what is your favorite bulking meal?
What is your favorite bulking meal?
4 mcdoubles but take off the buns from two of the mcdoubles and make some mcdoubledoubles
take the soda and the fries out of that and it's perfect
is this the meal that MovieBob referred to as a "normal-sized meal"
also my answer is 2 mcdoubles with no pickles or mustard and a mcchicken with light mayo
I want to eat death.
From Subway:
Footlong Italian sandwich with chicken, ham, bacon, steak, melted cheese, and cucumber
Three double chocolate chip cookies
Quaver crisps
1 kilo of yogurt+ a jar of jam + a jar of peanut butter with loads of honey stirred into it and a family sized box of cereal. and a diet coke
That's a fairly small amount of McDonald's for an average-sized person, I'd say? The main reason fast-food cooks so fast and "lasts" so short is that there isn't much density to it. I wouldn't WANT to eat a double helping of nuggets in that timeframe, but I could.
Dubs decide faggots
I tried eating a modified version of this using 5 McDoubles and everything else and no soda. I ate everything besides the 1 med fry. Granted I think they gave me a ton of extra fries cause there was a fuck ton in the bag but still. The fries sit in your stomach like a rock. Felt like shit after. Would not do again
>a jar of peanut butter
isn't a jaw of peanut butter like 2k calories?
based Diabeto
Clean your bed so I can tuck you in.
I’ve had some good burgers in my time.
I love a good Swiss, melted Swiss cheese and mushrooms, roasted mushrooms, and caramelized onions on a burger.
That is hot stuff.
You can get that at a number of different places.
Open up a video call and show her your testicles while obscuring your penis with your hand
Uhhh I’ve seen some good defenses of Jews in my time. Uh I… I love a good Chuck Schumer, AIPAC Chuck Schumer speech, where he’s the guard- where he’s the guardian of Israel and for as long as he lives, Israel will be safe. Uh that is hot stuff, you can hear speeches like that from- from a number of different US government officials.
Suffocate me with that dump truck ass
when my grandma makes i could eat a whole one
>swiss, mushrooms, caramelized onions
absolute top tier burger. would probably want some russian dressing on the side to dip with
Did you just fart because you just blew me away
To be fair, that seems like a fairly small amount of food...
bobmob rise the FUCK up
this but with10x more pasta
people who unironically enjoy moviebob suffer from terminal dunning-kruger disease
you mean terminally based syndrome. Lyndsay fags get the wrath of the bobmob
>neapolitan milanesa
fucking baseddddddddddddddd
ghost pussy
remember that time lindsay ellis got sent to jail for resisting arrest and public drunkenness
eat shit
Some Arab family started selling burgers close to me since rona started. They even have some with bacon so it's no muslim shit and they taste so good...
Romano and Cheddar mac and cheese, and I put one of those cans of chicken in it.