How fat are you, user?

How fat are you, user?
be honest with yourself and us

Attached: Body-Fat-Percentage.jpg (745x483, 269.8K)

right now about 15-14 %, 2 months ago about 12 %


Had it measured today, 25% exactly.

18% but anyone lower than 12-13 during the winter is a flaming faggot


It's bolking season brah

Between 15 and 20. Cut starts in less than a week.
Didn't make as much gains as I wanted to, tho. Will look same as before most likely.

I think about 30%

Attached: 1FADDE2F-4E5B-4A40-90AC-0E68B6D9778B.jpg (1668x1982, 334.08K)

pull your shorts up

Around 20%~15%. Getting close to 15%, my goal is to get to 11~10.5%

i look like 20-25% range

15% is ideal if you want to stay fertile.

15ish, I recon I need to lose another 10-13lbs before I reach between 12-8%

why does the 15% guy look skinnier than the 12% guy?

I don't have abs anymore so probably 20-21%

I think around 20%, my BMI is ~22.5 and I have very little muscle mass

I'm fat as fatass, going on a cut currently. I look disgusting seriously

I'm probably 65%

I'm probably like 40% or higher, I haven't measured since before COVID and I was over 30% then.

My goal is to be under 20% before the end of Summer 2021

Based on this pic id say 12 but that seems too low so probably 15

tfw gf is 45% lower half and 30% upper half ;)

About 40%


So a nigger?

>tfw my gf is obese
nice going champ, that's short for champion

Are you jealous of my BWC or something?

12% right now. Don't want it lower.

probably closer to 20% than 15%

From the picture 15% or 12%, kindof in the middle(summer is coming here in the south hemisphere bros)

About 23 24%

My bodyfat isn't even on the scale kek

I’d like your opinion

Attached: 69182BBF-84AE-429C-AB73-0BAAD9B93492.jpg (1639x2304, 1.08M)

Fat piece of shit%

Okay fatty