Little bitch edition.
/DG/ - Dyel General
that you, op?
Nah some dyel bitch curling 10s I saved from the another thread.
Oh God, here we go again..
>Everyone starts somewhere.
Can't you even start a thread with something original instead of stolen shit? FOAD
I know I need some more OC. The commercial gym I would go to dyel hunt has been closed due to COVID. It’s been hard but we’re all in this together.
>It’s been hard but we’re all in this together.
Shut the fuck up. You don't start a thread like this if that was actually your mindset.
before anybody gets baited into asking op to post pic here he is
It’s been mentally draining and somewhat depressing to not have dyel bitches to mock and document so that future generations can learn from their humiliation.
Looks like he could bend you over and fuck you lmao
Hahahhahaha DYEL seeeeethe
To the pit
>The commercial gym I would go to dyel hunt
You'd be a lot better off going to a gym to actually train
I’m in this thread because it’s my second day back to the gym in many months. I want to shoot for a 3rd day in a row and then take a rest day, but my body is sore literally all over. Especially my biceps. I feel like it would not be smart to go today and that I would be doing my body a disrespect. Should I go anyways? I want to. But I should take it easy. Been going intense like I haven’t had this gym break.
The commercial gym is where I go to check out the sluts and to mog dyels. My real gym I just train.
Does your routine tell you to rest today or train?
>My real gym
You sound completely gay and should probably just kill yourself instead of working out. Take your shitty brosplit and shove it up your ass
Think he means not a commercial gym...? Ever been to a powerlifting/weightlifting gym?
Like that guy would every go to a powerlifting/weightlifting gym
t. commercial gym dyel
Post body so we can add you to the DG list.
>commercial gym
Home gym, thank you very much
yeah but once he bent me over my asshole would be at chest height for him, he could rape me if he had a stool or step ladder or something
Anyone who wears a shirt that says 'Alpha' is not an alpha
Based. Let’s see that body.