>post body in /cbt/
>no replies
Is there a worse feeling?
>post body in /cbt/
>no replies
Is there a worse feeling?
Post body
Stop looking for external validation
People always say post body. Then when you post body you get no replies. I'm sick of it.
Post body
Post body
Post body
Why do you care?
Come on just do it, maybe there is a reason you get no replies ..
I know that feel OP.
fucking sucks.
you spend all that time lifting, running, squatting, dying inside when you look on the mirror, then you hope "Maybe-Maybe today someone will notice. Maybe today another user will look at my hard work so far and say 'Not bad. Keep it up. You're gonna make it.'" but that day never comes.
So you lift, and you lurk. And you post.
And every time, the thread scrolls by, dozens of comments--Anons shooting the shit, sharing mires, but none of them are for you.
nothing has changed. no one cares about you or your efforts to change or to be one better IRL and no one cares here either...