Last time I thought about getting lasik was 5 years ago, has the tech changed much since then so its safe? Has any of you guys gotten it recently?
Last time I thought about getting lasik was 5 years ago, has the tech changed much since then so its safe...
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I want to bludgeon her head in until she's nothing but a bloody pulp
Ahhhh man this girl gets me diamonds. Thanks for the test boost before my diddly PR attempt OP. LLLEEEETTTTTSSS GOOOOO
Don't do it - it somehow interferes with neural mechanisms that lead to depression and even suicide. If you think about how depressed someone has to be to commit suicide - imagine if you feel suicidal for the rest of your life. Usual shitshow coverups by big pharma when they find it just like accutane or SSRI:
After wearing glasses for more than 30years I finally went ahead with it and wished I did it sooner, went for a procedure called relax smile. expensive but safest one. Few hours after the procedure I was already able to watch a movie. If pre-exemination concludes it’s possible in your case I would recommend
Why ??
Are you not worried about the effects wearing off in 10 years?
Got lasik like 3 years ago and I've never regretted it for a second. Best money I've ever spent
I think one of the reasons they refuse to acknowledge or investigate it is they can't find a direct mechanism on why it causes depression. This is always a dangerous situation because it makes it impossible for legal people to file lawsuits based on correlation alone. Of course complications like dry eye could make life worse for someone already depressed, but it seems a lot more than that:
What the fuck
found out that they always only fix a certain radius but that certain people often open up their pupil larger that that, especially at night
result => the outer, not corrected area, will also cast an image on the retina. so ending up with two images and effects like halos, etc.
Got it 2 months ago, it’s been great and amazing. Highly recommmend. Definitely worth the 4K out of pocket
I’m already close to 40 so in the next ten years it’s very likely at some point I need to use reading glasses, but right now being able to do contact sports and being able to see perfect is worth it.
I got it done and definitely had halos for a day or two, nothing now though
Fucking nailed it.
and then they magically went away?...
Did it 2 weeks ago. The day after the operation will suck. But for me this is the best spending of my life. Change your life bro
I keep hearing this. Are you guys shills? Also PRK or lasik?
How can white women be so beautiful but at the same time not cute at all? Is it because of the manly jaw and the lack of neotenous features?
I'm slightly nearsighted, will this help me out?
How much time off do you need after surgery before going back to work?
SMILE should be way better and safer than LASIK which looks like a barbaric procedure in comparison
too much makeup, it masks her unique human features like shin texture, little scars and wrinkles and makes her look like a doll
I got it like a year ago. All good, 100% vision, no pain, operation takes like 2 minutes.
Also, you cannot go blind, it is physicallyimpossible. The doctor explained it this way to me
>to go blind the laser has to go INTO your eye
>physically the laser is absolutely incapable to go into your eye
My wife and I had it 7 years ago. I had lasik, she had prk.
I was good the next day. Drove myself to the post op. Zero sides. And I mean zero. Never even really had the dry eyes. Followed all instructions about drops, etc.
Wife took a few months before she was feeling good. Still complains about dry eyes a little, but it's not bad. She sucks at staring contests now is about it.
Neither of us experienced halos, suicidal thoughts, weird pains, etc. Both of us agree that quality of life is incredibly improved. I can not stress how much of a qol improvement we're talking here. It doesn't sound like that big a deal to be done with glasses etc, but it really fucking is.
Seriously OP, go get this done. Find the best place you can and make it happen. Do payments if you have to. 100% worth it.
Who is she?
What about orthokeratology? Has anyone had experience with that?
How easy do you think her life is?
Based af
Journalist mode
Use the search you mong
Worth every penny bro. I got it about half a year ago.