I finally stopped respecting women as reasonable people. Now they're just faggots that I'll manipulate...

I finally stopped respecting women as reasonable people. Now they're just faggots that I'll manipulate, then pump and dump. I'm 22 and a virgin, do I just lift to get more aesthetic or is there some routine I follow to learn how to pump and dump efficiently? Maybe some "watch out for" type of advice? I cockblocked myself until now because I didn't wanna get with someone I just had decent synergy with because years down the line I might wanna dump her and I thought it wasn't fair to her. I did this with multiple women and now I just don't think like that. Women deserve to be pumped and dumped and if they're tolerable why not date them for however long you want and then dump them when you're bored? Fuck it, I'm all-in, every single women I think I can get with and who is attractive is game

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why don't you get laid first before you start talking


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are you low iq or just a salty simp?

stop spending so much time on the internet and go get laid my man

>Now they're just faggots that I'll manipulate, then pump and dump
>I'm 22 and a virgin

Jesus Christ, I forgot Zig Forums is the fucking last bastion of newfags. fucking kys

why do you think that is? i'm pretty new to Zig Forums, but not Zig Forums as a whole, and it's usually pretty easy to spot pasta even if you haven't seen it before. this board seems to be full of newfags who do not have this ability. I'm waiting on someone to post
>put me in the screencap
because that happens here a lot too.

but why?

Why what? Why are musclehead high schoolers retarded? Adult Zig Forumsizens are the minority. Back in HS I saw my friend laugh at a meme thread that was posting unfunny 9gag memes to bomb the thread and he laughed thinking it was Zig Forums memes. These kids desperately want a place to fit in and will bend over backwards to fit in to the culture.

>22 virgin
stopped reading

these damn kids man

I'm a 21 khv who had a chance with a co worker but fucked it up cuz I smoked too much weed, acted like a tool and whe I said if u wanna go somewhere quiet, she declined. Next day claims she never was interested. Fuckk, im decent looking but have no way of getting laid, tinder I get no matches with selfies

It's fucking impossible man. I get a ton of E-girls with my selfies and personality, girls IRL like being around me somewhat (some of them do) and I get NOTHING. Fucking impossible dude. I asked out this ugly chick to hang out today since she crushed on me hard and her friend encouraged me to and she fucking declined saying we're good friends or some shit. Bitch was all over me a year ago and I mean it, she was fucking obsessed with me to the point she took pics of me and asked me about my personal life and shit. Fucking bullshit piece of shit world fuck girls fucking retards

>I'm 22 and a virgin

>22 and a virgin
>thinks he's remotely capable of getting a w*man to smile at him, let alone pump and dump one

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Yeah dude, its hard. Women have weird thought processes, literally dont know how they operate. One small weird fuckup and they lose all interest

>22 virgin
if you haven’t lost it by 15 your doomed to inceldom
you might lose it later on but by then it’s too late

Bullshit, how's that? Online apps like tinder are garbage now

> I'll manipulate, then pump and dump.
> I'm 22 and a virgin,
What a surprise.

Go back to /pol9k/

>they're just faggots that I'll manipulate, then pump and dump
>I'm 22 and a virgin

learn to fucking read. Maybe pick up a book instead of some iron next time?

see i agree with everything you are saying, and follow it myself, but i think you need to feel what a pussy is like first

Sorry I didn't even read beyond the first to two sentences lol
Didn't realize it was pasta

>All women are fags
>Never fucked or interacted with one but I've come to a conclusion
>They're all worthless cum dumps!

based dopamine addicted zoomer

You're angry because you're not going to reproduce and feel pleasure so you're coping with anger. It's okay to like girls user.

Yeah user you definately sound like the kind of man women will choose for a pump and dump

... Christ, we need Zyzz now more than ever. Everyone is such a sad pathetic kunt these days.

Ahh yes, you didn’t get laid because you chose not to. Worried you would break their hearts one day.

Sounds to me like you’re deepthroating cope.

> I could have got laid but I cockblocked myself
> Not going to cockblock myself anymore
> I don’t know how to get laid

Ok since every larper claims to be such "pussy slaying chads", how DO you get laid and pussy? Online especially? Really wanna know

Be interesting and be interested in them. Quit them as some other species that you either worship or despise.

Also stop expecting a virgin who can fuck like a pornstar who is a trad wife but approaches you.