You sound like a skinnyfat redditor. Post physique.
Jacob Harris
How do you progress your pullups? I'm currently doing ladders with pullups and chinups (start with 1 pullup, then do one chinup, rest, the 2 and 2, rest, 3 and 3, etc). Once I get back to consistently hitting multiple ladders up to 5 and 5, I plan to start again with weights. I've done the hepburn method in the past, which worked but took loooong times to add weight.
Michael Parker
Doing the same amount of pullups now unweighted as I could do with +40kg 6 months ago. Covid and study, no gym, fucking lame. Time to build back better.
Robert Lewis
That's retarded. Literally just do 3 sets of 5. Add 5 lbs the next session. Add 5 lbs the next session. I got up to 70 lbs for 3x5 pretty easily.
Thomas Ramirez
Weighted chin ups are better
Jaxson Lewis
This is so true. I’ve been doing weighted pull-ups every 2 days for a couple of weeks now and my gains have been amazing. I’ve finally gotten a good V taper physique, the back is so important for aesthetics
Isaac Edwards
Can't do an unassisted pull up yet. Im close tho, only 50 lbs left to do for 10 reps Started at 120 lbs assisted