
faggy or chad-tier?

Attached: man-bun-fade-hairmanstyles.jpg (593x548, 100.08K)

it literally all depends on the face retard

manbuns are chad tier with a chad face
manbuns are faggy with a faggy face

Zig Forums - Fitness


Pic related went to a hairdresser just to shave the sides and then went and had the top colored so that's really gay but if you're just clipping your hair at home and put the unstyled top in a bun for work or whatever that could look alright.

Only if you're Mongolian.

Name a more masculine style than mullet and mustache. I'll wait.

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The Croods 2 literally clown on the man bun meme hair. It only works if you have a Chad face. Then again anything works for Chad faces

If you haven't seen it
Grug is the alpha, the new age dad Phil Betterman is the beta basically

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Any other hairstyle makes you less of a faggot

incredibly queer
long hair is for women

Pic for reference the one I posted was shit

Attached: CROODS-2_couv.jpg (2794x1073, 303.87K)

Faggy unless Zig Forums.

Skeletons look goddamn fucking ridiculous with them and should be executed.

Manbuns on fit chads are based.
Manbuns on unfit chuds are cringe.
Simple as, it's literally the same with any modern or aggressive hairstyle. If you're alpha you can pull it off, if you're not you can't.

That would be a buzzcut. You get that intimidating skinhead look.

Manbuns are so fucking 2016 grandpa, 99% of people who wore them couldnt really pull them off and ended up looking like retarded faggots

Okay, reddit spacer.

>womans haircut

What do you think

Just think how much better the guy in op's pic would look with a buzzcut

stress hair follicles eventually promote balding. chad.

Buzzcut mullet?

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Let it flow or do some viking shit, you have to be very ripped to even look acceptable with a man bun


Kek, nah. That faggot shit is tranny-tier.

Are you stuck in 2017 ?

long hair is pretty based

fucking why, you can see hed look better without it

big dick energy

Works if your Zig Forums

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>Okay, reddit spacer.

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Norwood strategery

>Watches a kids movie

