Manlet bros give me your knowledge

i’m 5’4 and just turned 19. I’ve seen a lot of how the world views short men like us and it’s not looking good. Can you give your experience with lifting and life on how things turned out for you?
Personally I want to get a nice man build like arnold in the Predator when he’s standing for the chopper at the end. I feel like height won’t matter with muscles as far as basic respect goes. Maybe I’ll get invited to friend groups too without having to be the funny guy and maybe a girl will give choosing signals, I’m hopeful still

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Look up alpha destiny on YouTube hes the same height as you

worst thing you can do is get discouraged from lifting and think you'll still look bad even if you get ripped b/c of height.
you'll look better guaranteed if you lift

If you're a 5'4 manlet in Montana you're obviously way more fucked than being a 5'4 manlet in Mexico. Where are you?

I'm 5'4", what do you want to know?

Other men who lift have shown me nothing but respect in and out of the gym even though my lifts are a joke on an absolute scale.

Non lifters and women dont care, nor should they.
You have to understand that you're going to look tiny regardless of how much you lift due to height, especially next to normal sized dudes who lift.

But being a manlet is better than being a dyel manlet and it's fun. You should do it.

The US it’s 5’10 territory

My biggest concern is people. I feel like it’s going to be a lonely road for life, women won’t even consider you if you’re not a foot taller. Work you’ll be seen as short/not important and the ability to grow your ego enough to feel and act “alpha” basically like a successful man will be difficult to do with a lot of things pulling you down and giving doubt.
Have you ever seen that guy in friend groups who people forget about and they get left behind or not cared for? It feels like that’s just automatically my place in society from little experience i’ve been through and just how people talk about things in general

This is just my n=1 experience, take it with a grain of salt.

I think your primary worries about everlasting loneliness are overblown, but I'm not white (read: many of my friends are around the same height or 5-6 inches taller). Your friends should value you for your personality, and I have had no problems making friends with taller dudes.
However, you are very unlikely to be the alpha male life of the party ultra cool guy in the group, just as you are unlikely to play for the nba.
This isn't a death sentence, nor is it even that bad.

As far as women yeah there are plenty who want to date men taller than them exclusively, but there are many who are willing to date shorter guys. You cant change this so just max out what you have to give yourself the best shot amongst manlets.
A well groomed and jacked 5'4" man will likely beat out a disheveled skinnyfst 5'6" man. Just make the goal to mog yourself.

pff. I see plenty of girls dating shorter guys. Just be taller than them.

But 5'6 and 5'4 are both tiny? I don't think that was a very good example

No one care if u are tall it doesn’t make you less of a loser

Get jacked and wear lifts. First impressions matter the most don't worry about "what if she sees me barefoot?" Latina and Asian pussy is still available for that size, though the REALLY short Asians are height queens.

>I want to get a nice man build like arnold in the Predator

depends on your build. though people say fitness is not genetics, body composition is. shorter people are more successful looking the bruce lee than arnie

Hight is a bit of a meme, if it helps people stop caring a lot more the older you get. My old boss was ''5.0 and he was super cool, very accomplished too. and he had a QT wife

So here's how we do this shit.
>get jacked (easy at low height)
>use tinder
>message everyone with extremely low effort (this filters out the non whores)
>go to a bitch's house or have her come to yours
>make sure you've got something to drink (you're gonna need it, tinder hoes be rancid)
>pull the trigger asap before she has a chance to nope out of there
Yeah she is gonna look disappointed af, but it's not your fault you were born a dwarf.

damn, I'm 18 and 5'5 and I feel you on being concerned about being lonely for the rest of my life. One thing I'm thankful for that I hated in my mid-teens is that people think I'm much younger than I actually am, and for some reason, now it takes a lot of pressure off my chest. One thing that helped me cope with the thought of being lonely for the rest of my life was to just accept it; to convince myself that a quiet, lonely, uneventful life isn't that bad actually. I agree with , though. You can't change your height, the only other thing you can do is become the absolute best version of yourself, not for social acceptance or for women or anything, but for yourself.

what is 5'4 in cm?

>I’ve seen a lot of how the world views short men like us and it’s not looking good.
Where you viewed that? On Zig Forums and incel/lookism forums?

Just remember that tall girls are usually somewhat insecure about being tall.

you might still be able to grow until your growth plates are fused

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read these comments

helpful thank you

What are your lifts? I've busted my ass for 140/250/300/385 at 5'4" 150lbs unspotted with no pins and I still get talked to like I'm intermediate. I'm fucking done with people I swear.

Am 5'7" have tall gf, girls mire me enough, slightly muscled with a bit of fat.
Girls literally dont care, just enjoy life bro. Just be social, be happy, lift, get your mental health in check, have a great group of friends.
Life is beautiful friends 10/10 would live again. If you cant see that maybe do shrooms / lsd once in your life.

We're all gonna make it kings.

im 5'5 in south america which isnt terrible and just wear some thick adidas shoes that give me like an extra inch, then slip some lifts that give me a bit under an inch and boom im now basically average, of course this only works because its a manlet country
but theres a big gap betweem 5'5-5'7 or 5'4 and 5'6
in my case its the difference between being just as tall as young women, and being comfortably taller than them

george is a noob thats why you also get lifts for every shoe

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lol bullshit, I'm 5'7 slav with avergae face and I lost my virginity when I travelled to united states where supposedly height is much more important than in my shithole country
I fucked a lot of 8-9/10 women there and had no issues
it's much easier to get laid in america, girls literally ask you out there, you just need to get out more

There is no advice. You can't do anything that other people wont also do

Op its cope to think height doesn't matter. Im also a manlet at 5'8 living in leafland, many tall motherfuckers uni, most guys are at least few cms taller. Even with a decent face, its a major deal breaker. Try to become rich and looksmax as much as possible

I’m 5’4 and I used to be very insecure about my height. Height definitely does matter, but there are lots of other things that matter in terms of attractiveness. You may not be able to control your height, but you can control you body, hygiene, style, etc

this makes me want to kill myself, because i have no drive to make money in a job i hate at 5”4