohp for a while.
I disagree completely. I learned a lot and definitely got a lot stronger. Believe it or not I was probably maxing like 80-90lbs when I first started and I hit 185 the other day which I'm quite proud of. I implied my genetics are probably a factor but that's not a cope when I'm still putting in 100% effort. I just don't beat myself up when I see people posting about how they hit a 2pl8 bench in 6 months. That's just not me. I'm in it for the long haul regardless of what happens so I'll get there.
The wall of cope that is your reply chain says otherwise.
You're such a fucking nigger it's unreal
I can see you're only interested in getting a rise out of posters. Maybe if you spent that effort lifting you wouldn't be so angry and petty.
>Maybe if you spent that effort lifting
I still can't believe your making these insults when you've spent 2 years pulling your dick on a bench.
Have yee no shame?
No. I am shameless.
>linear gains north of 60kg×5
>2kg per week
You are doing fine bro. Are you eating a steady 300 kcal surplus with 150g protein and sleeping 8 hours per night?
If you're nearing the end of your ability to make linear gains look into 5/3/1, some variations of this program were very helpful in getting me to 100kg bench.
If you're 25 or older and still struggling after 2 years of lifting just start pinning because it's not going to get any easier.
How much do you weigh though
why is everyone shitting on the OP?
try changing up your training, maybe you just don't recover well enough from your current training schedule
no use training the same way for months if you aren't progressing, change it up
I stalled a lot on starting strength around that weight as well, then I started benching 5x a week and got to almost 100kg after a few weeks, then started benching only once a week with tons of volume to failure and my 1rm is 140kg now after months of lifting
you gotta experiment with what you respond the best to, and you might not respond to the same training forever so you gotta change it up man